This was a really impressive game, and your mechanics worked great! I found that when I tried to slide under one of the swords from the trap, the character automatically stood back up after sliding instead of staying crouched, so I got hit a bunch by sliding instead of crouching by accident, so I would recommend crouching after a slide, but that's just a little nitpicky thing. Great game!
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This was really good! I liked the story and mechanics. One nitpicky thing is that throwing the bone onto the switch meant the dog hit the bone and stopped before the switch. Having the dog be in the same spot as the bone after eating the bone would make the puzzle a little more intuitive. Overall great job though!
This was a good entry! Solid little game, and you did a good job adding in the elements for the round. One tweak I'd recommend would be to slow down the fire rate for the stun gun a bit, since if you got hit once it was really easy to get stuck for a long time. One other thing I'd recommend just for rating purposes is to have the projectiles and animal show up earlier in the game. In a jam like this there's always a chance that someone isn't good enough at your game to reach the boss fight, so someone could get partway through and think "I didn't see any animals" and dock you points. Great game overall though!
This was really great!! The rat for opening doors was a really great way to follow the prompt that built the story as well. One thing I will say is that I really never found a use for the melee attack since I had infinite knives and the melee hit didn't seem to do more damage. For this jam I don't think that matters, though! Great job!
I'd agree with some of the other comments here that a little could go a long way for this one! Even if you don't have time to put a tutorial in the game itself, some notes in the description of "this is what to expect and how to play" can really go a long way. I really like your game, it also just takes a bit to figure out what's going on and how to play.
I have to say I REALLY loved the story. When I saw 4-5 minutes for the intro I was gonna skip immediately but it really dragged me in! The game is also very good, though I'll agree with some of the other comments that the size of the skill tree is pretty intimidating. Rating a game jam game it's always hard to feel like there's more game than I have time to experience. What I did experience is really solid, though! Good job!
I really liked your art and style on this one! The jump mechanic was a lot of fun but also a little hard to control. I'd recommend maybe showing more of the trajectory or having the trajectory oscillate instead of just increasing so that you can still make a jump even if you mess up a little at first. I also think it can be a little risky with the criteria to have a "projectile like jump" and use an animal as the main character, but that's more of GDKO technicality advice for next round. This was a great game overall though!
The metroidvania elements with the minimap were super good! I also really loved the art style and the story. One thing I would recommend is finding ways to make things a little clearer to make sure the low res pixel style isn't getting in the way. The two places I think were a little hard for me were enemy hits and the spikes. At first I thought I had missed the enemies when I dashed, so I think just making the hits really extra obvious would help. Also, it took dying a few times to realize that I was running into spikes. I know spikes can be hard in a low pixel style cause you can't get the sharp points that scream "this is a spike," but maybe something with the animation again like a blood spurt or having the spikes light up red when you hit them so that it's really clear what you ran into that made one of your eggs break. Overall this is a beautiful game and entry and I'd love to see more!
I liked this a lot! Using the animal to help look for batteries was a really good use of the theme. One thing I would recommend is making the animal's role a little more clear from the start, maybe by adding a tiny bit more instruction. It took a second to understand that "press e to search for batteries" meant having the animal go look, and "nearest battery is too high or too far" had me thinking I had to climb for a while before realizing it just meant the animal couldn't find a path. Once it clicked I really liked it though, and overall I think the mechanic worked out really well! Great job!
Yeah there was so much more I had hoped to include. A double jump/glide with the duck, quack sounds, word by word dialogue, puzzles for the ricochet effect, etc... I even had a whole boss fight intro in a cave planned to make the plot twist more dramatic instead of just shooting all the sheep. But I'm glad I got it submitted!