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(1 edit)

So far favorite characters are Cait,Rae,and Naomi at least of the ones i have met. The elf well lets just say I would like a few tools to deal with the elf and if she pushes Cait around one more time. I will find a paddle and teach her the meaning of the word fear and then hand her over to Slannesh.Nope handing the elf over to Slannesh there is very very little you can do to convince me the elf is worth it at this point I have met many an elf character certain ones bring out protective werewolf mode etc depending on which game they remind me of  and then there is the elf in this game. I am handing her over to Slannesh giftwrapped with a ball gag with a note attached that reads "You can do as you wish with her Lord Slannesh this one is now yours". This is the highest amount of hate for a none Thalmar elf that I can possibly have I am continuing this game but please tell me there is a animal eared character that makes up for the elf. I figured since she was the other fantasy race character she would be decent but no a thousand times no.Rae is best girl compared to the elf Cait is next and then Naomi I need another girl to get the taste of this elf out of my system.


Hey redmen,

I understand from an initial and surface perspective that Lyriel may come across, as several people have put it, "bitchy", which is completely fair, but take into consideration the situation she was in before being brought to the house and from her perspective: She's awoken to a very strange place with people she's never met before.

While each gal has handled the initial arrival differently, Lyriel being on guard and defensive is totally reasonable in such a situation. Give her time, I'm sure Lyriel will grow on you. If not, that's completely fair too. Each to their own and all that.

As for any "animal eared" characters, there isn't for the main story, but as I mentioned in a previous comment, there is a lost and found event that recently dropped that might be of interest to you, but these are side events. There's also the Halloween dream you might want to consider too.

Thanks for taking the time to dive into AHITR and give your thoughts/opinions though, its appreciated!