Hi! I love all the new changes, but I wanted to let you know about a problem I've been having as an Ubuntu user. So, in Ubuntu, I have to make the .desktop file manually to add a shortcut to my Applications list (thanks, itch), but because the name of the executable changes on every version, I have to go in and change the .desktop file manually every time. This means that every time there's an update, my shortcut stops working for a bit. Is there a way the executable filename could go unchanged, or does that just not workable with itch?
[EDIT: Updated the script below to the new version of Stimuwrite, which, according to Eve, will no longer change names going forward. Hooray!]
Also, if anyone also on Ubuntu wants to know how to do what I'm doing, since I had to teach myself: Find your Applications folder; it should be full of .desktop files. Create a new text file and copy-paste this in, modifying the locations and stuff accordingly (unless your name on your computer is also "Imogen" and you also put all your important files in a stupid folder called "Pathways", in which case this'll be super easy for you). Make sure the Exec shows the updated filename.
If you like, download a Stimuwrite icon to input for the Icon section, or just delete that row! I think half of these rows are redundant, but I don't wanna mess with it.
Save the file as stimuwrite.desktop. It may take a little bit to show up, and you might have to open the Applications program to double-check, but I think it should work?
[Desktop Entry] Name=Stimuwrite Exec=/home/imogen/.config/itch/apps/stimuwrite/stimuwrite.x86_64 Type=Application Icon=/home/imogen/Downloads/Pathways/stimuwrite.jpeg Categories=Game Terminal=false StartUpNotify=false Comment= NoDisplay=false