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Yuuto Katsuki

A member registered Jan 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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They're not finished

Glad you liked the game!

As for the question, it's because it's not finished yet.

Das mit dem deutsch hackt noch etwas was Pronomen angeht. Verlasse dich lieber nicht auf den Google-Übersetzer.

Was mich angeht, hatte ich einfach schlechte tage oder momente von denen ich micht erst erholen musste.

Da bin ich leider überfragt.

Ich gehe jetzt durch das spiel eh wieder durch um dinge zu verbessern, falls ich auf etwas stoße, versuch ichs natürlich zu fixen.

Das mit dem android port hab ich ehrlich gesagt auch nicht selbst geschafft. Sondern mein android-porter hats hingekriegt. Hab ich in der beschreibung.

Was Rex angeht, er erholt sich etwas, wenn auch nur langsam.

No, he can't.

Nothing he can do about it

Tough question. It's already taking long enough as it is, so it's not the right time to worry about voice actors just yet. Maybe after the game gets major updates at all, then we'll have to see what happens.

Thank you for saying that, and I agree how rediculous it is how far AAA has fallen (or how little they rised)

I'll keep that in mind

Not really. It's supposed to be one of the doctors telling another that you're still alive, which Roger then overhears.

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Exactly. Thank you for helping.


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Thank you for liking my game.

I've answered that question a couple of times but I'll be free to say it again. You're not missing out. Everything is normal there. I just didn't finish all episodes yet.


But you have to wait for a while ^^'

I'd reather not. I'm extremely careful right now. Talking here has to be enough


You can only get more surprised from there ^^

As of girls, we'll keep it the way it is, but we might add additional dialogue and story once the visuals have been optimised ^^

Life's full of surprises XD

(Das Leben ist voller Überraschungen XD)

Thank you very much man! Glad the hard work payed off XD

As for the server, I'd reather not risk it.

It's not broken. It's just not out yet. Don't ask when it will be out please.

The update hasn't come out yet, but it's in progress. You could check out on twitter to see what we've done with the girls' looks! ^^

Of course!

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Yeah, but if there's nothing to say but samey stuff like "progress is slow but sure" or "we're still working on bla bla bla" it might get tiring. So instead I just wanna go straight to the point, which will also make these news a little more frequent here.

But if there is a real wave of progress going on about or summarize, then the logs will be like you're used to of course.

Most, if not all. ^^

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Thank you for your review and feedback! And I'm sure you'll like the new sprites and images we'll be using for the game once the update comes out! ^^

(NSFW will be part of the game, don't worry. But much much later since we still have a lot of work to do.)

Thank you for saying that! ^^

And goodluck on learning german.

The game's gonna be changed quite a bit so it wouldn't surprise me if the saves get messed up during gameplay.

We're working on it...😅

True XD

All good

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I didn't update it. As of now, I gave news to Puppet-sans new sprites which is from a couple of days back.

NSFW is gonna be the final feature in the game. So it's gonna take a long time till we get there.

Wow...thank you. That means a lot! ^^

That's a bit exaggerating, but...thanks 😅


Bonnie, BB, Foxy, and some fresh up for the script I think.

It's from KevinMcleod. I'll see if we can use original music for our game when it's time.

Not yet.

We work on one thing at a time. It will come, just not so soon. It's gonna be one of the final features.