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Hey thanks for playing and thanks for the list.

I raised the main SFX volume because the engine was very quiet and then blew up my ears when I fired the first shot.

The player tank uses the same engine sound as the enemy tanks but it's lower volume so that it's easier to hear moving vehicles. I didn't consider that it might cause someone to raise the SFX volume, my bad. Hopefully ambient sounds will make this less likely to happen.

When I played the first mission I didn't read the briefing and was looking for a way to see it ingame.

Good point, I will add it to the pause menu. 

I was just watching icons.

Replay is just icons for now, entities record their position and status every couple of seconds and then at the end there's a puppet show with 2d sprites. I'm hoping to add a proper replay function eventually.

but both player and AI movement is so fast that I wasn't thinking about armor beyond generalities like sides and perpendicular.

Yeah I noticed this too, it's easy to get swept by how fast you can go, but I think it's something players can get used to. 
Armor is only really relevant frontally so you can either slow down and precisely aim at weakspots from the front or do a drive-by and fire a bunch of shot on the side armor. 
Maybe I'll experiment with adding a generic HP bar rather than relying so heavily on internal components.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the video and thanks for playing.

The beginner tank stops completely at mild inclines, feels a bit off

Unintended, it'll be fixed by the next version, thanks.

Thanks for playing and tanks for the feedback.

Getting movement to feel right has been an endless battle, I appreciate the breakdown of what didn't work for you

Would require Missions to be better structured tho, with multiple smaller Engagement instead of all just coming at once, but that's probably still to come as with the Graphical overhaul on everything

Yeah level design and visuals have been the weak points of my game. I'm hoping levels will click in time as I iterate on ideas and add new enemies with different behavior, but I'll be honest this is my first 3D game and I have no idea where to begin making it look good. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but I've been almost exclusively focusing on physics and performance.

Thanks again for your comment, always appreciated.

Gameplay-wise there isn't much to comment on at the moment, but I did find a bug: fired heroes aren't removed from the list, instead the last hero on the list is removed.
This is strictly a UI bug as the fired hero shows up in the tavern and can't be added to the party, meanwhile the one that disappears can still be added to the party because you can still select them by clicking on the empty spot.
One of my guys died but kept leading the party so I clicked return and he showed up in town with -2 haleness.

Thanks for the video and the feedback.

but it still feels kind of "sandboxxy," if that makes any sense

Yeah I get what you mean. It's dispersive and unfocused, levels need to be tighter. I'm thinking of making all levels using the terrain 3d plugin I used in level 4, (Mountain alcove) that should help with both design and visual variety.

I feel the markers, one being red and the other being white, don't sufficiently make clear which one is the "turret" and which one is the mouse

The white one is the turret, the orange one is the hull weapon, the aimer is the semi-transparent white circle in third person and the (soon to be replaced) pixelated black cross in sight view. I will try making this clearer when I get around redoing the tutorial.

Very sluggish on mouse and keyboard but it's great on a controller.
Since the gun autotargets enemies, it might be better to have a generic "target closest" setting rather than only being able to target specific enemies.
Wish there were more targets to play around with.

This project is cursed for reasons I won't get into and so I want nothing to do with it anymore.

It's hover...

The new art is gorgeous.

There's some problem with the kangaroos, they keep shooting themselves.

I think there's also some general problem with LoS checks, this infantry squad does not look non-visible to me. If right clicked, tanks will drive well into handheld AT range before they're able to retaliate (and then shoot themselves). I tried using the attack on position command but the result is the same.

15 logs for a basic shelter and 10 logs for a basic chest are a lot, the game might pick up once you've set up better automation with all your critters but the beginning is a slog.
It took me a little more than 10 minutes to get to where the game asks you to make lumber, I only built one storage and now it's full and my inventory is full too and there doesn't seem to be an option to discard items.
The tutorial said that I can reassign pawns to different jobs but I can't figure out how to do that. Maybe pawns set to general harvesting could prioritize the resources needed to build whatever blueprints you set down. I assume a "builder" job for the pawns is planned? 

The neon style is cute but lacks clarity, it's also not immediately clear what your character is lined up to interact with, at times I went to harvest a berry bush or chop down a tree and the character started cutting grass instead.
Maybe some sort of highlight around the interactable object could make that process less painful, having to glance up at the top of my screen to make sure I'm lined up with that I want to be lined up isn't ideal imo.

The music resets every time you pause the game.

(2 edits)

Some scattered thoughts:

Last time I made it to the ossified overlord with I think a mystic or a sunmender, I had a single target heal build so the chaos spell ended the run.
This time I went with the basic lesser+greater heal guy, picked up circle of healing, instant heal and finished the dungeon first try. 
The rest of my team were melee guys so they all fit within the circle with the precision upgrade and it was a cakewalk.
The dodge time on the arcane magistrate's abilities is really generous. It might be a good idea to err on the side of caution and then add an optional modifier to make enemies faster or tougher, it could work like the shrine in bastion.
I got baited into buying shield bash before I realized that none of my guys had the shield skill despite using the sword and shield model.
The library could use a section on the various available characters.
Being able to globally upgrade the stats of your character is lame, I get that metaprogression can be fun but when presented with a flat stat boost players might feel like they're trivializing the game by getting those upgrades or that they're supposed to grind for them if they're struggling. 
There's no reason to show outdated upgrades in the healer's spellbook, also upgrades should probably be sorted by spell rather than written down in the order you get the upgrades.
The DPS prioritize button worked great for Cromwell.
I stacked crit chance and got the extra crit upgrades for instant heal and it was hard to tell when spells critted in the chaos, I'm pretty sure that there's a sound clue but maybe the numbers could be of a different color as well, maybe a lighter green or gold? There's a lot of numbers flying around so just making them slightly bigger is not very clear.

Took me an hours something to beat, my brain is mush.

There's a couple of times where blocks clipped with the terrain:

The gold button seem to only works if you slide the block horizontally, a couple of times I rolled the block gold on top of it so that cubito was on top of it and the button didn't trigger after letting go.

This one time the game let me roll where I shouldn't and I got stuck in mid air.

Usually puzzle games would have a gentler introduction, level 1 is really long and you can easily fall back to the beginning, but if this is meant to be a rage game then it works. That one path at the end of rivers of blood got me good.

Too slow even with the lightest build?

It still feels slow to me but maybe it's the map's scale giving me that impression

Very nice.
I like underwater settings and even in this early stage I thought it was atmospheric, the music helped a lot.
The jumping controls fine, the throwing less so, I had to basically look at the ceiling to hit distant targets like the first blue patch.

You can drop an harpoon while aiming and the character will stay in the throwing pose
Also she says the zipline mechanics wasn't clamplicated but the buggy part is that as you prepare the second throw the first harpoon pulls you to it and then when you press Q to merge the two tethers into a zipline the character lets go of the tether and falls down.

I hope you keep working on this, it's interesting. 

All the new art is gorgeous.
The little horses you can explode were a very nice touch. I hadn't noticed before that the AA turret enemies can kill your grenades mid throw, really cool.

Interesting idea with the airborne reinforcements in the new level, but maybe they should come accompanied by the gunship enemy for fire support if you don't want the player to shoot the transport helicopters down every time.

The vulcan completely overshadows the rotary cannon but man does it shred. The smartgun is kind of weird but it's comparable to the basic cannon so it's solid. The unguided rockets are right up my alley since I used the other missiles as unguided weapons anyway. The mortar enemy does its job of threatening you from behind cover with its fast projectiles.

The development log button fails to open x for me:

Amazing progress as always.

Scatterbrained feedback:

Sometimes when I try to sprint it ends after a split second, I assume it's some kind of dodge function since it only happens when pressing left or right, but sprinting seem to be just as fast as dodging so I don't see why bother with that when it's so common to accidentally dodge when you try to.

Whenever you fire a nuke there's a particle that spawns in previously nuked locations, also the particles stop if you're not looking at them.

When finishing snowstorm (I think?) there's a message that tells you the demo is over.

During Moon I killed the gun but the level didn't end, idk if there's a timer or something:

After finishing Etna the game went black for a second but the level didn't end, same for Atlantis.
This happened 3 times during the conduit bossfight but the level did end and I got my award.

Floor 1 of the conduit did not stop spawning enemies and I had to run to the exit at 5 fps:

The shotgun could use a faster RoF considering how weak it is.
Sometimes the nails from the nailgun collide with an enemy and stop in midair instead of dealing damage, they seem to eventually get unstuck and properly damage the enemy after a while.

Flying around and hitting things feels better now. The seraphrame is still sluggish on tight turns and I still think it takes forever to accelerate to a decent speed, but it's an improvement and it took me no time to clear both demo maps.

If you unselect a weapon while holding down its attack button the weapon will keep firing after every reload while unselected.

Very nice. It took a couple of tries to get my muscle memory back but then I got two bosses at floor 1 and snowballed from there.

The new purchasable buffs are a godsend, the shield saved me on floor 2 from being chain frozen to death and on floor 3 from having dodged into 3 newly spawned mines. I think you should lean less on passive damage resistances and more on the ones that modify the alchemist's moves and abilities if you want the player to feel like they're choosing a build, right now it's mostly flat buffs without much synergy or strategy, but as a first implementation and for what is the first third of a full run I think you've aced it.
The ethereal dodge one is really fun, it's great to be able to put obstacles between you and the constructs.
Going by the description alone the one that gives you a chance to absorb enemy elements seems like something I would either fail to notice when it happens or not be in a position to use that specific element effectively.
I still think mines are a bit too oppressive in the smaller rooms but since they're rare in the first two floor and the shop upgrades give you a nice safety net it's not as bad as before.

The merchant lady's audio was very bass boosted and distorted, idk if it's just too loud or it simply didn't agree with my headphones.

After changing the resolution the arsenal was the only one that didn't rescale properly until I restarted.

Very nice overall! Will play more of this.

Ah yeah, that AoE does blend in with the floor a lot, guess I just missed it.

There's not a ton to comment on right now because it's clearly an early test demo, but please next time make the tutorial dialogue skippable and don't make it so esc just boots you to the main menu without a prompt or anything.

Controls are weird, if I understood it correctly you're basically placing a rally point for a particular control group and then units will move towards their corresponding waypoint and that's why unassigned units can't move?
I don't mind it but if you're going to keep it this way you may want to group units by squads like the MoW games do, but, regardless of how you set it up, only being able to issue orders to control groups instead of individuals units is weird: if you need one specific guy to scout ahead, dodge a grenade, hang back to wait for heals or kite the enemy, you need to assign him to a new control group before moving him, it's clunky and in my opinion you should allow for individual unit control.
It's doubly clunky because this system won't allow you to queue commands either.
Also in modern RTS games you usually control units with right click not left click.

For some positives, the game runs smoothly and the hyena model is cool, I love the idea of a goofy African warfare setting, I don't know what causes your troops to play the guitar but seeing several of my guys playing music until a grenade launched them in the air was funny.

I'll totally check this game out in future DDs if you keep working on it, RTS games are cool.

Nice, I remember a previous version of this.

 introducing the player to one element at a time is good to encourage experimentation so that was a good decision.

I saw that there's upgrades for player speed but the base speed is atrocious, I spent the whole game with either the shadow-water dash or the water-fire dash combos just because it was much faster.
Arena nodes didn't do anything.
Changing your selected elements is a bit clunky, it would be easier to combo different spells if it were faster.

This is starting to get really fun.

I made it to the skeleton mage boss, my team got wiped by the AoE attack, it should probably have a ring around the caster to show its range.

Last time I played there was no level timer, trying to find the exit in time is a lot more engaging than wandering around clearing skeletons endlessly.
Managing the party's aggro and helping them step away form AoE attacks works well for bossfights, but maybe you could add a "prioritize target" button just so that you don't need to move your whole party to kill one of cromwell's servants or other priority targets and risk the boss aggroing on an archer or mage.

There should be a backdrop behind the team's list UI because if your cursor is over the ability icons instead of the healthbar you can accidentally target a model through the UI. 
Are the crossed scimitars crit chance? The rest of the stat icons are clear but tooltips naming them would be nice.

Regarding progression, I think that for the demo the inn should start already upgraded or at least be much cheaper just so it's easier to test different characters and composition.
Also the way spell unlocking is implemented can be a double edged sword: if you have a certain combo in mind diluting the spell pool with spells you don't want is not a good thing. Maybe some sort of limited selection mechanic could help? For example the player could select 20 or so spells that show up on levelup, then save the selection as a grimoire to choose when entering the dungeon.

Good progress since the last time I tested this, I'm going to play some more and try beating the mage boss too.

If it's not working, then it's another thing I need to fix

Yeah only B was doing anything

I love the pixelart and the music for sure, the idea is solid for an action game.
There's a couple of frustrating things like the character getting stuck around the map's hitboxes and enemies being fragged by the spin move.

The warrior felt much weaker than the wizard mostly because attacking forces you to stand still for so long.

Also I pressed T to see what it did and I NUKED a single bat with a giant meteor for 300 damage, good times.

Very nice. 

The tutorial does its job and the railgun feels great to use, although the hotkey for it didn't work and I could only select it with the scroll wheel.

I wish the spike has a bigger hitbox, it says it does more damage while moving but it's not easy to land reliably unless you're running straight at the enemy.

Hoping for more levels soon, I want more chances to mow people down with the autoshotty

Great as always, I'll list my thoughts on the new content:

The scattergun is okay, but I think it should be able to one-shot the smaller mechs up close.
The railgun is amazing. It's a bit overpowered because enemies can't really do anything when you one-shot them from behind cover, but damn is it satisfying.
Grenades are also fun and satisfying to land, their damage is appropriate and I really like the aiming visuals.
The new level looks great and I like that the new enemies have a mobility edge on the player, but with all the weapons and ammo you have no lone enemy is ever going to feel threatening.
I'd consider pulling a uno-reverse on the player and adding an indirect enemy that fires at you from behind cover.

The hovercraft is so much louder than anything else.


The visual effects are a bit too much in my opinion, but the physics are satisfying.

I kind of wish the bat simply pointed at the cursor instead of following mouse movement, it would feel more natural to me, the "relative melee" button in the pause menu didn't seem to change anything.

I like the tutorial, it does its job without being too intrusive and it's good to get a little bit of lore.

While you're reworking levels, maybe you could also fix the perspective on some of the giant-sized rooms

The akimbo powerup is fun, firing the akimbo tommy guns lagged my game and picking up the shotgun while the akimbo was active lagged by brain, it's so unexpected to see 4 mirrored hands picking up two shotguns at once, it got a laugh out of me.

I didn't replay the other two levels since I think they're still the same.

I got stuck on this spot:

Then I restarted the game and spammed E at the guy, it opened multiple instances of the dialogue and the game crashed.

Restarted and played for a while, after dying to a monster and restarting this happened:

I restarted to see if I could get the E spambug to happen again, instead after talking to the guy, I had two mouse pointers and couldn't move or do anything, I'm guess the game didn't register the dialogue window closing since that has two pointers as well.
Restarted again, the captive mouse broke and my cursor kept going on my second monitor.

Sometimes when you turn off the engine the car keeps moving, I think it has something to do with accelerating after you press R.
Took me forever to find the axe in the shed, it's blends with the wall.
Got ending 3.

I think the idea of traveling dangerous places with a vehicle that breaks down is a really good concept for a horror game, but combat is more awkward than scary and the bugs didn't help immersion.

Nice, I got immediate From Dream flashbacks.

It wasn't clear to me that you needed a bullet to heal and I died at the second monster, it respawned me in front of the brainserver and the game broke, it played the brainserver introduction again despite the first enemy being dead, then every time I loaded in the previous area it kept respawning the rope, resetting the computer and the combat encounter.

Restarted and killed the second enemy, this time the game remembered I took the hook rope and that the computer's cipher was solved. Interacting with the computer again makes the second enemy visible but it doesn't reset the combat encounter like in the first playthrough. 

Spamming E in the bunny dialogue makes the text appear slightly before the textbox, which isn't a problem but it is odd that they aren't parented.

I still have no idea how to solve a cipher, I just stared at the letters until I kinda spotted a word and guessed it right both times. It's not your fault because it's a hard thing to understand without a clear step by step example but maybe you could replace it with a more easily understandable puzzle.

It's a fun demo, I liked the atmosphere and I'd play more just to see where the story goes.


The window's reflection is weird at certain angles:

I thought the idea of bringing trash all the way to the bin instead of simply carrying the the bag around was to setup a jumpscare, so the anticipation and the creepy music put me on edge, but then carrying a trashbag in front of my face while shining a light on it or being surrounded by almost total darkness was too blinding, it kind of had the opposite effect. Bunnyhopping away from the giant waddling grey alien got a laugh out of me, the moon jump in general is not good for a horror game, but hey at least it was funny.

Also the first thing I did after reading the note was going after the promised pizza and I got the surprise bad ending lmao.

I played the 0.13 version:

I'm not good at bullet hell games so level two was already too hard for me.
The readme says that you switch angle by pressing the triggers but it was the shoulder buttons on my Xbox controller.
The first time I finished level 1 the game didn't continue to the next stage, here's a screenshot:

I only really used the homing sword attack so I wish you could hold the button down for that too instead of having to spam A to keep attacking.
If you want people to actually read the dialogue you need to add a button to continue the dialogue instead of just skipping it. 

Thanks for playing and thanks for the video.

Sorry for the poor performance, it seemed to run without a hitch for me but I guess all the various light sources and shadows can be a problem on some hardware.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you found the game spooky.

Thanks for playing, I know the game didn't turn out great, unfortunately.

As is you can run pretty fast but you're punished for not taking things slow by more easily running into enemies. It shouldn't be too hard other than that, I gave the player what I think is a good amount of health especially in the later levels and kept it hidden hoping to keep things suspenseful, but I get that it's going to just be frustrating for most people.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Hey thanks for the feedback, I implemented tank recoil and lowered the chaingun volume in the version I just uploaded.

Bullets can penetrate thin armor already, this is most evident by enemy infantrymen being able to kill the player if you show them side armor up close. Also there's no randomness involved in calculating penetration at the moment, it's just a pen vs armor check influenced by the angle of impact.

Hey thanks for playing again!

You're right that I should focus on making the game fun by leaning on the arcady side, I'll try not to worry about guns being overpowered.
I do want to add some story content but I want to try making 3D cutscenes and that's just not something I can focus on this early when performance and some core mechanics still need improvement. 

Thanks again for the feedback.

Gotten around watching this, it's been extremely helpful.

Some things will take time and deliberation to tweak but there's also a lot of immediate things I can improve right away so I'll get to it.
Thanks again for taking the time to record this.

Hey thanks for the video, I'll watch it as soon as I can!

It's a simple game but I like the effort you put in the menus and the presentation in general.

The ball felt a little floaty to me but I understand that it might be intentional to make the game harder.
I don't think there's any reason to use Q and E to turn the camera around by 90 degrees when the mouse or the second analog stick on a controller could move it more organically.
Also it wasn't obvious to me that the blast attack was something that you had to charge by picking up the collectables, it seems a bit strict imo, you only get one shot to deal with enemies.
Sometimes two platforms are not levelled perfectly and the ball goes flying when rolling on the slightly higher platform, if it's intentional it could be more obvious.

Other than that, it was a fun demo.

I was having a God run until the game spawned a boss out of bounds and softlocked me.

Also I kept backpedaling into exit portals by accident, maybe they could be louder?
tbh I think tiny rooms like the ones in the screenshot should stop spawning after a cycle or two, it's a very small space to cram 3 bosses in.

Other than that it's pretty fun, I love how overboard you went with the content.

The controls do not suit mouse and keyboard at all, it's awkward to try and position your character using WASD and then attack in the right direction, the attacks should face the cursor imo.

It played better with a controller but then I ran into a bug where I couldn't purchase items, probably something to do with the mouse being disabled if it detects a controller.

The ranged character was much stronger than the melee ones, I think it's to do with the melee animations having too much backswing and that the melee hitbox are a bit too tiny for an attack that stops all your momentum.
I beat the game with the ranged character and getting the melee boss.