You've already got a lot of bug reports, so I'll just say I really liked how it felt playing this game. Cool mood and music overall. It had this strange, nostalgic feeling. Kind of like what I remember from Majora's mask? if that makes sense.
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It's really hard, but it makes it cool even though I didn't get very far.
Polished game. it's hard to mix elements in the middle of a battle but that could just be part of the challenge.
I think the tutorial is nice the way it is, you can take your time trying things out and you get a hint about mixes.
Also, i'm retarded and forgor about weapon ugrades, i'm sure it would've made the game easier (though it wouldn't have kept me from dying)
the shopkeeper killed me on my first run.
the game has a hard time with fullscreen, maybe that's because i have 2 of them?
i played it in fullscreen, and then the game crashed when i tried throwing the brother's ultimate attack
It played fine in windowed mode though. Hildegarde is cute and a psycho, Lombard is getting bullied and would rather just get along with everyone i feel. Funny characters. Art is nicer than some DDs ago too
I like being able to aim with Hildegarde.
I'm not a good bullet hell player, the ice girl made me retry in easy mode, but even there it was hard beating her.
not knowing where your hitbox actually is makes it hard to dodge sometimes, like others have mentionned
I wish there was a way to see the controls once you're out of the tutorial
I went through the floor somewhere in the serenity level, you'll see on the video
The shaders are nice, I love the nuke and the railgun
Some levels have no end for now right? like the moon one, I destroyed the laser and kept fighting the enemies until my computer was ready to crash.
It was fun, too bad I had to kill the rogue mecha pilot. maybe I could've fixed her...
Oh, and adding a mouse sens slider would be cool too, it's a bit too sensitive for my taste
plays really well with a controller, terribly (imo) with a keyboard, because of the camera that keeps going left and right
cool character models
I see the UI adapts to the fact you're using a controller/keyboard which is very nice, too bad i can't restart the game with the controller
The game was pretty hard to beat, i had to cheese it by jumping and dodging until Louise was in her pink phase
to sprint, you have to press L3 (the joystick) i don't know if you've tried it or if it didn't work for you
Yeah that type of stuff still happen, that time though the navigation isn't to blame, but the way the door doesn't open for the guard
I see you're an activate windows chad and a teabagging enjoyer. i kneel
You replaced your old computer!! very cool you could try the full demo out this time!
I saw you were trying hard to clip through anything ahahaha but i think i fixed it well this time around, i don't think that should cause issues anymore.
Maybe i should autosave the game or something once the player's out of the tutorial level, i restrained the hotzone to the guards room and behind his counter to keep that from happening to the player, but you jumped over and he got angry with you. But yeah he shouldn't have stayed in the alert state after reloading the level, i'll look into it
Yeah, i already posted a hotfix to fix the door and the clipping in the kitchen issues but you must have downloaded the game before i added it.
Weird stuff with the controller too, it works with both of mine but yours is a logitech i never tried so it might be causing this issue somehow?
Thanks for the video and for trying the game out!
doesn't work with my SN30 pro / ps4 controllers
is there a stamina bar? because i couldn't press shirt too often, felt like there was a cooldown
Cool reloading animation on the crosshair
Some little sfx issues maybe with the steps ? like i would step once but hear a lot of footsteps
Cool character models and customisation, sad i didn't get the dog i chose though , and cool character selection screen, ui looks like it fits weel with the overall style too. i made it crash at the end of the video though
Thanks a lot for trying it again!!
I tried to replicate the fullscreen issue you had when you started the game, but couldn't and i'm wondering if that was because you had an old save? I changed the way the screen resolutions work since last DD, so that might be what caused this particular issue.
Also, yeah i'm still working on the tutorial and i'm planning to add more stuff like dialogues with the robot, and maybe a guard or two once i finish reworking their AI
Okay, tried the new levels, and i got the hang of the shield enemies. I think 10 hp for the shield is fine (since you can just wire them to 2shot them) but it would be cool if we were able to shoot them in the back to kill them in one hit.
They are a good addition to the game since they can be used as "batteries" for the doors or the stuff you need to wire: they aren't very dangerous and they follow you around.
In the second chapter's 3rd level, i had a little resetting bug. i got killed in the room with the vans crashing in and spawning enemies until you charge the battery enough to get out, and when i got back in there, no enemies were spawning
The fact enemies are flanking you as the shield charges you is pretty neat
The SMG's ROF feels a little low imo
The guys throwing mollies are totally blocking the player's progression in some areas if you don't charge in the room, around corridors, like here:

Fast paced game, accuracy needed too, aimlets will get filtered
Thanks for the long post!
I think i already fixed in the latest version i uploaded the evie issue (wrong script attached) and tweaked the character controller a bit to avoid clipping through walls as easily. (it still isn't as good as i want it to though)
As for the saving issue with the tutorial, and the dialogue still popping when it shouldn't thanks for figuring that out
I barely had time to "finish" the tutorial but i'm going to polish it in the coming weeks (adding dialogues to Hannah, to the robot, writing the end of the tutorial scene...)
Thanks for giving it a try!!
Thanks for trying it out!!
I'll let the player interact with the robot in the next update, i just didn't have time to write its dialogues yet.
Yeah for now "unlock" and "knock" don't do anything, they're "placeholders" for the interact more menu, which i'll change a bit too
The guard AI is kind of broken since i updated the game to Godot 4.3, and i need to work on it to handle multiple guards anyway
Yeah i locked some vents and doors in the dorms to keep the player from going into the empty ones. there is a little goal in the dorms, you need to interact with the computer in the guards room and report back to Evie, but that's a bit of a "placeholder" quest right now
I LOVED the intro and the soundtrack, i wish there was a way to cancel the current action (maybe i just missed it) because pressing esc just brings me back to the menu, and out of the game.
Oter than that the game feels pretty polished, the enemies are challenging, and the game's nice overall, very good looking too imo
Thanks for trying it out!
Last DD, i think the game was around 1.5gb and yeah i'm sure i could still make it lighter
I have to fix the clipping issue, everyone crawled through the wall, but if you want to see what comes next, to get out of the tutorial building, you just have to crawl through a vent you can access by climbing on top of the freezer
With the big guy i'm not afraid to get hit a bit since he keeps healing.
And since the foam guy can move pretty fast i'm not afraid to turn around and attack
That was pretty fun
Yes, that's what i was talking about, i got stuck there.
actually, i recorded a part of my playthrough, i don't know if that would be useful to you since i'm just going around, but here's a link:
I spend quite a lot of time between rounds to heal back up and restock on ammo, i think you could make it a bit more convenient for this game mode specificallyOkay i played it for a while, and i found something that made me crash, you can see it at the end of the video.
The screen always do look good thanks to the color palettes, but i think you might need to add a color for some ui stuff, at the beggining there are a lot of informations, little popups moving around, and i had a hard time telling which object i was supposed to click or double click sometimes.
It's weird being able to drag empty squares, and it would be cool to automatically remove the items in the crafting tab once you're out of materials for the craft you were making, maybe let the player quickly remove an item from a crafting tab slot by right clicking it. (maybe something similar is already avaible and i didn't see it)
I think i also got an oak log stuck in an order slot, i couldn't take it out (maybe because i was supposed to give a regular log)
That is the error i got:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object o_popup_guide:
second index out of bounds request 0,-4 maximum size is 1
called from - gml_Object_o_popup_guide_Draw_0 (line 1137)
I managed to clear the first tutorial (i didn't want to leave but i really had no choice) but got stuck on the second level of the second "chapter".
I remember your game from last DD or some DDs ago? cool progress, i liked the dialogues and the fast fights.
the annoying part is the healing stuff, it's too slow to get back to full health / armor between waves
And picking ammo from the bottomless ammo cupboards was kinda hard sometimes, i got stuck opening them back up trying to catch the ammo a lot of times.
Pressing 1 to close the dialogue box is pretty weird and i have a hard time getting used to that
The visuals are awesome
When i start a new game, i can't select a known workd and press on "save this world", i have to start the game through the "quickstart" method
There was a time in the hospital when all the cards were too dark to be seen, so it blindly moved around, i don't know if that was intentional or not
Pressing "ok" on the loot card doesn't seem to do anything for now, and some choices you make in events don't seem to have any effect and just bring me back to the world map
I'm kinda lost for now, i don't think there is a lot to do, but the game looks SO good and the writing sounds good too. you seem to have another version up, is there more content in that one?
I played it for a bit and got kinda hooked, but i also ran into some bugs/issues:
-Some enemies spawn into the walls and stay stuck there
-I couldn't use the middle mouse button because the browser somehow caught it instead of the game, resulting in the website scrolling around while i was playing.
The game is pretty hard (to me) and the pacing of the attacks took me some time getting used to. I think having the "energy" bar under the character, or closer to the center of the screen could be better, cause glancing at it takes your eyes away from the fight
The boss fights are pretty hard, and it would be cool if health potions could be picked and stored in the inventory for that kind of fights (maybe i just didn't figure out how to do that though)
Cool visuals and sfx too!
Nice tutorial, the issue i had like lots of people was with the camera sensitivity: while freelook sens. seems to "derive" from the sensitivity, i don't think that's the case for the zoomed camera sens. (at least when you're in "freelook" mode)
I also had a hard time going up some slopes with the tank, and it shaked around a bit when i moved on one of those
otherwise, it was fun to play, especially with the biggest cannon
Letting player move the camera down when crawling through vents is a nice idea, i'll have to rework this camera anyway so i i'll add it to my todo list.
You can actually press "interact more" when you're in a locker to wait around until it's dark if you want to see the night map, it isn't said anywhere (as a lot of things for now) but i still have to balance light sensitivity for it to work as it should right now.
I'll definitely add throwables and other items later on, i kept the mouse buttons free for that exact reason, i'm looking forward to it, cause i want to do some fun stuff there
Thanks for trying it out and leaving a comment !!
First of all, damn the music's good, the intro is cool too.
The one "issue" i had with the controls (i'm playing with a controller btw), is that when i aim, the character doesn't aim in the direction i'm pointing at with my joystick, but is behaving like the arrows, rotating the player left and right. i don't know if that is intended, to simulate older games though. After playing for a while, i got used to it anyway
finished the 3 courses and i think the challenges do a really good job of getting the player used to the controls, to the powers and the way he should use them.
Your UI and settings seem to work well too, i didn't run into any issue.
Best i can do is three fiddy
Thanks for trying it out !!
You're talking about the "camo index", a lower rate makes you harder to see for the guards, and it's mainly influenced by lighting and stance (standing, crouching, ramping) + movement.
I'm definitely not done with the guard IA, i need to add a lot of stuff there to make it the way i want it to be. (surprised, calling centrale, shouting to alert other guards, improving the way he looks around for the player...)
Thanks for trying the game, and the feedback !!
About the usb thing, maybe the guard IA got stuck somewhere, blocking the whole game in "alert" mode (it happened on a stream), and since the player can't interact with the usb key if he's in alert mode (to keep him from getting caught since a dialogue box appears, keeping the player from moving until it's closed), that happened.
There really is only one way to do it without getting spotted by the guard, it's by going into the vents, and jumping down the security room hatch, and then quickly hiding either inside the locker, or under the table, then jumping out of the window.
I think i could add a way for the player to vault windows cause jumping through them caused a lot of people trouble. (since there is no mid-air control)