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Deleted 40 days ago

I think stun is useless on bow 1 but usefull on bow 5

Anyway bow 7 still better


bow 7 is bad

that’s cap bow 7 is best bow. Better than April fools bow 5


bow 7 is so bad pelican hasnt even added it to the game



How tf you osed... Y... You are a bow 8 fan?!

is bow 8 even real at this point

Tf is bow 8

(1 edit) (+1)

Tf is bow 7


if there were i would imagine it's either a mongolian-chinese composite bow or a double shot 20 clip repeating crossbow (both are real). they prolly wouldn't add it though bc first one would nerf bow 1 n 2 bc it's a bow with bow 1 mobility n speed and bow 2 power/strength. other one obv is just better version of bow 5, making that one slow is okay but for the composite bow would be nonsense as it's made for mobility.


Thanks for giving me an essay


There is no bow 7


the drawback of the arrows is the low damage, and the fact that every arrow has to hit the enemy. It’s also one of the only real counters to melee spammers in this game. Also, unlike the 5 damage arrow, the stun arrow can only be used on scout and support. In general the 5 stun arrow is not too op it’s very well balanced in this game


ehh no and it's actually a lifesaver for ppl like me n my friends when teammates do nothing and we are outnumbered by 3 or 4 ppl