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A member registered Mar 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah "SimCade" speedy tank game is the vibe I'm going for, but it does still need a lot of work, basically everything in the demo was a placeholder.

Thanks for checking the game out and thanks for the feedback, hopefully I'll have something better by next DD

Good points, I'm looking forward to make new tanks but physics and movement will take priority for a while.
A StuG-like enemy would be the perfect thing to teach players to flank armored targets, I'll definitely consider it when I start adding new vehicles.

Thanks again, I'll do my best on this.

Pretty cool, I'm not the greatest fan of these kind of games but the magic system is fun.

Probably needs some incentive not to spam the same spell over and over, maybe elemental enemies or priority targets that require single-target oriented spells.

Here's my high score just spamming cross fire:

Hey thanks for the extensive feedback on the tank's physics, it's going to be what makes or breaks the game so I appreciate it.
It's not going to be a realistic sim, but still it's important for the tank to feel like a tank, so I'll try to work on that.

Controls were an experiment, I'll simplify them by next time.

And why "visible" Invisible Borders?

So enemies can spawn in and out of the map while out of sight.
I can see why they could feel jarring, I guess could replace them with diegetic obstacles but that's down the line.

consider a better looking Reference Tank

Not a fan of the Crusader II?
I plan to move away form historical tanks anyway, but out of curiosity what WW2 tank would you have liked me to reference instead?

Very charming style!

Gameplay seems fine but I couldn't get very far, the game (v0163d) had a bunch of performance issues.
There's a ton of stuttering when models and effects load for the first time, this is expected for Godot you need to preload particles and models, for my game I'm loading an instance of them at startup and that mostly does the trick.

Other than that I had frequent crashes when entering mine floors, one time playing as the witch the level loaded but the loading screen didn't fade away and it stayed up even after going back to the menu and reloading the save, restarting fixed it.

I'll try this again next time hoping that it runs better, it looks like fun.

hey, thanks for checking the game out.

I think if you added fantasy tank designs

Yeah those are planned, I've been modeling ww2 vehicles just because this is my first 3D project and I wanted to try my hand making something recognizable, stuff is going to get more unique as time goes on.

A lot of people have complained about it being hard to gauge enemy damage, so that's gonna be something to look into for sure.

Also the mouse sensitivity was real fastù

Will have a sensitivity slider by next time.

Thanks again for playing and thanks for the feedback!

Could I ask what OS you're on?

Windows 10

This is a really cool concept.

The dungeons look okay, but the sprites are a bit rough.
You should be able to use items by double clicking on them, and maybe some quickaccess slots would be useful especially if you decide to add combat utilities like throwing knives and such.

Combat is a bit meh, you fight all enemies is kind of the same, you backpedal out of their attack and then take your swing, it could use some variety.
For example the goblin and other unarmored creatures could get stunned when damaged so you could be more aggressive against them.

Map generation seemed fine, but sometimes enemies that spawn in a corridor get stuck:

I can see the concept working well, especially when spells and better gear get throw into the mix, I hope to play more of this.

Very nice, I finished both levels with an A+

The models, the effects and the destruction are gorgeous and the game ran smoothly at all times.
The mechs in mission 1 were a lot of fun to fight, but I gotta say the map in general is hard to read.
There's very little contrast between buildings, mechs, enemies and even the road, everything has this light beige hue and it all kind of blends together, I had to rely on the radar to search for enemies on the screen.
It's also not the most pleasant of colors to stare at. 

The maggots mission could have used a boss or some actually threatening enemies.
Returning to the main menu always shows you have the autocannon equipped even you you still have the rotary cannon equipped.
And the option menu buttons say this?

Other than that the game is really promising, the art is so good looking, and I'm looking forward to play more of this.

I like the new UI

It didn't feel like the weapon models needed to be replaced, but the new sprites look good.
That being said the pistol having a tenth of the fire rate and the guns being unable to shoot until the ready animation is complete make the game feel a lot more sluggish imo.

Thanks for checking the game out.

Tank bounces off walls, which doesn't feel very tanky

That's true, but It's a mechanic that I liked a lot in Dead Engine (from DD 52: https://deadengine.itch.io/dead-engine) so I decided to just copy it. Also it stops the player from getting stuck.
It's staying in for now but I might tone it down depending on how arcadey I decide to make the game.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll add a loading screen to the to-do list.

if it's supposed to be more arcadey or more realistic
Having to switch with 1 and 2 between aiming and not feels awkward

At the moment I'm on the fence on whether I'm going to have a simple third person aim system or a more diegetic system which has the player switch between vision ports, periscopes, recon drones, weapon sights and hatches.
I'm leaning towards the former but I'm gonna need to test both systems out before I decide what to go for.

Movement is definitely going to stay on the arcadey side, the current tank does feel a bit weightless but in general the player will control fast light tanks, so I have to find a fine balance.
For now the physics will continue to take priority.

Anyway thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback, I'll do my best.

Nice prototype!

It took me a while to get accustomed to the controls, I try to play demos without looking at the commands first and I was utterly confused when spacebar turned the mech right lol.
You could probably simplify it a little bit: ground mode could just be covered by being in hover mode with 0% thrust and I don't see what's the point of folding/unfolding your wings. I know it says "post stall maneuvering" on the game page but that sounds like a situation where you can just switch to hover mode if needs be? 
Also I tried playing it with a controller at first because usually flight games are harder on M&K, and while moving is better aiming is pretty much impossible.

It's a fun concept, I love games where you go fast, and switching between flying and hovering as you go form target to target is nice even in this basic state.
Switching from flight mode to hover mode stops you at an appropriate pace, but switching back to flight mode has a very slow acceleration, imo it should be more of a whiplash.

I hope you keep working on this, I think it has potential.
Clever title btw

Cute game!

Definitely on the easy side, except for level 25 which is a difficulty spike and a half.
Levels like 24 where you're just collecting flowers in an open area are kinda boring, the rest are okay.
You can bounce off spiky vines if you collide with them while invulnerable, which doesn't seem intended but doesn't break the game or anything.

It's not the most exciting game design-wise, but the visuals, effect, music and UI are all good, if this is meant to be a "tutorial" game you knocked it out of the park.

Mario if he green

The only weird thing I noticed was this interaction with moving platforms where hitting them from the side while falling causes Gob to teleport down to the ground, but it's not a big deal because if you're hitting the side of a platform and there's nothing below you you're gonna die anyway.

Also, this is a me problem, but when I saw the piranha plant dwarves I thought they were going to chug those spears at me and I tried stomping them lol
It's a mistake that's only going to happen once, but it'd be clearer that they're piranha plant reskins if they were looking up instead.

Is it the oasis background one, because if so, that's one of the secret levels.

Yeah that's the one. 
I guess I assumed that was just a secret levels had to be unlocked by going through a secret exit but I did pickup the first golden nugget.

why play a marioclone when you could play mario

Maybe if marioclone mario was a goblinoid of sorts... 

Thanks for the feedback

The camera movement in cam 1 is really really fast

My bad, mouse sensitivity options will be there by next time.

altough it would be fun to just lean into it

Yeah that's the general plan, but it'll be a while before I can focus on balance stuff like that.

Thanks for the feedback, damage indication will probably come with some later reworked UI and ricochets are on the to-do list

will you make something like girls und panzers maybe?

I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I do plan to keep it on the gamey side

I don't think reverse steering make sense for a tank, but the in-game truck doesn't have reverse steering either so I suppose there's no harm in adding a toggle for tanks to use it too once I get around implementing it, thanks for pointing it out.

I blorblieved and finished the game but I didn't find (or search for) the secret levels. 

It's a little annoying how long it takes to slow down, but once you get in the habit of committing to a sequence of jumps without stopping it's fine.
The floating platform+trampoline level could have used an extra checkpoint or two imo.

This is personal preference but when I play sidescroller games I bind the jump to like K or J, I switched to a controller and it was okay no problem there.
There was a couple of times where I pressed the jump button a split second before blorb landed on a platform and he just walked into the abyss, checking to see if the jump button is pressed when blorb lands could make jumping sequences a little smoother.

Over all nothing that makes blorb stand out as a platformer, but what's there is competent and I had fun finishing it.

The menu is really charming and I like the style in general.

I played until the first dread admiral sent me to a watery grave.
It's really hard to tell when your cannonballs are actually aimed at the enemy ship and when they're gonna hit the water or pass over it, most of my run was me and two other ships circling each other and the only thing that took  enemies out consistently was friendly fire.

Mines seem a bit inconsistent, one ship took three of them and was fine, idk if it's because they're low damage or if it might have some hit detection problem.
At one point it took two minutes from me killing the last ship on the screen and a new one showing up.

It needs some polish for sure but I can see what you're going for

It's not explained super well, but you aren't dealing damage to the whole tank, you are trying to damage individual components.
By default your tank is equipped with APHE shells which explodes after penetrating, meaning that most penetrating hits, especially on the side, will cause the enemy tank's ammo to explode. 
Alternatively you can shoot at the enemy tracks or cannon to destroy them.

I will make a better tutorial down the line, thanks for checking the game out!

Thanks for the feedback, this is all useful.

I do intend to make speed your main method of avoiding damage, but balance will come later.

except that the hatch cam’s mouse sensitivity is crazy high and the options screen had no scrollbar so I couldn’t see if there was a way to change it

I forgor, it's on the to-do list now


Spacebar actually does make you drift a little bit but I didn't mention it anywhere as it's still a wip feature.
Thanks for checking the game out

This was really fun!

The shotgun in particular feels great to use.
The SMG could stand to be a bit more accurate considering its low damage, but the only enemy that gave me trouble was the first mech because my instinct was to circle strafe it and it didn't work out.

I like the look of the levels, I kept getting keycards without realizing it but that's a me problem.
The enemies all look good too, they've got personality especially the CRT guys.
They aren't terribly engaging to fight once you get some good guns though, the mech is easy to kill from a distance, the melee bots have a hard time hitting you even when going for melee hits yourself and the shooters feel like a health tax more than anything since their attacks are hard to avoid but go down easily.
It's not that they're bad or anything, just that they feel like the chaff to a more challenging enemy that hasn't shown up yet.

I wish I had played this before, will check it out in future DDs for sure.

I didn't check the description and at first I thought the E on the egg stood for "eggcellent" and I was wondering why the game wasn't awarding me points for my eggcellently cooked eggs lol.

It's a fun lil' game and I can see myself challenging a friend at who can flip eggs better, but I think it'd work best as a browser game for that, something where you can just past a link to a friend and start playing without having to setup anything.

Maybe you should also award points for egg air time, just to reward something more show-offy than flipping eggs with the tiniest, gentlest and safest flips.

I checked out the savior ending, pretty sweet! 
The whale-saving cutscene in particular was great.

Looking forward to the second chapter.

Nice lil demo, played until tight.

It needs the ability to drag the whole track around if space is gonna be limited, the worst thing in puzzle games is figuring out the solution but having to do a bunch of busywork to execute it.

Snapping wasn't great for those split-track tiles specifically but the rest worked fine.


Still very early so I don't have too much to say about it.

I can see this being good once the enemies come into their own and there's some proper levels to play.
Also it would be a good idea to preload shaders/materials at the beginning of the level so that the game doesn't stutter when you fire or stuff spawns for the first time.

Not a bad start, especially if this is your first project, hope to see more.

Not bad! It was fun.

The flamer's projectiles are a bit slow considering how fast you run, maybe they could inherit the player's speed?
The shotgun felt great, the tommy gun less so because imo the generic grunts are a little bit too spongy.
Not that it was too hard or anything, but it was a little annoying having to wail on them with the pistol.
I noticed bullets go through them so they feel less spongy when they're clustered together.
The only other annoying part was fighting around ladders.

The boxy 3D environment clashes a little bit with the sprites, but the weird scale is more distracting: the environment is way too big in relation to the enemies and the player.
Especially noticeable with the stairs being so steep and the toilet stalls being gigantic. This is more of an issue in the first level, the second one looks better imo.

The first level had the exit open from the start which I think it's a bug because the green key doesn't open anything as far as I can tell.
The second level had those cool scripted sequences like the cars unloading grunts and the tram, but it was a bit dispersive, it took me a while to find the green key and the sewers and until I did it felt like I was wandering around aimlessly killing grunts instead of progressing somewhere. 
Just a me thing tbh, I prefer boomer shooter levels to be a bit more focused.
Also the dark parts are too dark, like in the underwater section of the sewer it was hard to see anything idk if I missed a torch feature or something like that.

But yeah it was a fun demo.
It doesn't really have any uniqueness when it comes to enemies and weapons, but I guess it's just the early levels so it's forgivable. 
Will definitely play more next DD!

Nice, did it at max difficulty second try.
The looping levels was nice and the secrets were cool too, the megasphere took me a while to figure out.

Love the harpoon chainsaw but I wish the stagger was better so it could deal with lone kickers better.
Still it's good to have a melee weapon for the bigger levels.

I'm pretty sure I combed the level, got all secrets and stuff, but I still had like 5 unkilled enemies, maybe they fell through the map like this lil guy? 

Anyway, good level!

Thanks for playing!
No worries about not being good at the game, FantaSWAT is not very balanced and can be confusing even for veterans of tactical games.

It looked like the teammates AI was not aware the wizard fired at them from far away

This is true, no NPC in the game has code to dodge projectiles because all of them are fast enough that it doesn't matter.
The wizard's void bolt is the exception, I should have implemented some sort of dodge logic but I didn't really have time to test it.

I TRIED to play around in the editor

It's unintuitive for sure, it's mostly meant for me since it's what I used to make the various levels.
It's pretty simple once you know how the wings system works but I assumed almost nobody would ever seriously try to make maps for my game so I didn't really bother making it slick or more intuitive.
If I come back to this game I will add some tutorials with pictures and hopefully that'd be clear enough if anyone really wants to learn.
Cool pixelart gobbo btw

Thanks for giving my game a shot! Feedback is always welcome.
For now I'm taking a pause from this game to start a new project, hopefully it'll be way less confusing.

Thanks for playing, you're totally right the game is not balanced at all.
It's a hard thing to get right: if you abuse heals, spam C2, stun every corner, let your squadmates soak damage and aggro enemies from outside their rooms it can get too easy, but playing "normally" can end up being frustrating.

Thanks for sticking with it even though it was aggravating, I am not exactly happy with how it plays either so maybe I will eventually try to fix it, but to be completely honest I'm sick of working on it so I'll take a pause to start a new project that I've had in the back of my mind for a while.

stunlocking mimics

Yeah I wanted them to be spooky but I overdid it lmao

Thanks for the feedback!

 Do you have any plans

Oh yeah, got plans for days.
I don't want to say anything yet just in case I change my mind at the last second, but hopefully I'll have something ready for next DD

Good luck

You too man, can't wait to play more damaskus 

 and I'm beyond honored by the CoD level

My pleasure, the CoD enemies worked really well and were fun to animate.

Are you planning to plant this on Steam once it's done?

I don't think it would make back the initial investment it takes to put a game on steam, that's one of the reasons I'm actually putting FantaSWAT on hold for now.
I don't hate it how it turned out so far, but objectively it's not the most appealing of games and the design is confused, it plays more like a mediocre action game than a tactical top-down shooter.

There's a lot of stuff I'd have to rework to make the game good but at this point I've worked on it for too long.
I do want to add more content down the line, but for now I need to start working on something new.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing  and I'm glad you liked the game overall.
It definitely could have used a simpler way to control your squads, you're right.

For now I'm putting it on hold so I'm not going to redo the command system, but maybe I'll add more content in the future.

Yeah it turned out more action-focused and less tactical than I originally indented.

Having played a bunch of SWAT 4 and its clones I know how frustrating it is to get punished for unlawful kills, so I made it much easier to tell what's a fair target. You get a higher score for arresting suspects but going guns blazing is perfectly viable as long as you don't kill surrendered enemies.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback

Glad you liked the dojd level, I tried making it oneiric and weird by adding those invisible walls and pitch black tiles.

but that depends on how big you want to make this. 

This is gonna be it, at least for now.
I'm proud of it but it's definitely not a looker of a game and the design is confused, after more than a year of working for it I yearn to start something new, simpler and more fun.
It could really use more content but it's not getting any better in the core gameplay.

Again, very happy you liked it, especially the music since I like your stuff so much.

Neat idea! Got a some nitpicks though: 

There's a couple of mistakes on the sprites, the green cucumber enemy loses its outline in one of the pose and yuuto loses his hat's shadow in the camera-facing sprite.

There's also some bugs on the overworld, if you get hit mid attack you can move while the battle starts and change area, but your position is reset when re-entering the overworld.
Statues can hit you with their arrow while you're entering combat.
Also not a fan of how close some traps and enemies are to room entrances, and the sprite's hitbox should be smaller than the whole sprite imo.

Combat was nice and I found a use for pretty much every attack, maybe you should be able to curse burrowed enemies since it's a debuff and not direct damage, also it looks like burning doesn't affect burrowed enemies but I could be wrong.
The fact that enemy attacks only hit their intended target means that you can dodge at the same time with all characters which I don't mind but it does make dodging way easier.

This is subjective but I don't like some of the controls, specifically I don't like having to use the arrow keys for some attacks and items because other than those exceptions that you can play one-handed. 
Same deal with the pause menu, it's fine but you should be able to navigate them with the keyboard since it's the only thing in the game that requires the mouse.
I also don't like the slow item/defense/attack menu rotation and how long the victory screen lasts

And speaking of levelling up, the roguelike elements are weak.
There's no equipment or skill tree meaning that character progression is always the same and different rooms don't really matter unless they have traps in them since combat encounters don't have much variation.

It gets samey towards the end since it's pretty easy, but fun demo overall

(Unfortunately) this game is finished, learned a lot doing it though

Can relate. Good luck on your next project then.

Fun lil' game.

I have some complaints about the pace though, walking is really slow and text could be faster too.
The various prompts for like following the lady and picking up objects seems unnecessary, you could just press space and interact like with doors, for those sequential switches a sound cue would be enough.
The battle ending screen and the "thank you for playing" screen are a little too bright.
The minigames are okay, but they could be snappier too, with a faster transition between the dodging and shooting parts.

Is there more content coming?