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A member registered Nov 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying it again! There is a very subtle reference to Damaskus hidden away in there but I don’t think you saw it, at least not in the video.

a flashlight would help

I’ve messed around with the brightness settings on my monitor and I think I have a much better idea of what people are complaining about now. But all the same I will still add a gamma slider and a flashlight. Later on some sort of NVGs or something too.

keep it up cowboy

I will partner, much obliged

Yeah, any time I’m in the title menu, whether from launch or after playing. In-game everything looks fine.

Yeah I didn’t phrase that right, I meant you should have a walk button for moving slower, not slowing down in general.

Nothing? This is when the game launches

if headshots are implemented, they need to feel a lot stronger to distinguish them from body shots.

They’re going to be a unique feature of the railgun

no mag drop/replace animation? no flashlight?

Flashlight is coming, but likely not reload animations. The current system is fine for now, I’ll put a note at the bottom of the to-do list to try and see how fast I can make them.

i could definitely use more visual detail and interactivity in general

Same as above, I’d like to put more of this in but it is a very low priority.

speaking as someone whose game uses unpronounceable names as a feature, i think you might consider changing the title… i know the historical city it refers to, but i’m not sure how that relates to the story, and it’s quite difficult to pronounce.

Seeing people struggle to pronounce it won’t convince me to change it, but you do have a point that it doesn’t make much sense. It’s supposed to be the name of the city where the game takes place, which was originally going to be gathering dust in the desert. Now it’s a resort city in a tropical paradise. I’m open to renaming it for that reason but I have no idea what I’d change it to.

Besides, it didn’t seem to be a problem for Brigand: Oaxaca, and it certainly is unique.

Thank you for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

their shots become a blurry mess of blue

This was bothering me too, I want to be able to see them so they can be dodged. I’ve also slowed them down further. With the idea being to speed them back up on Hard difficulty.

mech shot inside one of the buildings

This is a tricky one to avoid unfortunately because it’s caused by the width of the mech’s collider radius being too small, allowing the muzzle to clip through. If I make it too big though it will be easier to hit and will get stuck on more terrain.

Glad you still like it!

(1 edit)

It flashed between black and white

Very clear marathon influence, the texture work is fantastic but the weapons are a little too low-res by comparison. I think some black or gray distance fog would also help build some more atmosphere.

You’ve got a door on the second level that doesn’t look like an interactable type, yet it is.

Then on the fourth(? I lost count) level there’s this door leading to a black wall.

I ended up just stopping at some point. The game is a solid foundation but the slow pace, limited roster of very easy enemies, and repetitive environments make it feel like a chore.

Surprised you managed to squeeze such a small game package out of Unreal, and the Linux version even works properly, kudos!

I played it on Linux with Proton 7, works pretty well. Only issue is that the blank viewport appears over the title screen so you can’t see the game title itself. I didn’t notice any issues in-game.

The mechanics were simple enough but I was thrown off by the control scheme of having X as shoot and Square as sprint. I remember MGS having Square as the shooting button and that’s what I was instinctively trying to do so I would prefer to swap them.

The portraits and demon sprites need another pass to tie them in better but otherwise you’ve nailed the art style, I love it.

This is really good, very interested to see where you can go with this.

Tried the Linux demo, crashes immediately. Nothing useful in the terminal output, just says it was a segfault.

I’m no survival connoisseur, and the other comments have covered a lot of what I was going to say.

I played the bomb-elf first and got all the way to the end on the first try without getting a single health upgrade. It got pretty exciting when a horde of enemies started showing up at once, I’m surprised I even managed it.

I died playing as the witch about 1/3 of the way, I really couldn’t tell what was doing damage most of the time. I think the little bullets the eyeball enemies shoot should be a lot more visible because they seem to get lost among the particles from your own character and I think that’s what killed me.

With some appropriate SFX I’d say it’s pretty close to feature complete already, pretty good.

I thought this was written in java. Is it in c/c++ then?

During agdg’s deep antiquity (DD7-10) it was written in Java. Now it’s just barely C++ because of Bullet 3D (which fucking sucks, don’t use it if you want reliable stair-stepping) and when/if I rip it out, it will be trivial to recompile it as plain C.

itd be good if enemies seeing you could be blocked by level terrain and they think you are where they last saw you before being blocked. that way you could double around behind them and see their backs and that’d be nice.

A big AI rework is the goal for DD57. I’ll be redoing their behavioral system. Only thing I’m skipping for now is pathfinding as I want them to act reasonably even without any navigation like the enemies in Doom and Quake.

a gamma/brightness slider for the graphics would be nice.

This has proven way more important than I ever imagined

It assuages my engine-dev heart that somebody appreciates the performance (because I haven’t profiled in years at this point). More to come in DD57!

I heard DC look is gonna be a new fad!

I do hope so, I’m all-in on aping that era with my art, lol

I like that you can sneak up on your enemies, but they’re pretty dumb

AI rework is the big goal for next DD, everything you’ve mentioned are things that have bothered me for a good while now.

I have a feeling our protagonist’s health is somewhere at half of a common enemy.

Close, the regular enemy goons have 100 health and 50 armor, and their weapons currently do the same damage as your MG. One pickup that’s really missing right now is regular armor, I only have the little collectible shards/pads.

First mech battle was even worse, sometimes it would take out 6 hit points, other time two hits sent me straight to the level restart screen.

This one does half the usual damage your own Plasmagun, but it is dealt as splash damage so glancing hits will do less.

First level is rough, a linear passage with enemies jumping at you here and there

It was rushed to get a new level for DD56, but it is also meant to be more linear for being near the start of the game. That said, I do intend to widen out the actual encounters so it isn’t such an obvious corridor like it is now.

Now is it only me or the game is very dark? Again first and also parts of a second level, were so dark I couldn’t find my way. I played in the dark and even with increased contrast it was very hard to see at times.

Virtually everyone mentions this, it has to be a monitor thing because even when streamers complain about it being dark it will look fine on my screen. I’m going to add a flashlight and a gamma slider to make up for it.

Glad you liked it, more to come!

The game was a bit too easy on previous demo days, but the greatly reduced amount of weapons and the cramped levels now make it just seem bullshit, you’re way more dependent on RNG than before and minibosses like the two towers are way more difficult.

I got killed twice on the crystal orb fight, the first time I just got surrounded and died a few seconds in. While the second time I managed to kill everything but the orb itself but ran out of ammo so died trying to get close to hit it with the gladius. Seemed more fair but I couldn’t tell if it telegraphed its attack. Also I caught the exit already being open, is it supposed to be more like an optional fight? Or does it still just unlock when enough of any enemies are killed?

The music is really good, kept me going for another run after I wanted to stop. But the change in direction has made me lose interest really quickly, whereas I would play this for hours on previous DDs.

I love everything about your art, texture work is impeccable.

Aw gee thanks! I’m focusing a lot more on art for this past year because I’m more of a programmer. I’m pretty happy with how I’ve progressed so now I just need to get faster at cranking it out.

I too would also like knife to insta backstab or be useable with a gun equipped.

I’m pretty happy with how it works right now so I’m not going to change it, though I will likely explain how it interacts with velocity when I make the tutorial level.

Mouselook did not. Is there acceleration or something?

It takes whatever the OS reports as cursor movement. I’ll be switching to GLFW at some point instead of doing this manually, which will have an option for hardware mouse. In the meantime, any acceleration curve applied by the OS will be reflected in-game. It may also help to ensure VSync is off as I believe I have it turned on by default.

I’m a dumbass, I missed the yellow keycard, DNF. But I likely will go back to it, since I had a lot of fun!

Ain’t no objective markers here now or in the future, you’ve got to be aware of your surroundings! All good, I’m thrilled to hear that, thanks for playing

something I don’t like is that headshot don’t do a critical hit. I don’t think there’s need for melees combat be separate from weapons, it should have it’s own button

I’m really aping how the boomer shooters actually played back in the day, especially Quake 3 and UT2004 so headshots are going to be a unique ability for the railgun, and doing a weapon-switch to perform a melee attack is supposed to be something you have to practice.

when I fight the mecha I just run around it while I was punched it to death.

This is also intentional, I’m taking enemy design straight from Doom (the originals) where the challenge comes from how enemies combine and one-on-one is relatively easy. The levels so far are all in the first half of the game so I’m not concerned about them being too easy while I build up the roster.

I think the speed of the character is affecting the damage

It is, the only way to one-shot a regular merc with the spike is to hit them unaware at a full run. If you even click to late and it connects after you bump into them it won’t work properly. Making this sort of thing too easy I think actually harms replayability as it lowers the skill ceiling.

first level feel too dark for me, maybe lighten it up a little bit.

I know, particularly if you have an OLED monitor or some other fancy type your darks will be much darker than on my own monitor. I’ll be adding a flashlight and a gamma slider for DD57, and a set of NVGs as a powerup in a later DD.

check out Far Cry Blood Dragon

I 100%ed it twice years ago, I refuse to install it again because it needs that stupid Ubisoft client which probably doesn’t even work on Linux anyway. I get my ideas more from Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior Classic, Doom WADs, and Shogo MAD

I also liked the MC, so I made a little drawing of her.

That looks great, saved! Thank you!

(1 edit)

I feel like this game really needs a regular walk speed, the base speed is too fast.

I can’t tell if it was like this in the last DD but there’s something odd about your mouselook in that it doesn’t work properly at super low speeds. Funnily enough, I get a similar problem playing Shadow Warrior Redux albeit only in the vertical axis. Whatever it is, lower framerates exacerbate it so it’s particularly noticeable on the Streets level for me.

The baked weapon sprites look good, the shotgun especially. You should try getting rid of specular lighting on the environment because that really clashes with the sprites, seems like going diffuse only might tie them together a bit better.

Echoing what others have said, the combat is infuriating. I hate games that are all about dodging and waiting for openings, I want to be proactive. Even the fast low-damage weapons attack way slower than what the enemies are capable of, with you also unable to sprint while charging an attack. It feels like the game is adding obstacles and slowing you down in everything you do while the AI get to act with complete freedom.

It’s really jarring that the environment has linear filtering while everything else is nearest. In general it looks like at least three different art styles smashed together. The menus and UI are quite nice though, they seem the most polished.

Yeah, this ain’t it chief. I was really intrigued by the capsule art and seeing the big vertical HUD but the gameplay just doesn’t gel, it’s a mess.

Ah, some sort of window handling bug. At some point I’m just going to switch to GLFW and that should clear things up.

I’ve always wanted to try making one of these directional attack systems. Now maybe this is personal preference, but for me it’s way more intuitive to hold down the attack button to direct the swing (I like that you have both the mouse and move keys direct it, though I’d prefer just mouse) and then release it to actually attack. Especially when the attacks have so much wind up and follow through.

Fighting so many enemies at once gets very tricky when they seem to have more reach than you do. I immediately want to try and cheese them somehow by funneling them in so they can’t surround me but I only played for a couple of minutes and the level just looked like connected boxes with no chokes or obstacles.

Linux version is always appreciated, worked fine.

I don’t like the faceted art-style, but I know a lot of people do. And at least it’s simple and keeps your file size down.

I gave it a shot but some of the textures didn’t load. I’m running it on Linux with Proton 7 so maybe something broke.

You’ve got the aesthetic right, but a lot of chat lines feel very obviously 2020s rather than 90s/00s.

None of my text got into the log so I just ran around and jumped out of the world and then quit. The chat controls are a little jank in that you have to click once after pressing enter in order to do anything.

Not sure where you’re going with this but it was interesting to wander around for a little bit.

Super juicy, all the explosions and debris are really satisfying.

I’m a Brigador nut so I was put off by having actual twin-stick controls instead of tank controls. Not really a complaint because the mecha turns fast enough to not need tank controls.

The visual style is really cool but it can be hard to tell what’s going on on the first map. I never intuitively know when I’ve taken damage because it’s lost in all the mayhem already on screen and the only unique feedback is a soft sound cue. The enemies are also really hard to make out against the background once there’s collapsing buildings and debris all over the place. It makes sense but I imagine the AI are completely unaffected by it which makes the visibility impact somewhat one-sided.

I’d also recommend having some way for the radar to show you where ammo pickups are even when you aren’t critically low.

I prefer the mission style Brigador has with fixed enemies and specific objectives over endless survival. But I’m sure I’m in the minority in that regard.

Great little game. Nothing else to say except that the menus don’t have controller support even though the game itself does.

It works on Linux, but like Yärk proper you have to add it to Steam as a non-Steam game for proton to work properly.


I want

I wish I had more time for longer games. I don’t play orblikes much but this and Plunderground have been quite fun. I got up to the first boss dude while watching your stream of my game and had to stop.

One nitpick, scrolling with the scroll wheel is often very slow and on some pages it doesn’t seem to work at all. More importantly it seems collision in doorways is a bit borked. Trying to melee enemies funneling them into a doorway I seem to miss every time.

I think I done goofed with my stats, spreading them way too thin by mixing sword and wand. That’s on me, I don’t play a lot of orblikes. That said, the mechanics are pretty simple and easy to pick up. I remember it being solid last time I played so good you didn’t mess with the formula too early in the game.

Nice dismemberment with the gorilla dudes, that was cool. It’s been a long time since I last played but I also don’t remember clothes changing your appearance which is a welcome addition.

Do the obelisks curse you or something? I didn’t see any effects. Maybe that’s just something I’d need to play more to figure out.

I like the combat arts, good way to make mana useful for non-magic characters.

I think that the blade arm should be usable during the holster animation so that you can conserve ammo seeing and pick off low health enemies.

That’s a good point, no need to wait until fully raised to start swinging.

moving the mouse up and down in the controls menu stacks a lot of sound effects


Glad you liked it!

Took roughly 1h to beat.

Rookie numbers.

Titlescreen itself is lackluster I think.

I’m not sure when I’ll get to this but it really has lagged behind the rest of the game. I have a few ideas but they may have to wait until DD58.

Nice that theres a small and concise changelog at the beginning.

All for demo day <3

Not nice that the Ocean has an invisible Wall, consider having Sharks

I do actually plan on having sharks at some point. There has to be an invisible wall eventually though, more surface area needs more lightmap data and the map compiler has a hard cap on the map dimensions (admittedly much further than I’ve gone but still)

they don’t die from one stealth hit with the Knife. Sad.

They do, but you need a run-up. Velocity affects melee damage.

Your Vehicle has no Drivers Door

Of course not, it’s an APC, everybody gets in and out through the back.

I think it could use more Detail.

I messed up on the texture density for this one and I need to come back to it. New assets take priority though.

Headshots do a ridiculously small Amount of Damage.

There are no headshots. That will be a unique ability for the railgun.

Gut Stuck once when jumping up the Shack without Roof, probably got between the Crate and the Plank or something like that. When you jump into the top Corner just the right Way you can slow your Fall down immensely, feels like a Bug.

I’ve pushed Bullet 3D about as far as I can get it. At this point the next step is to just rip it out and do my own collision detection. That’s not going to be until I’ve at least added all the enemies, items, and levels.

The Pillar-Area afterwards is too dark, I couldn’t see a lot of the Environment.

Flashlight and gamma slider incoming for DD57

Your Enemies feel too tanky, and their AI is very stupid.

The hitstun counteracts the high health a lot. And yeah the AI is very barebones, as stated in the level changelogs improving it is my priority for DD57.

It’s nice that the Machine Gun has Zoom, and that due to the Enemies often being decently far away makes me actually use it while avoiding Bullets, instead of just sniping while unseen, or being too close/hectic to ever have a Reason to use it.

This was pretty much my intention, good to see it coming up naturally!

City Level is too big. Not in a Time it takes to beat Sense, but just the Amount of walking and back and forth without anything going on, across empty incredibly wide Streets.

I have some devious plans to address this…

Thanks for playing!

I was surprised by the mech enemy.

I like how they’ve turned out. The AI needs work but I’m happy with how they shake things up.

I broke the game by switching from fullscreen to window, then resizing it.

That’s a new one. I resize in windowed mode all the time without issues. Did it just crash or something?

I still wish there was a flashlight.

Not just you, I’ll have it for DD57.

Do headshots do more damage?

They do not. They may be pillaging war criminals but they are responsible enough to wear protection. That said, there will be a railgun next DD that has the ability to get headshots.

I feel he made his game unpronounceable on purpose

Not originally, it was just a town I liked in Rome:TW. I have kept it that way on purpose because of how much trouble people have though, lol.

I dunno if you guys can see it but it’s really dark

It’s monitor differences for sure, when looking back at the stream I can see well enough. Though I might be biased from just knowing the layout already. Flashlight is in the works, though it will give away your position! And yes, I definitely need a brightness/gamma setting because this keeps coming up.

The sound is really loud

I haven’t done a pass over the sound effects as a group yet, I’ll have to sit down at some point and just tune all of them at once because the gunshots in particular are really loud. Maybe I’ll just have a separate volume slider for gunshots?

You can just freeze up enemies by shooting them

This is intended, one enemy at a time should be really easy. I intend for ambushes with lots of numbers being the main source of challenge.

Work on the main menu

Yeah it was slapped together way, way back in like- DD5 or something? I kind of had the idea to have a rotating scene, perhaps I’ll have it cycle through models and backgrounds or something.

Would be cool to see who you’re playing as

I do intend to have little comic strips for the loading screens. I have made a model of the MC mostly for that purpose as you won’t really see her in-game.

Thanks for streaming, good to see you had fun!


The new bullet sponge enemy is unfun, I just passed minute strafed him until he die.

Just like the bruiser brothers, working as intended XD. I do plan to replace that first mech with an actual boss later in a dedicated arena.

Add flashlight please.

By popular demand, this has bumped off distance fog on my priorities for next demo day.

you should change pad by plate

Wut? I don’t know what you mean.

Nice game

Nice fanart

I really like it, despite being not much of an fps player.

Sounds good, I figure it would catch on best with Doom and Quake fans. But if non-fps players like it too then that’s a good sign!

once i’d got a gap between them, they were a bit harmless.

That’s pretty much by design. Like Doom’s pinkies the cyborg dudes are only really dangerous in close quarters with large numbers. I will probably make them faster and a bit tankier though.

It was a tad dark in places

I’ve shuffled around my priorities so I’ll put in a flashlight instead of distance fog. On my monitor the first level looks fine but it doesn’t have very deep blacks.

cool music too :)

No need to thank me, look up System ST91’s stuff on bandcamp, he does good shit!

All in all a very fun game.

Right on!

(3 edits)

It’s a clever idea, and I did laugh at the “story”.

I got bored pretty quickly though, I’m not the right kind of obsessive to get entranced by this sort of thing. The plain faceted environments do absolutely nothing for me and were starting to give me a headache at one point. My caveman brain demands textures or vistas to look at.

I can see mathematically why it would work this way, but it is very disorienting that going up the ramp/curve things doesn’t affect your pitch. I ended up strafing through all of them sideways.

I almost forgot, is the jump-pad supposed to take you this high?

Consider me converted. Seriously though, the shops are greatly appreciated. There weren’t any when I last played and it very much put me at the mercy of RNG.

It detected my previous save but I started again anyway. The companion system seems to work pretty well though I had the dwarf stand in the thrown goblin acid pools a lot.

Speaking of Alberich, does he get the surfboard?

Manually placing all the enemies means I miss out on the shock of being ambushed by them, good to know it’s working!

Feels like some old-school Doom, but cranked up to the max :)

Exactly as intended, thanks for playing!

Strafe with Q

Oh no, that’s for French people. Or whoever else uses an AZERTY keyboard because their WASD is ZQSD

I see you going for headshots, I should probably explain in the tutorial eventually that headshots don’t do anything (except for the upcoming railgun). Close-range circle-strafing is the main intended strat.

it turns pretty fast

This should be cleared up in the forthcoming AI rework, the current tracking function uses your actual position instead of where the AI thinks you are which is definitely not intended. Getting the mechs to look one way and then flanking them is intended. Though I might make it that they start to catch on and “cheat” the longer you fight the same one.

robot zombies

There’s some deep lore about what they are, I’ll introduce it with future assets.

freaking me out

I’m so familiar with all the enemy spawns that I don’t even register the ambushes. It’s hilarious seeing someone get stressed out about them. Good shit!

I wish I had a peek

I won’t add leaning, but in the AI rework enemy’s won’t immediately spot you, there will be a spotting time. Except perhaps on a hard difficulty.

That’s a very pink looking red keycard

I’ve redone the pickups as CMYK instead of RGB, but I’ve been lazy and haven’t updated the door assets to match yet, lol.

Abuse the AI. Just a bit

Working as intended ;-)

I wonder if there’s another way

Really glad to see somebody doing this

Really like the aesthetic

Thanks, I’m more of a programmer than an artist so it’s good to know I’m on the right track as I focus more on assets over time.

…when he’s done

Another big reason the AI needs a rework, they’re supposed to reposition as soon as they lose LOS.

I am having a good time

Me too, lol. This is great.

Should I have really wasted that?

Seeing you stop dead in your tracks and switch to the rocket launcher was gold. I could feel the gears turning through the monitor. And it all turned out well in the end.

Probably not though, to answer the question

Good luck, we’ll see how you go

Much appreciated, thank you.

antivirus killed it because it tried to modify “loadorder.txt” in the data files?

Retard antivirus doesn’t remember the game made that file itself, in Window’s own intended appdata location for per-program storage!

It also doesn’t record for OBS

Odd, I record all my webms for it using OBS. But I’m on Linux, and don’t have any antivirus so maybe that affects it.

Its a super short game, has that olden CS feel, so much that I wondered if I could bunny hop my way through the levels (I did lol).

It doesn’t move you any faster, but there’s no real downside and it might even help avoid some attacks more easily so go for it!

It becomes really easy to clear once you know the enemy positions since shooters are static and crabmen ambush you. You can b-hop past the crabs and shoot the glowies before they “HUH” you.

It will become even easier soon as for the DD57 AI rework I’m making more viable stealth options. However, I’ll also be adding actual patrol and wandering spawns that might make them a little less predictable. The plan is to ramp up difficulty by just having more and more enemies.

There’s a problem where if you run out of bullets while fighting the mecha boss you are soft-locked since I don’t think you can win with a knife.

I’m pretty sure you can, though in fairness, I’ve never tried.

I just pressed the big red button to end battle and was a bit disappointed you can’t destroy the mech.

You totally can, I’ve done it every playthrough. But as there’s no saving/loading yet the big red button is intentionally easily accessible.

There’s an angle on the highway where you can trick the mech into firing but all shots go into the highway. I just sniped it from there.

I have a plan for making a proper boss arena down the line. I intend to touch up past maps with each demo moving forward. I’m only aiming for about 7 maps in the end anyway, though level design gets faster and faster as I make more stuff to use as clutter and trim.

Despite appealmaxxing, the girl doesn’t exist in the game. Dangit, I was scammed! (laugh)

lol, Pranked! I do have a model in the works but it isn’t textured yet and I’ll mostly be using at reference for mission briefings. I intend to do them as comic stills on the loading screens.

Here, have your (You) and Inner Circle invite!

I don’t need no inner circle! I’m a lone-wolf, a loose cannon, a rebel without a cause. A bona-fide Militech Solo, baby!

Anyway, when’s the next orgy? Do I get my stock options in the mail? Because this might put me in a new tax category…

finally I don’t feel like I’m moving a bag of sand around.

It was originally much slower (like, back in DD10 ;_;) but early on I knew I had to embrace the SPEED.

Sometimes the goons shoot their friends when they are in the way which is funny.

Pretty much working as intended. I don’t have proper infighting but I’m really tempted to add it down the line.

There are a few dark areas where I’d like to have a flashlight or just light them up a bit.

I have a plan, see my response to Max Stern down below.

Do headshots do extra damage?

No. The Goons are all good boys who remembered to bring their helmets. That said, the next weapon incoming will be a railgun which I’m thinking will have headshots as a unique feature. The SMG is intended to be a fallback weapon and so won’t be getting any mechanical buffs.

I’m definitely no RTS buff, not knowing all the mechanics in autistic detail stresses me out. The right crowd of MPers I’m sure would eat this up as there’s a bunch of really interesting ideas to pore over. How to get their attention though, I have no idea.

The schizo-ass mix of art styles really sells the experimental vibe. The music also goes pretty hard.

The mission after the tutorial works well for familiarization but there’s a lot of shit still unexplained like what all the resources mean (is that even what they even are?) and how much of them you have. I didn’t know what the structure building buttons did until I tried clicking them, but I guess just having a sandbox for doing that works. It will rely on someone being invested enough to actually experiment with the game though.