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Thank you for the detailed feedback!
Lots to go through. The blackscreen crashes are sadly because of a late addition of fmod which will be removed. 

The clicking/selection has to be improved you're right. i'm looking into if its possible to enlarge the hitboxes or something.

I didnt understand what you meant with the QOL thing with firerate, can you tell me more? 

Any other ideas for AI that you would like to see?

Also the time thing, do you mean that it doesnt slowdown when in hackmode?

(1 edit)

Praise be Construct3.

I've played some HLM clones where they have a "QOL" fire rate thing. It's a really niche thing and is highly autistic and can totally be ignored since it's weirdly specific. Essentially, the idea is that you can only fire if a timer or delay until you're allowed to fire is over. Essentially, the timer creates fire rates by delaying when you're allowed to fire again. Sometimes it feels like the game eats your left mouse click to fire if you're a couple of milliseconds off when you'd assume the gun's ready to fire again. This happens when there are a couple of milliseconds left to the fire delay timer thing before you're allowed to fire again. Some HLM clones have it so that if you try and click but the timer for the weapon is really close to being done, it will run the firing function when the timer is done so that your click isn't "consumed" due to being a couple of milliseconds off. The suggestion is highly autistic and weirdly specific and I've only noticed it in one game where the window for activating it was really big but it's a feeling of sorts I suppose. How most people pull it off is just flipping a bool on if you try and fire but the timer isn't done but is like 15 ms from being done and then when the timer ends, flipping the bool to false and firing.

The level's timer doesn't slow down during hack mode. I think it's cool since for the level I tried grinding a time for, hotline wire, it's probably faster to go to the center room and open both doors simultaneously with one clever hack for 9.20 seconds!

The AIs feel good.  The AIs space themselves out nicely when they move to fire at you and it feels good.

One concern I do have is that they seem to wander. I hope the few that stand in front of lasers blocking your path can't just randomly walk away from the lasers while you're reading the intro text or moving about. This happened one time and I had to lure the enemy back with gunfire because he moved behind a wall. I'm not sure if he was moving randomly or was scripted to slowly move behind a wall to be lured out as I did. Apart from that, I wouldn't mind shooting at the same enemies some more.

Everything following is 100% subjective and should be taken with a bag of salt. I'm a fan of the fact that you can just shoot them and that hacking them together is slightly more efficient. Their nice and simple behaviors are comfy in a way I feel keeps things predictable and I think variety instead of depth is nicer for a top-down fast shooter-em-up. The only thing I could think of wanting was just some melee dude that rushes you, a 4-3hp beefy stationary turret that explodes upon being hacked, or some asshole with a 2-hit shield and 1-hit fleshy body that stuns everyone around him if he gets hacked. That's how I feel anyway and it's entering subjective idea guy territory so feel free to dismiss it as you please.


I appreciate all the detailed feedback :)! Thank you so much.