Hey thanks for playing and thanks for the list.
I raised the main SFX volume because the engine was very quiet and then blew up my ears when I fired the first shot.
The player tank uses the same engine sound as the enemy tanks but it's lower volume so that it's easier to hear moving vehicles. I didn't consider that it might cause someone to raise the SFX volume, my bad. Hopefully ambient sounds will make this less likely to happen.
When I played the first mission I didn't read the briefing and was looking for a way to see it ingame.
Good point, I will add it to the pause menu.
I was just watching icons.
Replay is just icons for now, entities record their position and status every couple of seconds and then at the end there's a puppet show with 2d sprites. I'm hoping to add a proper replay function eventually.
but both player and AI movement is so fast that I wasn't thinking about armor beyond generalities like sides and perpendicular.
Yeah I noticed this too, it's easy to get swept by how fast you can go, but I think it's something players can get used to.
Armor is only really relevant frontally so you can either slow down and precisely aim at weakspots from the front or do a drive-by and fire a bunch of shot on the side armor.
Maybe I'll experiment with adding a generic HP bar rather than relying so heavily on internal components.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback!