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A member registered Nov 03, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I'll try and fix those. The colours won't be too bad but the text on the raids might be as the box is already pretty big as is. I'll try to make it more clear at least.

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Most of the "classes" comes from skill and equipment. You can hire, but the message for unlocking recruitment was glitched and doesn't appear when it's supposed to.

I'll try and change some of the stuff and make it more obvious what can be automated and sped up. Thanks. A couple people have noted that dragging manually each time is annoying, but there's a system to make shortcuts that must not be obvious where it is.

Not really sure what could be causing that, but I think I have an idea. Thanks for the feedback.

You can drop items into the crafting recipe window to get the ingredients, but maybe that isn't really obvious. Also enemy loot can be found in the guide, but I admit it's sort of half assed at the moment.  Besides that, I'll try and make it more obvious what the game goal is, eg. upgrading stuff.


You have to manually drag the heroes to the rooms, I can probably change that though. Thanks.

Blackscreen is a problem with windows 10, can't fix it unfortunately.

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Oops, I must've enabled steamworks, thought I turned that off, I'll get that fixed up quick.

