Big fan of your auto-tiler and how the layers look. I agree with Malek that the character feels a little heavy, but it's also really hard to get a good gauge with a block, so it might be something that feels better when there's a character sprite.
Besides that I think there's a certain smoothness that's not quite there yet with the dash. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it's maybe something with how the current speed is affected by dashing? Also there doesn't seem to be a default direction for dashing if you just press dash without a directional input. I feel like I'd need to play Celeste/Tower Fall again to get a sense for what they do with the dash to make it smooth haha.
In any case I'm excited to see more! Your game identity document makes me really excited to play your game, and since we're both in the metroidvania/platforming space I'm sure we'll have good insights to share as we figure things out.