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(1 edit)

Gameplay: In a word, this game is slow. In slightly more words, this game is agonisingly slow. Movement speed is too slow, text speed is too slow, and the battles are far too slow and too frequent. Speaking of battles, you’re bombarded with an overwhelming amount of skills at the start, making it highly confusing up front and difficult to learn how to use skills effectively. Also, it’s weird to me that Damage numbers are all in the hundreds, yet MP is inexplicably in the thousands. You have 10,000 Max MP, but skills never cost less than 1000, so the gameplay is the exact same as if you had 10 MP, and skills that cost minimum 1 MP.

Music: I liked the map music, but the battle themes were all kinda annoying, and I thoroughly did not vibe with any of them.

Story: The writing of this game feels juvenile, in a bad way. Every character has an edgy design and even edgier skill names, and the self insert is included in the story about as gracefully as drawing your OC over an ensemble image of the cast of your favourite show in MS Paint - which is to say not graceful at all. The writing seems to really enjoy calling attention to his presence at every opportunity in often very clunky fashion, (“all of you and Josh” being a particularly egregious example)

Graphics: The art is the strongest point here to be fully honest. The designs are quite edgy which for certain characters doesn’t really feel like it makes much sense - like these guys are heroes why is Marsha dressed like she’d be the main villain of any other RPG (Harold is also dressed like this but I’m assuming that’s a result of the island) - but are generally well drawn, and I can appreciate a good edgy design, so long as it’s supported by decent writing. Bonus point for David’s gun blade, though. Gun blades are cool.

Comedy: there uh, wasn’t any.

Overall: Graphics are about the only nice thing I have to say about this game.