Update 2
This update changes a lot about the game so far. We have a new weapon, a new obstacle, and smarter enemies!
Gameplay Changes
- Enemies now actively move away from each other and anything that can get in their way. This means they won't clump, and will usually be in all sorts of places.
- You no longer get a period of invincibility after taking damage. I removed this because less damaging attacks (like the pellets shot by shotguns) could let you tank more damaging attacks (like the cannonball) without taking damage. However, your health is now 100 because with the original 35, you would die really fast.
- Most projectiles are faster.

New Content
- Added the Rocket Launcher, the first explosive weapon in the game. It shoots a rocket that explodes on impact, dealing 15 damage to anyone in a 3.5 unit radius. However, you are not immune to your own rockets, so if you shoot too close, you can kill yourself by accident! You get one rocket per mag and it takes 4 seconds to reload. Enemies can also use the Rocket Launcher, as heavies can wield rocket launchers. Don't stand too close to walls!
- Added boxes, which are simple obstacles that can be destroyed. They are completely harmless but can block shots, so they can be helpful for both you and enemies. They also cannot be moved at all currently. There is also a variant with double the health.

You can expect more in the future. Most of the weapons so far are fairly standard, so you can expect more unorthodox ways of murdering the opposition. I'll also add new enemies ranging from variants of the classic enemy to foes with entirely new behaviors. The environment will also be spruced up. From decorations to hazards, each room will be packed with stuff. Overall, this game will be a lot more packed.
Thanks for reading!