This certainly was an experience. Main gripe was with the difficulty - I was (eventually) able to get past the first road roller fight on the default difficulty, but the lack of any checkpoints after that (and the immediate Even Stronger Road Roller fight) eventually lead to me giving up on that. I have no idea how you expected anyone to get through the game on the default difficulty.
The easier difficulty mode (which I eventually resorted to after about half an hour of no progress) actually made it possible, but, again, adding a couple more checkpoints to the second half wouldn’t have gone amiss. After all, there’s enough difficulty in the unintuitive control scheme anyway without the artificial difficulty of the bullet sponge enemies.
But ultimately, the difficulty sucked the fun out of the experience. I was too preoccupied with trying to avoid dying to actually, y’know, appreciate the absurdity of the situation and actually enjoy it. And I honestly felt nothing but relief when it was finally over.