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Glad you liked it! Unfortunately, I don't plan on making this game too feature rich, at best I might add 2 more enemies, but don't keep your hopes up for that. Stage rework is in the works, as I'm fully aware how much stage 2 sucks (check the credits button, btw)

As for when R5 will arrive, I can't tell, since I work on this game as a hobby and learning experience; I also have my day job and social life, so free time devoted to this might not come often.

Oh you make it as a hobby and a learning experience for if you wanna be someone who makes games? Thats better than my pokemon collecting cards hobby haha. Also i see, so R5 is still on hold for awhile till you can get to it, but thats ok good to hear that maybe you will add 2 new enemies possibly. yes it wasnt to bad first stage was simple but i mostly want to breed them kobolds hehe.