uhhh, for some reason this happened when the tail tried to TF me in the chase right before puro.
also, unrelated but having to do with the same chase, if you exit puro's room to activate the save cutscene for the tail chase, but the door is still open due to you being close enough in it, you can get the tail TF, but also be able to do the first puro introduction cutscene, while being TFed, and it acts all the same. if it reacted at all to puro witnessing the TF themselves, that'd be understandable, but it doesn't, so clearly it was not intended.
Hey druski! Regarding your issue...
It either seems your PC isn't getting along well with DirectX 12, or there was a severe lag spike during gameplay that made it make a mistake and crash. Try reducing the final quality, that may prevent further crashes.
A crash log would be useful though, you may find them in:
Provide the latest one, and if you're unsure which one, delete them all and cause the game to crash again, and a new crash log will be generated.