Yo, cool mech game.
here's a strem:
Walked around, shot some dudes. In the story mode, I stopped in a spot where I kept dying to dude that was very far away. I never got to understand how to avoid his attack.
I think it's an interesting game. I'm curious to see harder levels, or what future scenarios there could be. But tbh, from what I played, the gameplay didn't click for me. There wasn't anything that got me excited while trying it. The enemies I fought seemed kind of just be standing there and shoot really slow missiles. But to be fair, I've never played a mech game, and I don't really play FPS games, so yeah.
Something I wanted to mention that may be kind of silly but big fan of the anime girls. It's not only that the portraits are cute, but I really dig their designs.
So yeah, not a lot of feedback, but hopefully the footage is useful to you somehow. Good luck!