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This was quite a good one.

Gameplay: Well it was all combat so one game where I don’t have to seperate them nice. At first playing Harold and them Marsha, I didn’t quite get it cause it felt like you could win spamming the biggest moves every time they were available. Then I play Therese and the joys of the system really opened up for me. It became a lot more tactical and thoughtful and I need to manage my cooldowns better. If you ever push on with the system, thats the level of difficulty to go for. Its a fun system and trying to keep cooldowns on the foes was really the part that shone for me. Good job.

Music: This will be hard beat in this category, the soundtrack is fantastic. Bopping my head and singing away will all the melodies. You have a great knack of people listening intuitively knowing where the melodies are gonna go. So you can sing them first time before you hear them. Its a great compositional skill and I loved it.

Story: One of my faves, having to score it on 40 minutes so 4 runs felt like I didn’t quite get the best of it and how it all came together similar to a few entries. I’m still unsure if the for example Marsha I played is the same Marsha I fought as Harold, I feel like they’re both Magical Girl Marsha but both different timelines. Still great job.

Graphics: Its a game jam and something had to be sacrificed and I guess this was the sacrifice. Still the rtp looks nice, the maps weren’t quite of your usual standard but it was serviceable.

Comedy: I chuckled a couple of times, especially at Lucius, he was def this games comic relief.

Overall: A really good effort, with cool narrative fun combat. Everything one could ask for from a jam game.

Thanks a ton for playing! This was really good feedback.

I know you had to cut short before finishing so you could rate the game within the 45 minute mark, but I am curious if you were able to play any of it past that point? If you enjoyed everything up to this point, I would love for you to see the climax of the game even knowing it won't affect my score!

Thanks a bunch, I'm glad you had fun!