That's great, I'm glad it's working for you! 😁
Seliel the Shaper
Creator of
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Yeah, I definitely want to make some more animated monsters. My wish list is probably a lot bigger than you'd think. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing when I'll do one next. I already have a couple of big assets in the works right now, so it's too early to make predictions. Only time will tell! 🤷♀️
If you examine the animation guide, you'll see that both of those animations (the scythe and bug net) say (in green text) to "Use 64x64 animation #" and then point to a green reference number for each direction of the animation. As the key at the bottom right of the animation guide explains (in green): "green text refers to specific animation sheets". All of our effects sprites can be found in the "farmer_base_effects" folder, where you'll find a file called "farmer animations 64x64 v00.png" (and you know to use this file because the animation guide said to use 64x64 animations). Each of these 64x64 animations has a number next to it that corresponds to the number the animation guide tells you to use from this sheet. Hope this helps 👍
You are correct, the extra hairstyles are only compatible for the non-combat animations. Unfortunately, this asset won't be getting any further updates. If you're making a farming sim type of game, you should try my Farmer Sprite System, it has a lot more hair and clothing options than this pack.
Please find the full user license here:
No, sorry, the character is only in one size. However, I do have an NPC pack with a couple of kids in it:
Absolutely! The dirt and grass is from my Summer Forest tileset, and the fence is from my Fences & Walls pack.
Sorry, no. I am firmly anti-crypto. Please read the Mana Seed User License before purchasing any of my assets. Thank you 🙏🏽
You shouldn't change the size of either. I'm not sure how you ended up with that. This is a question for whatever game engine you're using, maybe some asset import setting? It should be consistent across all your assets.
You can try joining the Mana Seed Discord server and asking someone who's familiar with your game engine if they know where you went wrong.