Still need vengeance for small cat girl want to break the asshole's limbs need this option need it. Naw breaking the bastard's limbs isn't enough I want to utterly humiliate the black market slaver bastard make a complete one sided victory. Though did enjoy getting to beat up the laughing jester clown abomination thing that was fun.Can we please get an option to push clown jester abomination thing into the pool again only this time that cool looking battleship fires a few cannon rounds into him please it would be fun.
Recent community posts
Good start has potential to rival even Goddess's whim for most likable mc.Already doing better than a certain other vn as far as characters likability you also have a wolf girl so i am adding another two points.Also loving the slightly less handholding of the player with the events.Just needs some more updates otherwise the only thing is somevjanky dialogue but again updates and more time should iron out even this.
So I got a save from the first one that is decently far but story wise would it be neccessary or is this simply an upgraded version of the game I am not picking on you i am seriously just curious. Becasuse hours i do not have unfortunately if however it is just an upgraded game i can start this now and not have to worry about it otherwise my ocd like tendencies will not allow me to leave the first one unfinished for story elments
Okay am glad for all the new sew events etc but I did not see more dog girl scenes in the change log. Please more dog girl for dog girl is best girl she very quickly stole my heart(Does not help I am a dog person and that her story hit m e in the feels and now must protect doggo). Also I am going to need an option to make the ones who have harmed the dog girl pay in blood and tears.Meat for the maw,Toasty Meat for the Firemouth,and ROCK AND STONE.
There is a bunch of good games on here though partial to this and a Goddess's Whim myself. Granted Eternum,Stray incubus, and Peerless Lust are not bad either my issue with the last one is i was shown a wolf girl but I was not allowed to have said wolf girl. That is a violation your not allowed to show a animal eared girl and then deny the mc the animal eared girl unless its a side character.
Guide I can agree with just skipping to new content nope I would rather play and see new stuff or see the outcome of choosing different choices. However that is just me and I would never give anyone actual shit for something like that. Granted a relationship stat tracker in game would be nice. Also a choice tracker would also be nice that way you know what choices you made and if you wanted to do another playthrough which choices to do differently.
I think really my biggest disappointment with this is the mc's power isn't really his and sadly he is completely human(One day I will find a werewolf mc or a human turned Eldritch of Lust). Had found some decent Incubi mc characters recently so i was hoping still on the search for the holy grail of mcs though. At the same time when you mentioned Eldritch I was hoping i had finally found one of these where your a budding Eldritch of Lust and you slowly accumulate power to become an Elder God of Lust. At the same time of the mind control VNS I have scene yours at least doesn't feel completely evil kind has World Tamer feel to it. Also if you add a way to join the Eldritch I would take it lol.Still good VN but my search for the holy Grail of VNS continues.
Wait best cat girl after our precious Emi was murdered is going to get some love? Please do also must murder Ethriam hunter/Slaver all I ask is a chance to squish his skull or better yet someone hand me the Butcher cleavers I will send this waste of human flesh to the Great Maw he is not worthy of beinig eaten.Also are Izanami's and others naked apron scenes going to be added soon?
Pretty sure we will get there if the artists have any say loljust hope the adorable cat girl gets some love want to help her after the other cat girl incident. Also author I NEED VENGEANCE not want need harming animal eared girls is a sin punishable by severe dismemberment and pardon me for invoking an Eldritch as well as revealing my love of Warhammer fantasy but BY THE GREAT MAW I SHALL CONSUME ALL THOSE WHO HAVE HARMED THE CATGIR AND WHAT IS LEFT GOES TO THE GREAT MAW.
I have not given it a shot probably will my only turn off is the powers are not yours they are powered by another enitity.One that can leave you stranded high and dry and then what hmm then you have nothing. Meaning ultimately they can be stripped from you at any time. Its like with Issei his potential exists solely because he has the Red Dragon Emperor take that away and you get a useless character.However am curious once i finish the game I am playing now probably will check this out also have been burned by games like this before. Going to wait until it gets a bit more updates.Also the M/M content is a turn off is there by chance a setting for that some games have setting to turn off fetishes you don't want?
So I hope this does not offend the author but as of this moment gotta say fox girl,abyssal girl, moth girl, and hound are best girls and of course cat girl who i only know of from my earlier playthroughs. You might want to do something with the others they are getting left in the dust lol.Granted having to restart again gives you an appreciation for the starter girls lol which is why fox girl wins best girl over all barely beating abyssal girl.
Not cool that is a horrible prank to play on people i have not checked on this for a while wanted to let it get further past the cat girl incident before playing again. As well as get more scenes and such to enjoy .Mostly because murdering the murderer was not an option or considered the bad option or something like that its been a while since playing. Glad to see moth girl is still in she was adorable liking revamped fox girl's look is hell hound still in or did we loose our doggo?
What happens with the animal eared girl and how you basically have to backstab her with no way around it was one of t he reasons i dropped this. The other was an Estelle incident but mostly the other girl opposite of Estelle that you end up fighting. It just made the mc feel weak and he had already lost a lot of his impression on me at the start its like the author used Issei as the base and than took the best qualities of Issei away.I hate to plug someone else's game and I apologize to the author I swear nothing personal but Goddess's whim does the tsundere character better as well as has a better mc. I am considering giving your game another shot author i promise i just have to get ready for the emotional backlash of harming a faunus like character(My soul it hurts my soul).
If i remember this game right at least the last time i checked it out its not so much that the mc is punchable its that he seems week. The author seems to be trying to make him seem more likable by making him weaker which is having an opposite effect at least that is what is bothering me. He is a push over perv remincent of Issei but without Issei's good qualities of actually being decent underneath the perverseness while also having potential to back up. Also in the potential department actually considering giving this another shot to see if that particular issue was fixed.Also the one animal eared girl betrayal scene has made me reluctant to give it another shot am debating with myself.
Please tell me at some point we get to tell the abusive fuck who abused the adorable fox(please tell me I guessed the species right pretty sure foxes)girls where he deserves to be and kick his ass. I need the cathartic release of kicking his ass or showing how much better of a man we are than he could ever hope to be with how well we have taken care of the two of them.
So far favorite characters are Cait,Rae,and Naomi at least of the ones i have met. The elf well lets just say I would like a few tools to deal with the elf and if she pushes Cait around one more time. I will find a paddle and teach her the meaning of the word fear and then hand her over to Slannesh.Nope handing the elf over to Slannesh there is very very little you can do to convince me the elf is worth it at this point I have met many an elf character certain ones bring out protective werewolf mode etc depending on which game they remind me of and then there is the elf in this game. I am handing her over to Slannesh giftwrapped with a ball gag with a note attached that reads "You can do as you wish with her Lord Slannesh this one is now yours". This is the highest amount of hate for a none Thalmar elf that I can possibly have I am continuing this game but please tell me there is a animal eared character that makes up for the elf. I figured since she was the other fantasy race character she would be decent but no a thousand times no.Rae is best girl compared to the elf Cait is next and then Naomi I need another girl to get the taste of this elf out of my system.
Murder I swear the elf is the worst she is a Thalmar no she is a Fruchi and everything she does goes straight into the Great Book of Grudges. She makes my innner Chaos and Dwarf act up something fierce both the Khorne and Nurgle halves want to make her suffer for how she treats Cait.Worse the author seems to punish you for protecting Cait