I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The dark ambientation gives it a certain sense of nightmarish desolation, the pixel art style is nice and the music is a good accompaniment. And the game loop is just fun: thinking about the best moves to destroy all the totems, while taking into account the costs of the actions and the positions of the enemies... It all works very well together, and it’s very entertaining to play. Also, it’s a turn-based tactical game, so it's just right up my alley. =D
On the negative side, this game has two flaws: the AI and the upgrade system. The AI feels a tad too easy sometimes. There are some turns where the majority of enemies don’t make any move and, since they are just waiting there, you can kill them (or ignore them) pretty easily. They also don’t attack right away, they just infect an adjacent square, and I guess that it hurts you at the end of turn, but, since you have one full turn to either kill the enemy or run away, it’s actually really hard to get damaged. I’ve played the entire game four times and I’ve never received any damage at all.
As for the upgrade system, that’s another reason why this game is easy: it’s broken. I suppose that, if you distribute the enhancements equally on each character, the game gets tougher, but you can just give everything to one or two characters and they will become completely unstoppable. And that’s actually why I played it four times: the first time I had the feeling that the rogue was too good, so on my second playthrough I just focused on improving that character as much as I could. Then I did the same thing with the cleric to see what happened, and finally with the warrior (the mage is almost useless, from my experience), and the result was the same every time: the buffed character carried the whole game almost on its own.
In the end, the only problem is the scope of the game: it’s too ambitious for a one week jam, and it’s honestly impressive that this game turned out so well with how much it tries to accomplish. Because, despite its flaws, it is really entertaining and fun, and I wanna play more times just to try to beat the game in different ways, due to how much I've enjoyed all my playthroughs with it. So, if it had three or four leves instead of seven, and the extra time was invested on improving the AI or rebalancing the upgrade system, this game would have been even better than it is now (and as it is it’s already pretty good). So well done. =)