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(1 edit)


A Doom-style shooter where instead of fighting demons, you fight someone's INNER demons... and they're UNICORNS!


The gameplay was absolutely great, with this being the only first-person-shooter (if I'm recalling correctly) in this jam, it had big shoes to fill, and oh boy, did it fill those shoes near-perfectly. The gameplay is much like Doom, except you've got high jumps and can hop around to get speed. After getting thrown into the very first room and getting ambushed by a horde of angry unicorns, I defeated them all perfectly, barely wasting a single bullet. 

And then I didn't know how to get past the first obstacle. You're supposed to wall jump.

That may be obvious to some, but I've never really played any of the fancy movement shooters on the market nowadays, so I expected it to just mostly be like normal Doom. The game absolutely should've taught this mechanic through a tutorial, or even just a line of text in the description. 

What's up with that, anyway? There's nothing on this game's page; no description, no screenshots, not even any instructions. The player essentially has to go into this game completely in the dark, with no idea what the game is or how to play it. Sure, that makes the game interesting, but if the player doesn't know how to play the game, and the game has a necessary mechanic that they might not figure out on their own, it's incredibly impractical.

And while I'm talking about the flaws, the Volume Mixing is not very good. The opening cutscene is only about half as loud as the actual game, and when it starts it's WAY too loud so I un-capture the mouse to go adjust my computer volume, but then I end up getting soft-locked since there's no way to re-capture the mouse due to the lack of a pause screen of some sort. Is this nitpicking? Yes. Sorry about that.

With that out of the way, once I actually figured out how to play the game, it was indeed very fun. The hitboxes for the projectile enemies' projectiles were actually really fair, making them fun to fight against. I wish I didn't have to manually reload every time I shot, but that's fine.

I also LOVE how the main bad guys in this game are a bunch of unicorns, that's so silly and fun. Especially how they're apparently some old lady's "Inner Demons", like WHAT?? That's not only funny, but parallels the original Doom, where you fought "Actual Demons".

Not much else to say; once you know how to play, it's just a fun shooter. A pretty pleasant surprise to end the jam off with. There's no ending, which kind of invalidates the presence of an intro, but that's alright since time must've been pretty tight by then.

I've ripped and teared, and now I am truly done. Hurrah!

With this, I have played and left a comment on every single submission FOR REAL THIS TIME. Thank you all so much, this has been a wildly fun experience!