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Thank you so much for sharing this! It makes me unbelievably happy to hear how well it went for you. Sounds like exactly the kind of session I was envisioning when I wrote this.

Makes sense that not sticking strictly to the timer works well too; I know good GMs will have enough of a sense of pacing to bring those messages in at the right time, I’ve just enjoyed the modules I ran that had a real-world timer on the GM side.

How did the Mothership mechanics come into play with it? We’re they getting stress as things progressed, or making rolls to try to use skills to figure out what’s going on or fix problems? Just curious how the system-neutral design interacts in a proper system.

Thanks for the catch on the typo. I’ve been meaning to fix the headings color for a while now and just haven’t gotten to it, but I know I need to.


So I think in our case using Mothership definitely added to the tension of the session, because it's a horror system the player were more expectant of something bad happening.

There weren't a huge amount of rolls (and therefore not much stress gained) as the players were mainly investigating the station. When they were fixing things, half the time I gave them automatic success if it made sense based on what they wanted to do, as I usually only call for rolls if the consequences might be bad. 

Some of the problems such as the exploding beakers and solar panel falling off they also chose to not fix, as it wasn't immediately going to cause them any trouble, and they wanted to focus on other things.