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A member registered Nov 03, 2014 · View creator page →

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Other Changes:

- Shifted the holiday and speedup boxes down so that they don't overlap with pins placed at the top of the screen.

- Improved the pathfinding during raids so heroes get in loops less.

- The time speedup when heroes aren't fit to raid is now even faster.

- Improved the selection criteria for the autofill button on the startraid popup.

- The project popup now shows when heroes are on shift.

- Rearranged and fixed the Getting the Ball Rolling popup.


- Spiderlings now have a higher chance of dropping items and webs. In order to compensate, egg sacs now drop less webs.

- Previous patch for hero mood actually did the opposite of what it was supposed to do and was fixed.

- Explosive barrels now drop less items.

Bug Fixes:

- Volatile bombs are no longer considered 1 star on the guide, allowing players to craft them early.


- Hero mood now impacts their portraits.

Other Changes:

- Cleaned up and polished the new tutorial. 


- Mood now stabalizes slowly, both when heroes are in a bad and good mood. (Generally a buff, heroes in a good mood were stabalizing fast.)


- Revamped the initial tutorial to consolidate a lot of the text into one area and reduce a lot of the flashing popups and stuff. I'm not going to lie, this was rushed out to meet the end of Next Fest, so I'm anticipating some potential bugs. As far as I tested, I could not find anything game breaking, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. I will be pushing out a patch relatively soon to polish everything up. Thanks for playing.


- You can now craft directly from the guide popup without having to open a separate crafting popup. If you can't make the item, it will open like before.

Other Changes:

- Tutorial fixes and tweaks.

- Opening the guide will now put it at the highest priority.

- Raids are now considered "complete" much faster now, and the timer for the window to close them off has been extended. 

Bug Fixes:

- Opening a hero info popup from the herolist would occasionally put it under the hero list popup.

- The game speed is no longer paused until you click on the advisor icon.

Other Changes:

- Further tutorial changes and fixes.

- The end of day visual has been changed slightly.

- Slightly increased the base double click leniency.


- Slightly reduced enemy health on the first difficulty tier.

Bug Fixes:

- Finishing the full guild hall tutorial now actually finishes it.


- The end of day message is now optional! Click the box when it appears at the end of the day.

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the tutorial further.

- Some advice will appear a little later to avoid players getting overwhelmed.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed glitched inventories when multiple are open at the same time. - (Real) Next Fest Patch


- Added some hero thoughts.

Other Changes:

- When hover text is going to go off screen, the alignment has been changed not to cover stuff up.


- Reduced how much the apothecary charges from 1.8x to 1.5x the base cost of the item.

- Missing out on an order no longer impacts the guild's reputation as much.

- Heroes are now less likely to wake up off shift.

- Increased base exp gained while raiding slightly.

Bug Fixes:

- Some bold text misalignment issues have been fixed.

- Shops out of town have been fixed for real when pinned.

- Fixed some incorrect text.

- Dragging equipment out of the shop pin's tabs will no longer create fake equipment.

- Fixed some more z-fighting issues in the 3D guild hall viewer. - Next Fest Patch


- Added some missing hover tooltips.

Other Changes:

- Players will now be warned when a hero is starting work early.

- New players will now be asked what language they want to use during the first time setup again.

- Fixed some of the "Clean" text scaling and positioning.


- Reverted the last patch's change to the resource rooms, but slightly reduced the amount of resources heroes will gather.

- Waking up a hero off shift no longer impacts hero happiness as much, mood is still impacted the same however.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar on the menu would move to decimal values and ultimately break everything.

- Fixed some strange edge cases with the optional speedup that was making it not activate when it should have been.

- Fixed a crash caused by starting a tournament battle. This may have been causing issues in boss fights as well. The text on the tournament battle was broken too, but it wasn't possible to load so this wouldn't have been seen anyways.

- Fixed some odd text highlighting issues.

- Fixed a glitch where shopkeepers out of town would still have their shops shown on shop pins.

- Fixed some Z fighting issues with the 3D guild hall view.


- Added some slight variation to the hit effects during raids.

- Highlighted important information in the text box during raids.

- Added a request indicator to the hero info pin.

- Added a prompt as to when to manually start the variable time speedup, this will activate when heroes are all tired, relaxing or busy.

Other Changes:

- Added some missing localization strings.

- The dungeon list tutorial now uses the new system, forgot to convert this one.

- It is no longer possible to interact with stuff on the desktop through popups.

- Tutorial wording has been slightly changed up to be more clear.


- Slightly reduced the amount of resource nodes in dungeons.

- Enemies will now drop more slime on Slime Day.

- The scarab swarm enemy will now spawn scarabs slower.

Bug Fixes:

- Advice pins will no longer be saved as item storage popups.

- Fixed a couple broken interactions with the advice pin.

- Fixed a glitch where Gladius wasn't showing up properly.

- Fixed an issue where far too many shopkeepers would show up in the 3D section of the guild hall and was likely causing slowdowns.

- Sending a hero off to relax no longer totally wipes their energy.


- Added a pin for tips.

Other Changes:

- Starting wages are now psuedo-random.

- The "Did You Know?" tip no longer counts as a tip.

- Changed the "Night" colour theme up a little bit.


- Reduced the attack cooldown inflicted when frozen.

Bug Fixes:

- Services will now show up in the guild hall occupancy viewer again.

- When services did show up in the guild hall, it was possible to double click to open up their shop.

- The hero list was showing the expected wages for heroes, not the actual current wage.

- Fixed an issue where dragging an empty crafting slot would create a glitched item.

- Finishing the shop list tutorial will now actually finish it.


- Added a section for wages to the hero list.

Other Changes:

- Changed how shop generation works slightly. The order in which shopkeepers stay in the room is now randomized for Lumberjack, Miner, Fashionista and Weapon Dealer, but the rest will always appear first if they can.

- Tweaked the effective level system.


- Increased the amount of EXP that enemies give.

- Slightly increased enemy damage.

- Sending heroes to relax no longer impacts their mood.

- Heroes will now arrive on their next shift, not the next day.

- Training and gathering projects now last 4 hours, not 5.

- Reduced how much recieving a raise does to hero mood.

- Spiders and Spiderlings will now drop a small amount more webs.

- Resource nodes are now more common.

- Projects will now unlock 1 raid earlier than before.

- The Powder Barrel now explodes less often.

Bug Fixes:

- Ventura will no longer say that a hero is furious when she was supposed to talk about armour sets.

- The training popup now actually properly displays how much experience the hero will get.

- The wrong stats were being checked when shopkeepers were moving in.

- Actually fixed the reputation and money hovers.

- Heroes and enemies can no longer use skills while frozen.

- Fixed an extremely rare case where dungeon keys could spawn on the goal chest and softlock the game.

- Fixed a bug where taking an item out of the recipe part of the crafting window would create a bugged recipe.

- Heroes will no longer spam asking for raises.

Thanks. I do agree a lot of stuff isn't explained super great now or isn't intuitive. The speedup for example only happens if you're on variable time which only gets turned on automatically if you're doing the tutorial (there's no point to this limitation so I'll change it.) Refined silk is also for mid-game items so it dropping early probably isn't needed either. 

I'll look into everything and try to refine it so that it makes more sense and is a lot smoother.

Other Changes:

- Added some advice.

- When on variable speed, the game will now speed up if every available hero has been relaxing for 2 hours.

- Increased how long heroes have to be relaxing to be considered bored.

- Added a system to encourage heroes to fall back to a proper sleep schedule if it is off.

- Trying to create a popup that can't be created now puts the existing one at the top of the popup priority.


- Heroes are now more impacted by mood and exhaustion while in raids.

- Tweaked the attack accuracy ratio.

- Heroes now take dramatically less damage when moving around while shocked. (Used to deal 20% of your health per step, now deals 6%.)

- Heroes now dislike working when tired less, but working overtime more.

Bug Fixes:

- Raid maps for Gladius and Major Mimic fights no longer break and softlock the game. Tournaments may have been broken in the same way as they use a similar system.

- Fixed some oddities with colour.

- Fixed a potential crash caused by the staff skill.

- Sharpening a weapon that's pristine will no longer revert it back to well-made quality. Sharpening was also giving different bonuses depending how the weapon was sharpened, and that has been fixed.

The scaling (mainly on the menu) is mainly a problem with GM but I'll try and find a better solution because it does look really off. Thanks

I got up to level three, I don't know what else is after that.

I like the visual style and sound effects, they fit and work. I also like each unique hero and how they all play differently. (Don't know what the wizard is supposed to do, the explosion ring is really weak.)

Without a tutorial, though, some things are confusing, though. The first thing I see is a list of like 200 items with attributes I don't understand. That's probably for debug though.

The other thing that confuses me is the entire lose state. On level 3 it says 1/0 so I don't think it's that. In the first 2 levels I could have all heroes on the board and not lose, and sometimes I lose when a hero dies, and sometimes it's fine.

My suggestion is to tie it all to hero health, and have recalling damage the hero. If all heroes are dead, the round is lost. Right now, health doesn't seem to do much as heroes don't attack even if left on the board.

Also the cannon sounds like a bird when moving.

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the early tutorial and setup.

- Hovering over a hero in the siderbar will now show their current thoughts if they have any.

- Added and fixed some missing and incorrect guide entries.

- The item visual effect for clothing/weapons found now shows the actual weapon/clothing being found.

- The raid map pin now shows what items are being picked up.


- Weapons now decay slightly faster.

- Orders will now ask for more slimes.

- Mini slimes now scale up slightly more in higher level raids, and spiderlings slightly less.

- Heroes that were relaxing before the shift starts will no longer be considered bored right away.

- Chests placed in the guild will now expand the inventory size by 12 spaces instead of 16. (This was originally buffed to combat inventory crowding, but as the amount of loot gathered was reduced, this isn't needed anymore.)

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed the explosion particle.

- Fixed the enemy death and item gather particle not drawing if the popup is selected.

- Giving heroes equipment when there's two or more pieces of equipment of the same type that was already equipped now swaps the equipment out properly.

- Fixed moving things around in the inventory with a filter active.

- It is no longer possible to pin the shortcut pin popup.

- Fixed an issue where pinning an item storage popup with a shortcut filter applied would wipe the filter.

- Trusty Pickaxes and Compasses are, once again, for real this time, no longer classified as $PWDR.

- Fixed spike traps not making the spike trap sound when stepped on.

Other Changes:

- Improved hero pathfinding.


- Enemies spawned by Pharoh Tensis and Captain Grey Bones now have reduced health. Also slimes spawned by King Slime have slightly more health.

- Boss Enemy scaling based on number of heroes in the raid has been flattened. (Something for this was added for all enemies and it just compounds really fast.)

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a crash on load. Between testing and patching, a script got corrupted and was causing a crash, this has been fixed.

- Enemy death visuals now appear only on the raid popup they were created by.

Other Changes:

- Previously, services and shops were saying that they closed at 6:00PM, but now close at 6:59PM. (Nothing changes, this is just to make things less confusing.)

- Added some in-between emotions for tired heroes.


- Locusts will now eat items less.

- Some enemies that spawn in the Sandy Desert dungeon didn't have proper attack priority values before and now do.

- Slightly tweaked some stuff to make sure that heroes sleep on time.

Bug Fixes:

- Shops will no longer be shown as open all the time when pinned.

- Fixed the dungeon completion bar showing an incorrect number.

- Fixed some weirdness with hero thoughts appearing at inappropriate times.

- Particle effects created by popups are now only drawn on the popup that created them.

- Popup boxes were being drawn over tutorials, making them almost impossible to read. Sorry about that.

Wage Changes:

- The base wage amount has been increased, while the scaling per level has been flattened.

- Wages are no longer automatically updated when heroes level up, instead they are updated when heroes want a raise.

- Heroes will now ask for a raise more often if they haven't recieved one in a while.

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the priority for certain requests so that they don't have higher priority than more important hero requests.

- Added a fail safe to make sure that each raid on the first day isn't the same location.

- Added a message that appears when you try and equip an item while raiding.

- It is now possible to sharpen weapons by dragging the sharpening stone to the hero list or hero info popups.

- It is now possible to move the guild hall viewport when moving furniture and rooms.

- Added a warning when hiring services and there aren't enough beds in the guest rooms.

- Reduced the click zone to register resizing a popup.

- The 10% stat bonus from wearing a full set of clothing is now displayed on the hero info popup.

- Dropping items and heroes onto boxes is now more lenient.

- Slightly tweaked some colours and visuals.


- The discount friday holiday now has a greater impact.

- Some forms of bad luck mitigation have been altered to mitigate bad luck better.

- Enemy health is now slightly based on the number of heroes in the raid as well.

- Tweaked the starting status for the third hero. They were waking up too early as the stats were miscalibrated.

- Rebalanaced order reward amounts. (Clothing and Rares give more. Potions give less.)

- Reduced the defence bonus on the Farmer's clothing set. (It had the same defence as the chainmail set, making it basically the best set by far.)

- Reduced the amount of health from moving to a new tile during a raid, and from defeating an ambush slightly.

Bug Fixes:

- Removing all the ingredients from a crafting popup no longer gives a glitched recipe that can unlock everything in the guide.

- Fixed misaligned and stretched popups while holidays are active.

- Fixed a couple broken scrollbars.

- Potion orders now pick from the proper drop table when giving the reward. (Was using the old enemy drop table.)

- Fixed the Merchant section of the guide checking rooms that aren't guest rooms to see if a merchant can move in.

- Priority popups are now drawn over everything.

- Fixed an issue where attacking enemies would say that heroes are using the wrong weapon.

- Gladius' challenge can now spawn as a dungeon raid again.

- When sending a hero to rest, internally the game considered them sleeping for three hours already so that they wake up faster. As energy restoration is based on time asleep, this was messing some things up and has been fixed.

- Fixed a graphical bug with the cursor caused by going back to the main menu with a guild hall popup open.

Other Changes:

- When a popup can't be created because there's one open already, it will now flash.

- Recruit popups now close off when recruits arrive, same with tournaments when they finish.

- Dragging a hero or item over a popup will now only make it the highest priority after a small period.

- "The Guild's Wage/Rent is now..." message will no longer be spammed as much.

- Cleaned up some early tutorials.

- Crafting pin hovers will now always show the recipe.

- Cleaned up the requirements section of the Merchant and Furniture guides.

- Some of the merchant requirements were mismatched from the guide's description and now aren't.


- Enemies now drop weaker potions, and order potions now give rarer potions.

- Increased the amount that potions heal across the board.

- Enemy damage has been increased a bit.

- Tweaked the scale for the amount of enemies that appear per room in dungeons.

- Finishing a battle in a raid will now heal the team slightly.

- Ambushed raid teams will now always attack after enemies attack, and enemies will also attack faster.

- Heroes are now much more likely to wake up on time, unless overworked.

- Tournament rivals are now slightly stronger. (Still weaker than they were before.)

- Sleep schedule mechanics have been tweaked to make the sleep schedule more rigid.

- Changed how hero fleeing works, they can no longer spam to run away, but will have a higher base chance of escaping.

- Consecutive misses by heroes in raids will now slightly increase accuracy.

- Less dungeons will now generate per notice board made.

- The interior designer now needs 75 reputation and a room with three beds to appear in the guild.

- Reduced how fast reputation from orders decays.

- Buffed spiderlings and mini slimes.

Bug Fixes:

- Starting a gathering project will no longer show the hero gathering way more than they really are.

- Hero Info pins now show gathered items.

- Fixed hovers not showing up occasionally when hovering over a different box.

- Minimizing a raid popup will no longer play the sounds in the background.

- Heroes that are sleeping in on purpose will no longer wake up the hour the shift starts occasionally.

- It is no longer possible to interact with the guild hall while moving and resizing popups.

- Fixed an issue with the rival team viewer.

- Interior designers will now sell products for cheaper on clearance friday.

- The first map on the raid map (Tended Hollows) can no longer generate with a level too low if it's pirate/sandy themed.

- Fixed some issues related to duplicate messages in the dungeon raid textbox.

- Removing items from the crafting popup will now update the recipe properly.


- Totally overhauled the hero and shop list to show more helpful information to the player.


- Tired heroes will now take the wrong path in dungeon raids more often.

- Heroes now dislike working overtime even more.

- Changed how hero "breaks" work.

- Hero mood is no longer impacted as hard when woken up on shift.

- The key position in raids is now more random.

Other Changes:

- Changed up the default font a little bit to make it easier to read, again.

- Tweaked the "Get The Ball Rolling" popup a little bit.

- Alert messages for reputation and guide unlocks will no longer appear on file load.

- Tweaked some of the popups to improve visuals and functionalities.

Bug Fixes:

- Oopsies, the game was playing slightly too slow in some cases.

- Fixed some more colour related issues.

- Equipping items through the hero info popup no longer duplicates the item.

- Popups are no longer drawn above alerts during holidays.


- Tweaked a couple more visual things.

- Switched to a new font that should be more readable.

- Added a localization option to the initial setup.

Other Changes:

- Changed up the guild hall tutorial very slightly.

- Reworked how a lot of the hovers look visually so the text doesn't clip.


- The merchant can now sell trusty pickaxes and compasses.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue where changing the localization would not remember and save.


- Added a recipe to combine Gold/Silver dust into Gold/Silver clumps.

- Slowed the game's timestep down again. I found the game was still pretty overwhelming and too fast to keep up with later on. (Around 25% slower compared to the 12% slower it was before, or an extra 12% drop in speed.)

- Added a whole bunch of hero thought bubbles corresponding to different actions in the game.

Other Changes:

- Added some missing localization strings.

- The current highest priority popup is now drawn over the holiday message.

- Ventura will now appear in the corner of the screen less frequently.

- You can no longer receive advice to upgrade your workshop and gymnasium if you don't even have one.

- You'll no longer receive advice to unlock skills before level 11.

- The commodity bar at the bottom now also includes silver bars.

- Tweaked how variable time works slightly.


- Rebalanced enemy HP scaling. (5.4% more at level 1, 15.9% less at level 2, and 44.9% less at level 3.) It was a pretty bad brick wall at level 3 before, the game isn't particularly balanced after this point.

- Heroes will be less likely to need a rest after raiding, now.

- Further reduced the drop rate of slime, webs and sand.

- Dramatically reduced the experience bonus received from the Literature Day holiday.

- Increased the amount of damage the "shock" status deals.

- Raid teams are now significantly less likely to move to unvisited tiles when fleeing from raids.

- Rebalanced a lot of the happiness restoration and loss systems in a game to make it way less forgiving than it is right now.

Bug Fixes:

- Some saved variables were not being saved.

- Fixed a problem caused by projects being late.

- Loaded games no longer progress time way too slow until the time is changed.

- Weak web bombs no longer require the highest level web to make.

- Equipping an item after an item is deleted no longer duplicates the item.

- Fixed some colour related issues.

- Fixed an incorrect Magic Potion recipe.

- The hover to move furniture now actually says the one that will be moved.

- Services were quickly becoming useless as the invisible "energy" they had to do their tasks were not regenerating.

- Campaigns were impossible to complete as the date being compared against was wrong.


- Added a visual indicator for overlapping projects when starting a new one. (Gathering and training projects are always scheduled for 4 hours, raiding projects try to go for 4 hours, but may overlap.)

- New item: Sand Trap, the sand equivalent of the web bomb. When used, the enemies accuracy will be lowered based on the tier of the bomb.

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the tutorial again.


- Heroes will no longer request a vacation if there is a tournament upcoming.

- Added an accuracy parameter to enemy attacks, some enemies are now less accurate, and some are more accurate.

- Raids/Gathering/Training autostarts will no longer start if a project is late and still set to start. (Was only happening in rare edge cases, but still happened.)

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an odditiy with the new time of day background introduced last patch.

- Loaded files that have completed the "Get The Ball Rolling" popup will no longer get another egg every time they load a file.

- Hero stats were not being impacted when starting raid projects and now are.

- Fixed some visual issues with the project list.

- Time during the tutorial was running slower than it should have been been running.


- Some of the visuals have been overhauled again, to make things contrast and stand out more.

- All of the colour themes have been changed again, they were all relatively faded out which wasn't great for visibility and contrast.

- Added a quick indicator for the time of day on the desktop.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed the variable speed icon not going away if changed.

- Fixed variable speed running at half speed when switched to.


- Added some extra tips to the advice popup after the "Get The Ball Rolling" section is finished.

- Added level 2 and level 3 web bombs.

Other Changes:

- Firing a service from the guild will now only take them out of the guild at the end of the day.

- It is no longer possible to unlock guild services before day 3. (This is more of a failsafe as it was extraordinarily unlikely to happen anyways.)


- Barrel Bombs now do consistent damage. (They used to damage based on the hero's health, the slime bomb now does that instead.)

- Silk Rolls and Glass now require two of the equivalent item to craft. Sand and webs are now harder to get to compensate.

- Tiny slimes will now drop less slime.

Bug Fixes:

- A couple stores that used to have requirements to show up in the guild were showing up all the time due to a debug command that was accidentally left in.

- Fixed an issue where closing off the advice popup would cause a softlock.

- Services will now correctly cost money to hire into the guide.


- The game's timescale is now a little slower, around ~12%. I found the game was a bit too fast and chaotic, and this should help that.

- Added one more thing to the "Get The Ball Rolling" tip.

- Added a visual indicator for when time is being sped up during variable speed.

- Added another tip for full armour sets.

Other Changes:

- Changed some visuals for angry and sick heroes.

- Tweaked the tutorial a bit.

- Variable time will no longer speed up if the hero is gathering or training.


- The recruitment, services and bank will now open at 6am and close at 8pm.

- Project raid maps are now bigger.

- The Guide now caries a lot more money to buy stuff.

Bug Fixes:

- A system for heroes to intentionally oversleep wasn't being calculated properly. (At a certain point, it'd always go off, and would never go off before then.)

- Ruby Gemstones are no longer classified under the $PWDR commodity group.

- Fixed an issue related to duplicate entries in the crafting system.

- Fixed the clickboxes for furniture.

- You can no longer select and drag furniture while not on the furniture tab.

- Fixed door and window stat calculations.

- Fixed some hover issues.

- Fixed finished projects still showing up on the schedule occasionally.

- Fixed the rooms saying they have far more merchants in them than they really do.


- Simplified the "Get The Ball Rolling" popup.

- Dragging the recipe slot from the crafting popup will now clear the whole recipe.


- Changed the scaling for personalities, each one will now have a larger impact on what they're supposed to do.

- The "Vitality" personality type now also increases how fast health is regenerated after a raid.

- Two of the personality types have changed:

- Nocturnality -> Is now "Needyness", determines how much likely enemies are to target the hero and leave drops for them.

- Amiableness -> Now determines how often heroes will try and work together better in raids.

Other Changes:

- Ventura will no longer talk in the tutorial when popups are active.

- Heroes will no longer ask for item staple restocks while they're out on raids.

- Changing colours will now update popup's visuals.

- If every hero in a raid has the same inventory, the inventory selection will now default back to being set for each hero.

Bug Fixes:

- Some of the personality impacts weren't being calculated right. (Actually most were not working the way they should have.)

- Starting heroes were spawning with higher personalities than should be possible.

- Fixed a bug caused by placing a notice board in the guild hall.

- Fixed some errors related to the new colour system.


- When asleep, the "Rest" button on the hero info popup will now become "Wake", which wakes the hero. (Like getting woken up when starting a raid, heroes don't like this.)

- Added a new furniture bonus: Luck. This does the same thing as the Moon Festival holiday.

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the tutorial further, reducing the amount of text that players will have to go through.


- Workshops now reduce the cost of sending a hero off to gather.

- Silver and Gold decorations have had their stats reduced, but will now have a Luck bonus instead.

- Less chests are now traps in raids, luck also now impacts this chance.

Bug Fixes:

- It is no longer possible to close off the item storage during the tutorial when it is needed.

- Fixed an issue where not switching the raid type in the tutorial would always give a boss encounter.

- Fixed a problem where the guild hall's stats wouldn't update right away when a piece of furniture was placed in the guild.

- Fixed a mismatch between the setup visuals and the actual ingame visuals.


- Most of the themes have been retired and replaced with new themes and more appropriate names.

- Added the ability to load custom themes, editing the "custom_theme.png" file located in the executable folder will allow you to change the game's colours. (This file is made on first time startup as I don't want patches to replace the file.)

Other Changes:

- Tweaked the tutorial a small amount.

- Changed some minor visuals.

- Updated some visuals on pins.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue with dragging popups to move them.

- The tutorial now counts as completed when the last blurb goes away, not when the advisor icon is clicked.


- Added an option that allows players to use the windows cursor instead of the ingame cursor.

Other Changes:

- Reduced the amount of text in the tutorial blurbs and made the initial tutorial easier to read and follow along with.

- Removed the options to automatically slot in orders, crafting and raid staples. They're now always on, as I cannot imagine any reason why anyone wouldn't have these on.

- Updated the "Light" colour scheme.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a potential issue where clicking off the project list would lock up the icons. (Don't know if it was a new issue or not.)

- Fixed some missing visual effects from the last patch.

- Fixed an issue where the cursor guidance shadow wasn't being drawn properly at higher UI scales.

- Fixed a visual issue with the pause menu.

- Fixed an issue where rooms were not saving and loading properly.


- Overhauled the colour themeing system. The themes now look different, and a bunch of visual elements were updated as well. I can imagine at least one person doesn't like this change, so I'll be adding a way to customize the colours next patch. I'm expecting some bugs with this as it was a huge overhaul that took a large amount of time.

- The first raid in the tutorial has been replaced by a training hall type raid, with dummy enemies. (Only if you move to the next dungeon in the tutorial.) 

Other Changes:

- Expanded the reasons why auto starting might be denied.

- Added some tips back that were accidentally removed last update.

- The tutorial is a little bit faster now.

- Reduced how lenient click boxes are globally, this was interfering with some buttons.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed not being able to move the viewport in the guild hall while the bulk select option was on.

- Also fixed not being able to select the filters for the bulk moving selection.

- It is no longer possible to open up hero info and dungeon popups during the tutorial while the information box is up.

Thanks, I'll try and fix those. The colours won't be too bad but the text on the raids might be as the box is already pretty big as is. I'll try to make it more clear at least.

(1 edit)

Most of the "classes" comes from skill and equipment. You can hire, but the message for unlocking recruitment was glitched and doesn't appear when it's supposed to.

I'll try and change some of the stuff and make it more obvious what can be automated and sped up. Thanks. A couple people have noted that dragging manually each time is annoying, but there's a system to make shortcuts that must not be obvious where it is.

Not really sure what could be causing that, but I think I have an idea. Thanks for the feedback.

You can drop items into the crafting recipe window to get the ingredients, but maybe that isn't really obvious. Also enemy loot can be found in the guide, but I admit it's sort of half assed at the moment.  Besides that, I'll try and make it more obvious what the game goal is, eg. upgrading stuff.


You have to manually drag the heroes to the rooms, I can probably change that though. Thanks.

Blackscreen is a problem with windows 10, can't fix it unfortunately.

(1 edit)

Oops, I must've enabled steamworks, thought I turned that off, I'll get that fixed up quick.