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I do like tank games. There is always something satisfying with hitting a moving object with a tank shot. And with that said I do like how this game feels so far, the aim/shoot mechanics is working well for me.


I feel like the tank controls lean towards a more arcade game. It accelerates very quickly and is responsive. On the 2nd level when I drive off the ledge the tank does feel like it is floating. It would be good to add some kind of suspension / rolling effect when the tank turns quickly or when it shifts from forward to reverse, just to give it that heavy tank feel.


I may be getting this all wrong the tank controls feel slightly like an arcade game. With that the UI could reflect the arcade feel that. Big bold UI elements. The UI for the tank aiming works well in terms of its functionality but could be updated alongside the rest of the UI


I think the sounds are on point. The shooting feels heavy, with bass, just like firing a tank. On the first level I really liked the feeling of the bullets ricocheting off my tanks armour. It made me feel like I was really under fire heavy fire.

Blowing up the building in the tutorial was very satisfying too.

Thanks for playing.

It would be good to add some kind of suspension / rolling effect when the tank turns quickly or when it shifts from forward to reverse, just to give it that heavy tank feel.

I'm on the fence about this, I know I should add "proper" suspensions but I'm afraid it might get annoying when trying to aim, I'll experiment with it and see

As you said it is more arcadey than a simulator so I'm leaning towards scrapping all realistic elements that might get in the way of gameplay.

Thanks for the feedback!