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Got it working with proton, it more or less works but freaks out if the window resizes.

Right off the bat the framerate seems really low, even in the main menu I seemed to only be getting about 30Hz. Also, although the volume slider worked properly, I had to press enter to get the first blue cube on the title screen to work.

Menu art style is on point, the loading screen looks sweet.

You’re damn right it’s obtuse, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I also couldn’t click on the blue cube near the start only the smaller pink ones.

It’s also really hard to make out shapes in all the blue. It seems like that’s sort of the point but it makes moving around really annoying.

I needed to hold down Esc to open the menu and I couldn’t find a way to quit other than terminating the window.

Are you going for something like “The Witchness”, that’s the way it seems to work. The art style is appealing, but I definitely don’t have the time to get sucked into a big puzzle game. This definitely does have potential.

Well done on getting it to work on Proton at all, because I've tried and failed to even get it to boot. Unfortunately, I use a bunch of Windows API calls, so native Linux builds are not an efficient use of efforts for now. Do you generally get Unity games running with a good framerate?


I use the same script for all Unity games for Windows:

Do you generally get Unity games running with a good framerate?

Yeah, normally they run about as well as they would on Windows.

Unfortunately, I use a bunch of Windows API calls

What for? Windowing, I/O, audio playback, and rendering context would all be wrapped by Unity wouldn’t they? The only remaining thing I normally use OS calls for is hot-loading DLLs.

>What for? Windowing, I/O, audio playback, and rendering context would all be wrapped by Unity wouldn’t they? The only remaining thing I normally use OS calls for is hot-loading DLLs.

Mainly for setting the cursor position, and also some minor reading of window data like border width. I should probably change to an in-game virtual cursor implementation at some point for many reasons, and that should get written out then. 

I wonder why the performance is so bad, then. Are your specs good, and these other Unity games you're running 3D? The people running on Windows don't seem to be having any issues, and I get hundreds of FPS on a 1060.