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A member registered Mar 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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yeah im guessing that the controls are really hard to grasp for some people, but when you understand them the levels shouldnt be impossible. I tried to make the score to beat pretty low, i havent had anyone saying that it is hard so im guessing it is ok:D 

Its nice to hear that someone actually finished it and saw the ending, ty for the review:)

My best score: 1388

Gameplay: 3

Pretty simple idea, not much to say

Theme: 5

Very creative idea, good job!

Aesthetics: 4

Some of the assets seem blurry, but its ok

Sound: 4

Perhaps it could have been a bit better, but all of the sound effects are there

Overall a cool idea with good execution, its just pretty simple gameplay wise:) Keep up the good work!

My best score: 51

Gameplay: 4

It was a really good idea, it took me a while to realize that the stats that are affected by a choice start blinking when hovering over that choice. Idk how score was collected, but im assuming it had something to do with having as much gold and health as possible

Theme: 5

You are very much escaping

Aesthetics: 4

Tbh some of the ui elements are a bit unpolished, but the drawings are perfect:D

Sound: 5

Nice original music and sound effects:)

Overall the best game ive played out of 32 so far, really solid job, it seems that you and everyone involved had fun making it:) Good job!

I updated the main page with some instructions on how to cheese the first level easily

Yeah the controls are supposed to have that endless acceleration to them because it works on other levels (kinda). Forcing the player to do high precision jumps at the very start when the controls are unclear was just a stupid idea... I think next jam i should ask for feedback during the development / work in a team because i suck at thinking on how actual players see my game, its pretty damn easy for me to know how to beat everything cuz i made it all:D But ty for the review:)

I designed the levels so that i dont find it too easy, but thats not a good way to design levels when im 10x better at my own game than others... The order of the levels was very much out there until the very end, only that particular level was about mostly bouncing, its just pretty bad level design:D I think there would have been better options for the first level, most notably one where theres no gaps at all, all you had to do was slide forward at high speeds and dodge pillars. Idk if i should make a short video once the jam ends that shows how i expected the game to be played :p

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skipping only works in the desktop version once you have seen the cutscene once, its a bit bad design now that i think about it:D

If you find the back and forth walls too difficult, you can just bounce higher and higher on the first jump pad by always holding space when moving downwards, then you can just fly over the entire stage. I was going to implement a cheat so that you could skip the hard levels if you want but didnt have time, id say that the third and fifth levels are easier than the first one. I think the levels felt easy to me cuz i know exactly how the mechanics work because i made them :p

edit: omg, i deleted the code for saving values and skipping the cutscene cuz i thought it wouldnt work in webgl, turns out it would have...

My best score: 2721~

Gameplay: 4

Very unique idea, it just felt extremely hard to keep many people alive at the same time, i first thought that you could control each one separately :D

Theme: 5

They do be running from the darkness

Aesthetics: 5

The entire tv concept is really cool and well put together:)

Sound: 3

The music is ok, i just feel like there should be more sound effects

Overall a really solid game, great job, i hope you guys had fun making it:)

My best score: 4150

Gameplay: 4

Simple idea with good execution:)  I like the pulse shot thingies, pretty cool

Theme: 3

Connection to the theme is mentioned in the desc but not inside the game, but its such a simple theme that it doesnt really matter:p

Aesthetics: 4

You have found some nice matching assets,, bullets are a bit hard to see against the background but its probably just my bad eyesight lol

Sound: 5

Music and sfx is great, especially if made specifically for this jam!

Excellent submission overall, keep up the great work all of you!

idk really what was happening, when i pressed play the first 3 times my chrome started to lag (mouse was moving slowly, inputs took 10 secs to register), i had to close the game page everytime, but for some reason on the 4th time it worked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Im guessing that its some webgl weirdness or something, all web games are a bit less stable

My best score: 27 secs survived

Gameplay: 3

I really couldnt make it that far since its based on luck, i just dont have enough houses spawn to survive for long:( Also the game kept freezing google, i guess the cold got to it too:D

Theme: 3

You are escaping from the cold ig

Aesthetics: 4

The sprites look nice, i really like how the house slowly stops glowing as it loses temperature:)

Sound: 3

just some ambience and footsteps, its ok

Overall its a nice submission, idk if there really is much of a strategy except luck tho. Its nice that you managed to combine 2 themes from 2 jams, i hope you had fun making it:)

My best score: 21800

Gameplay: 3

Kinda basic but i liked the ability to shoot fireballs:)

Theme: 5

You are escaping from a dinosaur

Aesthetics: 4

Im assuming none of the textures were made by you but the animations were, so its pretty good. The assets mostly fit each other:)

Sound: 3

Just some good music, not great not bad.

Overall its a ok submission, well done and keep up the great work:D

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My best score: 7500

Gameplay: 3

Its an ok game, it just has a lot of bugs. Trying to drive fast is fun:)

Theme: 2

You mentioned that it was originally gonna be a getaway game but turned into a taxi game, so the escape part is kinda missing:p

Aesthetics: 4

It looks great but i have to take a point off cuz none of the assets are made by you

Sound: 2

As you mentioned, the music player is completely broken. For some reason the music kinda plays when i switch tabs out of the game, so i could hear what you were going for.

Overall its a nice game, mostly compiled from existing assets but who am i to judge:) Keep up the great work, hope you had fun making it!

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My best score: ~3mins

Gameplay: 4

Had to download cuz the webgl was super laggy. It was an interesting idea, it just lacked some finishing touches, for example the game over was just the prisoners shoving me into a corner and then pushing me through the wall so that i fall into the void:D

Theme: 5

Them prisoners do be escaping

Aesthetics: 4

Textures are nice, the prisoners just run through the doors though

Sound: 4

Just some music and a couple of sound effects, nothing special

Overall it was a good submission, just lacking some polish:) Keep up the good work!

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My best score: -

Gameplay: 3

I feel like the pieces were there, but i just have no idea what to do, i can pick up (or discard?) scrolls that dont seem to do anything, i couldnt find the exit if it exists, webgl kept crashing cuz i double clicked the start button lol

Theme: 3

Im guessing that you could have escaped but i just didnt find where to go? idk really

Aesthetics: 4

The most solid part of this game, it just lacks a bit of polish, framerate felt low

Sound: 1

Cant hear anything, was there sound?

Overall it had good potential but all of the pieces just werent tied together yet, i hope you still had fun making it, keep up the great work:)

My best score: 80000~

Gameplay: 4

Its fun for a few minutes, really simple tho

Theme: 1

Nothing to do with escaping

Aesthetics: 5

Very solid artwork, reminds me of undertale:) I think the sword recharging animation is a nice touch

Sound: 4

Could use some kind of music, otherwise good.

Nice job, keep up the nice work!

My best score: 130 (?)

Gameplay: 3

It is a very good idea with a nice selection of enemies, i just feel that i die basically randomly, its hard to know in advance what will kill you and what will not.

Theme: 3

The game doesnt really feature escaping that much, its just mentioned on the game page but ig the theme is so simple that it works

Aesthetics: 4

The pixel sizes of the sprites are a bit all over the place, the sprites dont really match each other, some are shaded really well, others are not, but otherwise its good.

Sound: 4

Music is nice, sound does all it needs to but not much more, maybe some more variation in the effects?

Overall a nice submission, hope you had fun making it:) Keep up the great work!

yeah tested your resolution in the editor and it doesnt show, i didnt have time to test with other resolutions, sorry! I dont think theres an easy way to get the current build to work on a monitor of that size

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My best score: 2172

Gameplay: 4

Sadly i dont have the time to finish it but its a pretty solid platformer with ok mechanics, it just feels that i die every time when i dont know what something does or where stuff is, for example i wasnt expecting that one particular robot at the start of level 2 move at mach 10, after i figured that out the next time i just fell straight into the next electric beam:(

Theme: 5

I guess you are escaping from a lab, the gameplay mechanic of having to recollect your skills kinda reflects that along with the story.

Aesthetics: 4

Its very well done, maybe there could be a bit more variety in the tiles. I like how the background behaves when moving

Sound: 4

Some music and sound effect for dying, not bad not good. Voice acting was good even though its still pretty obviously ai.

Overall a very nice submission, keep up the good work!

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My best score: didnt check lol

Gameplay: 4

Unique game mechanics, am i understanding this right that im probing a frogs asshole in a musical rythm inorder to get it to shit me out? :D

Theme: 5+

Probably the best and most absurd interpretation of the theme in this jam, how did you come up with this ???

Aesthetics: 4

Its such a low amount of sprites that i would have expected something better tbh, The sprite pixel sizes are all over the place. Bumping to 4 just cuz it has nice beetle animations:)

Sound: 4

Music is great, i think there could be a bit more variety in the sounds that play when you hit the bubbles depending if its a perfect or something like that

An insane idea with a nice execution, well done! Keep up the great work all of you:)

My best score: 6

Gameplay: 2

There was potential for more, but its cool:) The doors remind me of the binding of isaac for some reason lol

Theme: 1

not escaping

Aesthetics: 1

just rough dev art:p

Sound: 1

No sound:(

It was ok, maybe try a longer game jam next time so you can do more:) I hope you had fun making it!

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My best score: 640

Gameplay: 4

Pretty cool concept, i like the shop system:) Only problem i had was that the controls feel a bit unresponsive

Theme: 4

you do indeed have to escape in time

Aesthetics: 5

Nice art, pixel art was a bit blurry sometimes i think but i'll just put that to being webgl's fault

Sound: 3

It's good, nothing special

Nice original and polished submission, good job:) Keep up the good work!

My best score: 6

Gameplay: 2

Its just simple math, red cubes are easy to avoid:p

Theme: 1

You arent escaping from anything

Aesthetics: 3

I guess its ok, the background is very pixelated. The waving fish tail is cool

Sound: 1

There is none:(

Not much to say since its so basic, its an ok submission, hope you had fun making it:)

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My best score: -

Gameplay: 2

Its kinda like google dino game with even less features, very short:p

Theme: 5

You are escaping indeed

Aesthetics: 2

The assets dont fit each other that much, pixel art is blurry

Sound: 1

There is none:(

I see that this is your first game, its definitely better than my first game :D Keep doing gamejams and you will eventually make something excellent! Hope you had fun making this and being in this jam:)

My best score: 176

Gameplay: 4

It was otherwise fun but it felt that i just constantly kept dying because i had a platform appear on top of me when jumping, i guess i just should have been lower:p The spinny wheel is a very nice touch!

Theme: 3

It took me a while to realize but the water level is technically rising and the player is moving up, i thought the water was staying still and the platforms were moving down:D The theme wasnt explained that well but im guessing you are escaping from the water

Aesthetics: 4

Art is very nice, the start menu ui feels a bit unpolished, there could be more effects when splashing into the water:)

Sound: 3

Music and 2 different sound effects, could be better. Maybe add noises to falling in the water / hitting a platform?

Overall a good submission, once i figured it out it was fun to play:) Keep up the good work!

My best score: 16

Gameplay: 4

 I love the dumb ways to die minigame style:) I just felt the rat minigame was way too difficult, i won once out of like 15 tries

Theme: 5

Minigames are nicely themed around escaping + youre stuck in an elevator lol

Aesthetics: 4

Nice original art, its just a bit all over the place, sometimes we are looking at a high res photo, sometimes the pixel art sizes are inconsistent

Sound: 5

The music is good for a jam game, the voice acting is a nice touch!

Overall a very good and interesting submission, keep up the good work both of you:)

There should be a "Continue" button that fades in after that in the bottom middle, after which the cursor is unlocked, is it not visible? are you playing on fullscreen 1920x1080 resolution?

My best score: 89

Gameplay: 4

The core endless runner concept with coins is pretty basic, but its a really solid execution, turning the ships feels nice!

Theme: 5

You are escaping from those darn dogs!

Aesthetics: 4

It looks very good, not much to comment on, maybe the ships and islands dissapearing could use some more effects?

Sound: 3

Music with some sound effects, if id have to suggest something id say that the ship colliding with things could make more noise:)

Overall its an excellent submission, i hope you had a lot of fun making this! Also the logo is really cool:) Keep up the good work!

My best score: 2045

Gameplay: 3

Its a pretty basic concept, had some problems regarding the graphics that made playing it harder:p

Theme: 5

Giant flesh monster chasing you, it fits!

Aesthetics: 2

Id say that if you capture a screenshot of the game you would say that its good, but theres just something about looking at this game moving that just makes my eyes hurt so much and i cant make out anything thats happening, i thinks its the blurry pixels shaking or something... The graphics are good but at the same make my eyes bleed and i cant put my finger on why...

Sound: 3

music and a funny screaming sound effect, not bad not good.

Overall its a good submission, keep up the good work! Hope you had fun making it:)

My best score: 17

Gameplay: 5

Holy shit, what were you smoking when you came up with this idea? This is so cool! Gameplay is fun, i tried to use chat gpt to come up with words:DD

Theme: 5

Its such a clever idea lol

Aesthetics: 4

Otherwise really good but the instructions menu is a bit basic and the game over screen is basically just default unity ui panel lol

Sound: 3

Nice music, i think you could have added some beeps and boops when getting score:)

Overall its a really really awesome idea, congrats on even coming up with that:P Great submission, keep up the good work!

My best score: 4

Gameplay: 4

Pretty interesting concept, i especially liked the minigame where you have to click on a random part of the screen even though it was confusing at first. Are there levels past 4?

Theme: 3

I mean you are collecting keys and opening gates, but does that count as escaping?

Aesthetics: 3

Artstyle is chaotic, for starters i think you should turn off filtering from the big sprites so they arent blurry. The sprites dont really match even with it off

Sound: 3

Sound does what it needs to, not great not bad

It was pretty fun,  hope you had fun making it:) Keep up the good work!

My best score: 5

Gameplay: 3

I got mauled by a rat 5 seconds in, cant go back to main menu and reloading the game just takes me back to getting mauled. This is beatiful but sadly i didnt get to experience the game much:D

Theme: 3

As i said i played for 5 secs but from what i saw i assumed it was a survival game in a basement where you can buy upgrades. So not really escaping, but i cant tell lol

Aesthetics: 4

Artstyle looks original and nice

Sound: 5

If that music was made specifically for this jam, props to whoever made that, it slaps:)

It would probably have been very good if it wasnt broken, keep up the good work! What matters is the journey, not where you end up:)

My best score: -

Gameplay: 3

I'm stupid lol, i couldnt just figure out how jumping while grappled works... I got like a minute in at most, i spent 10 mins struggling on the first grapple:D I think it would otherwise be good but i couldnt figure it out.

Theme: 5

You are in a cell and escaping.

Aesthetics: 5

Excellent artstyle, nothing to complain about:)

Sound: 3

Basically 2 sound effects and some music, it does the job but it isnt special.

Overall a very nice submission, i just couldnt figure it out:) Keep up the good work!

yeah a lot of the levels have kinda bouncy skips, i actually was originally planning on making the entire game be just those bouncy skips but it would just be stupid lol

omgg, it has an instant reset (r), but i forgot to write it anywhere xD

yeah i agree that the graphics were terrible, but im glad you liked the cutscene, that was what i had the most fun making!

My best score: 600 (?) it didnt show it when i died

Gameplay: 4

Fun, if you plan to work on this more i recommend adding some more enemies, its very good:) I like how you added 2 sets of shooting controls, im assuming you did it for keyboards that dont have arrow keys

Theme: 3

Not much escaping happening tbh

Aesthetics: 4

I like all of the elements, english was a bit bad:D If id have to complain about something id say that the controller icons shown in the controls screen are a bit weird, took me a minute to figure out why im looking at tetris blocks

Sound: 1

No sound?

If you really made this in 1,5 days, its really really good:) Well done, keep up the great work!

My best score: -

Gameplay: 3

The mechanics were there, the game time was not. I liked how if you took the second upgrade without thinking, you would get stuck.  I loved the ending, getting slammed by a helicopter and then the quote along with screenshots of your desktop lol

Theme: 2

Not that matching with the theme, since its basically just the story that you are escaping, not the gameplay. Also no best score mechanic.

Aesthetics: 4

Assets work together, i like the ghost effect.

Sound: 3

Chill piano music, not much else.

Very simple game, if it was a bit longer it would have been great, keep up the great work:)

My best score: 7720

Gameplay: 4

Gameplay loop is there, i feel like its really easy and then just gets insane real fast. I think you should add a small display that shows the numbers corresponding to the colors, now its just a memory test and my memory is vey bad lol

Theme: 5

You are indeed escaping

Aesthetics: 4

Very good, some of the ui is a bit basic. Did they have time to setup a neon sign saying that im wanted? :D

Sound: 4

Doesnt destroy my eardrums and does all it needs to, its good:)

Overall a pretty simple but nice game, keep up the good work!

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My best score: 621

Gameplay: 5

Solid gameplay loop:) Nice roster of enemies and features. Randomly generated so has replay value.

Theme: 1

Not really seeing the theme anywhere:/

Aesthetics: 5

I would refuse to believe that this was made for a game jam in 3 days, this is beatiful! Artstyle is very nice, nice amount of effects.

Sound: 5

Good music and sound effects, nothing to whine about lol

Overall a very solid game, just doesnt match the theme

My best score: 12231

Gameplay: 4

Game was fun, i did get stuck for a while before realizing that i can jump higher by holding space. The jumping mechanic made the controls feel a bit unresponsive. The bossfight was really cool, idk what happened but i went to get some more health and the boss died on its own lol

Theme: 3

Theme is a bit lacking, but its ok:p

Aesthetics: 5

Excellent artstyle, excellent visual effects, excellent everything:) I especially love the souls flying off when you kill enemies

Sound: 1

Can't hear anything, is that intentional?

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My best score: 10

Gameplay: 2 

There doesn't seem to be any ending, the game just goes on forever? You can easily just paddle backwards past the crocodile too

Theme: 4

You are very much escaping from something, but the chase is not really that intense lol

Aesthetics: 3 

Looks ok, The camera rotates weirdly, and it seems like its just different assets glued together (correct me if im wrong). The player model (?) doesnt move with the camera, boat doesnt rotate etc. etc.

Sound: 3

There is sound everywhere needed, but sound doesnt really add much to the game

Killing the birds is kinda satisfying, but theres not much else to do in this game. You mentioned that this is a rush job, so in terms of that this is really good:) Keep up the good work!