It seems a lot more challenging than last time, in particular you seem really dependent on the slomo now and pretty much need to have it turned on every time you round a corner. I’m not sure if that’s a good way to do it, considering the main mechanic is building up slomo juice you reach a point where you’re just using it all the time. At that point I’m questioning why you wouldn’t just have the agility benefits of slomo as a default. I say this because I’m comparing to playing FEAR which I usually play on hard without using the slomo at all and the difference in your game seems much more prominent.
I swear you used to be able to powerslide because I remember having way more mobility the last time I played. Now if you don’t focus down on shooting someone if they’re in the same room you’re pretty much dead.
You can hear Fate’s VA stifling a laugh after she says “maintenance closet”, lol
I kept going back and looking for the starting gun, not realizing you pull it back out if you drop your current weapon. That’s probably on me.
You need to put in walls extending down and possibly up outside the level. Also, definitely need to make the outside glass breakable, just be careful of physics costs. It may make more sense to just do it with mostly particles.