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Thanks for the feedback, i know it weights way too much, i'll have to look into that

i use the scroll wheel to go through the interact more menu cause i want the player to still be able to get away (with WASD) if something comes up without having to close the interact more menu first (it closes itself when you get away from the door). but, maybe i'll change the way this menu is displayed in the future though, i could try to add some sort of "wheel" selection that lets you select something with the mouse

I crouch the player when he peeks to make it a bit more "immersive" since you need to crouch in order to have your head at keyhole level

You're right about the vents movement, i think i could improve this somehow, i'll add it to my todo list. i've also seen a streamer having the same issue with the fullscreen being broken after a gameover, so i'll look into that too  !!

Thanks for trying my game and for the comment !! !