When we click on the page with previously released singles, I would like a little button displaying who the center of that single was. I like to try to have a different center every single so that everyone will have lots of stamina during concerts. As far as I know there is no way to tell this right now.
And I know this has been mentioned before but I'll bring it back up again. When getting girls into contracts (TV shows/advertisements) it'd be super useful to display how many contracts they're already in and how much stamina they're losing per week. If a girl is already losing 50 stamina per week I don't want to get her into any more contracts.
Also I'm not sure if anyone knows - what is the point of idol salaries? Will idols leave the group quickly if they are underpaid? I have never noticed a difference in paying idols to 50% satisfaction versus 200% satisfaction.
Anyways thank you for working hard on this game, every month I look forward to the next update!