Gwooh! Thanks for playing our game! Kudos!
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If you don't like furry games, that's not my problem, just don't play it, nobody is forcing you to. There's no porn in this game, I even took the time to remove the "suspicious" content from the original game, you should watch your words before saying something you don't know about.
I'm sorry you don't like the game, but please don't come here just to expose your unbased hatred.
I've no idea! There isn't enough information in the provided screenshot nor have you provided a context comment of how it crashed in the first place, I need a crash log for more specifics.
You can either provoke the crash again and press on the "(click there to view directory)" and send the crash information or you can go to following folder in your PC and provide me with the latest logs:
(there might also be a folder with the name "Crashes", that also works)
While we appreciate any and all feedback. This type of feedback is really not useful at all. I've been working on this game for the past 3 years and we have setup a Discord server where we take all feedback reported by players and we fixed them on every new version. Instead of posting this you could have contributed by providing feedback there.
Ah, yes. Standard Edition does not have the fake suit, and the lights indeed do not turn off, but it is passable. This is intended.
Though, the Standard Edition was discontinued, the Standard Edition and the Special Edition in Changed3D have been merged in the latest versions and it is only one, extended version.
Otherwise, look up for a gameplay video on YouTube and you will see how to go through it.
If you feel there is indeed an error and it cannot be completed, please provide a video instead.
I'll be on the look out!
Edit: It seems the lights do indeed turn off in the original, Standard Edition. Oops! my bad. Though that's not something in particular I will be changing now.
Hey druski! Regarding your issue...
It either seems your PC isn't getting along well with DirectX 12, or there was a severe lag spike during gameplay that made it make a mistake and crash. Try reducing the final quality, that may prevent further crashes.
A crash log would be useful though, you may find them in:
Provide the latest one, and if you're unsure which one, delete them all and cause the game to crash again, and a new crash log will be generated.
Hello there, Arale!
The essential controls for this game are quite simple:
Basic movement: WASD for movement; Shift for running; CTRL for crouching/sneaking.
Interaction: E / LMB to interact with the game world.
Dialogue: LMB, Z, E, SPACE to continue dialogue; hold CTRL to accelerate text; X or RMB to try and cancel the dialogue.
Mechanic: F7 to load a slot; ESC to pause.
Those are the most important controls really! I hope this was useful for you :D
Hello there druski! Nice to see you again :D
So, currently there isn't a way to "delete" save files in-game, you can only replace them with new save files, but there exists a way "out-game" to delete save files..
Go to the folder c:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Changed3D\Saved\SaveGames\
And just delete the save file you'd like!
Hey-ho Malady! So in short: No, this game is not cancelled, and we are in active development!
In long: originally we were going to cancel the development of Changed3D, but later we decided it was paused and not canceled, then, with careful consideration, thinking and time, we thought that it would be better to continue development and open up a Patreon.
The reason we had decided before to stop the development is because we cannot work for free, and DragonSnow didn't want us selling the game on Steam, but later on we realized that we could give out the game free and not have legal issues, while having a Patreon so that we could both continue working on Changed3D (which I'm genuinely happy to do so) while being able to live with it!
I'm glad you're liking where the game is going, and hope that this clarifies things further!
The link was updated. Sorry about that. Here it is just in case:
Thank you for letting us know!
Hello there Zack! I hope you're doing well.
The valid way I know of to activate cheats is to "beat the game," i.e. get to the end of Box Puppies (Special Edition) part or the end of the Crystal Zone (Standard Edition).
After that, you can press the "I" key for Intransfurrable mode, and "Space" key to jump.
Hope this helps you!
Hello you Toaster-Needing-Name!
Hmm, I don't think you can install SPUD, as that is a plugin only installed In-Editor.
You might need to upgrade your graphics driver to the latest version, or you can try running the pre-requisites installer found inside the game's folder.
If nothing else works, you can send me a log. Or you even send it through the Changed3D's Discord!
Hey Reavus! You're welcome! I'm really happy to that you like the game!!!
It's possible to make some of those things you mentioned... in the future..
Due to legal reasons, I cannot continue to make Changed3D (we contacted DragonSnow and he denied us) for the time being, since I cannot work so much for free, I won't live forever in this world so I consider my time valuable.
So the team and I are making a brand new project based on Changed3D, much more ambitious!
Though don't worry, I might add some unique new things to Changed3D in time, like survival mode or boss rush...
Hello/Hola Wuilker!
Me alegro que tengas ganas de ayudarnos y que te interese! He visto tu proyecto de Changed: The Visitors y me ha gustado mucho la originalidad, tienes una mente creativa!
Por otro lado, no me quedó claro con qué quieres ayudar exactamente... ¿tienes experiencia con Unreal Engine? ¿O deseas ayudar en el desarrollo en otro aspecto?
Mira, mejor puedes comunicarte con Alex, que es el Project Lead ¡a través de nuestro Discord!