first question is about NSFW, but i won't ask when it will come. rather how will it come.
let me elaborate, what will NSFW consist of? will it be fullblown CGd H-scenes? will it be static image with text? or will it be just text?
second question... will all the girls get remastered sprites?
and third question, how come afton is made in koikatsu?
1. We'll be discussing it first in how to do it when we get to that point of progress. Idealy I'd like animated gifs, but that sounds demanding. So assume static images with text for now.
2. Yes.
3. I made this game all by myself before I got an actual artist, which I'm none, and since I couldn't find ideal sprites for afton...koikatsu was my only option. But he will get remastered too of course! Which is only one of the things we will do for him!