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What do you mean by "sprite creator"? I don't know what that is...

The weapons each have their own sprite sheets that overlay on top of the body, outfit, and hair (and sometimes behind those layers).

I've included supporting files (detailed documentation and sample images) to help you figure that stuff out if it isn't apparent.

sorry "MSFarmerSpriteCustomizer_1_0_0" there are layers for all the clothing pieces but I dont see any layers for the weapons to go on, do these need to be introduced in some way?? I don't see weapons within the program at all

Ah, that explains the confusion. This isn't the Farmer Sprite System that you're commenting on. This is a different asset.

To answer your questions, the Sprite Customizer just creates a flattened version of the layered clothing sheets, with custom colors. This is useful for devs who are not making a paper doll system. You still need to create the animations in your game engine. Consult the included animation guide for help with that.