I guess I understood the game well enough. At least I had no problems following the Advisor. I will leave some more thoughts, idk if you care to hear such feedback at this stage, anyhow…
Imho the UI is cool and impressive on concept level. But the appearance is too unappealing for me. I wouldn’t be motivated to spend hours actually playing this game. The font is hard too read, icons are small and ugly.
In terms of gameplay, I relate this game to Cultist Simulator, but I think it’s worse. There is too much (fake) depth - when a game has an "Auto" button for stuff it’s already over for me. I want things to either matter enough that it’s worth my time to do manual decision. Or be completely Automatic and I influence on higher level e.g. what gear I acquire for my guild. In this way I like how consumables are just assigned to the raid in general, not to individual heroes. Speaking of heroes, it was unclear to me to what extent they have pre-assigned roles or classes. It seems they got some individual skills, but the combination appears to be random(?) Then there are like 6 numeric meta-stats. Do I care? Finally, in a management game called "Heroes for Hire" I would have expected to spend a lot of time hiring heroes, but it seems the title it meant the other way around: My own heroes are for hire somewhat. (Though so far I did just raids and traded a few items, didn’t really get hired.)
I did not understand what shifts are. I did not understand why my tired heroes sometimes didn’t sleep. Sent them to sleep manually. I don’t know if it even matters - the Advisor didn’t talk to me about sleep. The Advisor sometimes blinked too much / too annoyingly. Clicking the "Craft" wrench button next to recipes sometimes didn’t work (for recipes made from other crafted material). All the drag&drop gets tedious after a while, would be nice if plain clicks also worked, where applicable.