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A member registered Aug 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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I hope you enjoy! :)

It's already in the game :) "Voice volume" in Preferences.

Yes, but it felt weird to do it for Madison, Veronica and Kana right now...

"Oh, you've been savagely attacked, infected with an eldritch poison and just woke up from a coma? I have just the thing for that..." (unzips)

Now that Kana's questline is done, it's headpats first and then naughty stuff ;)


Thank you, and... I'm sorry! ;P

"Aftermath" events for Kana's questline will be coming in the next update. Stern talking-to's and headpats ahoy!

Haha, I think you're the only person who's called them cute so far... thank you! ;)

Hey, thanks for the kind words and the bug reports :) I'm glad you enjoyed the Kana event!

Onto the technical issues:

1.  The "#DEVCODE" thing is utterly inexplicable. It only appears if you load an old save that's in the Manor bedroom, and only once. Refresh the screen (my changing locations or clicking a dialogue option that sends you back to your room) and it's gone forever. There's nothing in the code to explain this, and I have zero idea why it's occurring. My current plan is to just leave it alone and see if it goes away of its own accord, haha.

2.  I added new Leads to the Kana questline and it borked some of the older code I'd put in place to prevent duplication bugs. It should be fixed for 0.21.7 but let me know if it crops up again! Questlines involving Lyx always seem to get messed up... I wonder why?

3. 0.21.7 or 0.21.8 will have an option in the preferences menu to set a personal speed for the timer (or make it instantaneous). There will also be a proper "clock" UI put in, probably in 0.21.8, so people with the top bar minimized won't feel like they're trapped on a black screen while the clock ticks up. I wish I'd had time to refine everything before release, but I'd already delayed too many times and I wanted to get the thing out!

Again, thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to write up a detailed report! :)

Las traducciones oficiales se publicarán cuando el juego esté casi completo. Una traducción de fans al español está disponible en Discord :)

Crashes are a result of either your device's OS and hardware not supporting Ren'py, or not enough storage space, or faulty/missing drivers. It's not something I can fix, I'm afraid, as it's an issue on your end.

Either 0.21.7 or 0.21.8 will have an option added to preferences to allow you to set the clock progression to a personalized speed. Also, the amount of time each activity requires will be adjusted as more data comes in.

To address your other points:

1. Club Dancing 8 times a day is no more broken than Club Dancing twice a day, since there's no penalty to passing time. It just means you click less.

2. "Night" starts at 10pm so no, nothing's available "up to midnight".

3. Night events are still Night events (Same with Morning and Afternoon). Evening didn't exist in the previous iteration - it's the new time slot.

4. There are four slots a day, not fifteen. Literally one extra, as mentioned in the changelogs.

5. Waiting for a new time slot takes less than four seconds, not even remotely close to a minute.

I get that change is uncomfortable, and that you would prefer the timer to tick faster - I'm certainly taking all that feedback on board. But outright lies and exaggerations made purely to support your emotional reaction don't help your case and only muddy the water when I'm trying to gather actual data and feedback from people.

"Aftermath" events for Kana's questline will be coming in the next update :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

Haha, I will be sure to implement the headpat option for Kana and Lil' Kana as soon as possible! Can't let them go without their headpats, after everything they've been through!

Pixie is busy eating ice cream right now, but she'll be along with the horny-bonk hammer as soon as it runs out ;)

Thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

I'm also happy that you gave the "bleepbloops" a fair shake, as I know that any kind of change is really difficult to adjust to, so thank you for that. As for "the b-word", there will be aftermath events in the next update finalizing the fallout of the encounter and giving players one final choice...

If you end up making fan art, please do post it in the CK Discord #i-made-this channel so it can be added to the in-game Gallery! :)

You fool! You have angered the Ami stans! Run for your life!

Hey, happy birthday! :) I hope you still think it was a good present after playing it!


I'm happy you enjoyed it! :)

I'm glad you liked it! :) It was a fun scene to make, for sure!

It's a mind control game - you do not have to murder someone to prevent them from doing harm ;) If you expected to be able to murder Maven and have Kana be okay with it then you haven't been paying attention to Kana!

That's what I call a dedicated player and a firm friend of Corrupted Kingdoms! :)

That's fine - the volume sliders are there for a reason.

Yes, game does give you eight hours, no matter what - Robin's fighting a war here, he can't go around sleep-deprived! Sort yourself out ;) (I'll probably change it eventually to sleep until 6am no matter what, and hand out stat penalties if players get to bed way too late).

I'm glad you enjoyed the encounter between Kana and Maven :) Aftermath events coming in the next update!

Yeah, I goofed and accidentally undid the fix while I was incorporating the new systems :P It'll be fixed properly for the next update, and in the meantime reloading your game should remove the phantom leads.

The time slot events are all the same and don't require changing anything - morning events happen in the morning, afternoon events in the afternoon and night events at night still. The only difference is that now you have "evening" as well, and there's no specific events for that yet (although anything that isn't locked to a specific time slot will work during the evening slot). :)

CK is my first game, and I'm a solo developer, so when I started out I made three time slots because I figured that would be enough. As the years went by, I began to realise that I'd restricted myself too much... what if I want everyone to have a dinner event? A star-gazing event? A sunset party? Afternoon is too early, and at Night most characters are asleep.

So the "evening" time slot was added to allow me to work in more "night" events that made sense in context and to give players a little bit more time to do things, so they didn't just have two actions per day to get everything done :)

I'm very happy you think so! :) Thank you!

I don't know what this means, sorry.

Not a bug - "Night" goes until 6am (because otherwise "sleep until morning" would wake MC up earlier than that and that's just cruel). You thought it was morning because you were in the "morning" time slot when you loaded in. The game can't update your time slot to the new system until it passes at least once :)

For some reason, the #DEVCODE menu is showing up for some people when they first load in. Any form of scene refresh seems to fix it, but I have zero idea what's causing it as the variable cannot switch itself on and off. Seems like a one-and-done thing, and it doesn't matter if someone sees my dev test stuff, so it's not a big deal... but it is puzzling!

The duplicate lead fix was accidentally undone when I was adding in the new systems. It'll be fixed for the next update. In the meantime, reloading your game should remove the leads.

The clock will be getting its own screen either in 0.21.7 or 0.21.8 so that it will always be visible when time is passing.

Thanks for the reports! :)

I'm very glad you think so! :)

Only "kinda"? I'll try harder next time ;)

No spoilers on the next major questline - you'll have to tune in to find out!

There is a save pinned in the #game-chat channel over on the CK Discord :)

All music is credited both in-game and in the "CREDITS.txt" file in your game folder, but just to save you from having to try all of them one by one, the song in question is:

DXYLL - We Made It

Go show the artist some love!

Spin-off game incoming? Play as Johnny Cock, piloting Lomeg like a mech!

The question of whether you can (or should) undo what you did to Chloe and Gwen will be a major part of their storylines. I'll be kicking off their personal quests sooner rather than later, so stay tuned! :)

If you lose access to your saves there's no way to get them back, I'm afraid. Ren'py doesn't support cloud saves (and Google won't allow the use of their cloud services).

As for starting at Act Three, this has been asked and answered multiple times so I'll just re-iterate the main point here: there's a reason why no sandbox game in existence, including AAA games, allows you to do this. The sheer amount of variables involved mean that it's a Sisyphean task for any programmer, and any player would need to spend at least thirty minutes going through a series of "Did you do X, Y, or Z? How many times did you do A? If you did X, did you also do B or not?"

You can see why, as a solo dev, I won't touch that mess with a ten foot pole :P

No "Devs" - just me, I'm afraid :)  Just to put your mind at ease: No, none of the girls were sexually assaulted. The game says they were attacked, and that's not a euphemism - they were attacked. Hence all the scars and injuries.

CK has never, and will never, feature NTR. It goes against the entire theme of the game, as well as being something that I would personally find very difficult to write for.

It can be ignored and they'll disappear on reloading the game. Issue should be patched in the next update :)

Update went out on the 26th, as promised, over on SubStar :)  CK updates always go out to supporters ($1 a month or higher) first and then a week later for everyone else. 0.21.6's public version will go live 24 hours from this message.

Thank you! I'm fortunate in that my particular form of insanity makes me more committed to CK ;)

Gritty CK reboot incoming! Where Ami loses an eye and Gwen is paralyzed... oh, wait...