Well all good things come to an end and at 99% GAIA infection it's sadly time for my first Max CPS run to come to a close.
My format screen - notice the Next Bonus % =D
Total System Uptime: 24d:02h:23m (super bummed I couldn't get the 30 day system uptime achievement!)
Max CPS without Coin: 76.737ad
Highest Credit Held: ~11ag
Total Data: 77 TB >>> 299 TB
Data Gained: 222 TB
(My previous run was Max DPS run so I started this run with ~77TB and ended with 299TB)
I was able to get a few more of the hardware achievements as well so this run went great!
Online Shop was very nice to me later in the run over and over - really got me off the plateau and back into blast off mode.
Today officially begins....
Max CPS run #2! Let's gooooooooo!
Peace Mango!