Is this more Action Shooter in style of CnC3 means Generals few Units but multifunctional, or lot of crap to boring RTS. In first case than would like to make a tribe with let see what ops you dont have hope it get balanced with unity c#,
- ice age north cold planet of month 13th that like to get diamonds and cold blood bones to get portals of transport.
- Red tomatos dna structure modified tribe form mars, flesh is power of fire balls that gets lightning behind the sun.
- Orc from Saturn, they like to get slime, all the green form everything, but if they are in attack the green is weapon.
- vax incjected to zombies they take parts of each other frankenshtine modicine, but the parts fail on strong pain drugs.
- ufo aliens visitors they travel and like to get variations for xp, attacks of same multiple makes strength invincible.
- MCV mobile construction vehicle, west gang crowd of advance vehicles, force of drive pushes the enemies but hate stone.(runes and try to get help from others to remove them because it drives them crazy but they need oil, climate ventilation)
units could change mode to defence to have tank strenght, attack to invade drunken through, productive on smoke but weak, natural savging ressources, modes effect all unitys and brign them to the ruin or if smart to survive.