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Damn, that's not good >.< The weird thing is, I know for sure that it works for other people because I've had some comments come in where folks have played it, plus my brother said his best friend downloaded it and finished it over the weekend. I also managed to test both the regular and non-video Windows versions on the potato laptop from start to finish, and in theory, if the potato can play it, anyone should be able to because the potato is baaaad, haha.

So I guess it's troubleshooting time! x3

Please don't feel like you have to answer btw! 

I've had one or two reports like this on different games (a couple on Darling Duality, and 1 on Yandere Heaven), and I've never been able to get to the bottom of why stuff randomly won't play for a small number of people!

I used to think it was solely because some computers have issues playing video files in Unity games, as when I released a version of DD with no video on the title screen, the couple of people it didn't work for initially said it worked after that change :3


With the 1 person where it didn't load Yandere Heaven and they said they had to close it with task manager it's a total mystery because that never featured video files at any point >.< And it's my most played game for whatever reason, so I know it works for the majority of people. I never had a chance to troubleshoot why it didn't work for that 1 random person because instead of posting it in a comment, they just went and gave a 1* rating with an angry review, so I couldn't even interact with them and try to get it working for them >.<

Anyways, the first thing to ask would be which version did you download?

If it was the regular Windows one, it's entirely possible that just trying the non-video version for Windows might solve the problem :3

For some unknown reason, some people's computers just really don't like video files in Unity projects, so display a blank screen instead of the video that's supposed to play >.<

Secondly, did you see any splash screens? (made with Unity, the game logo, the o2a2 jam logo, and my dev logo)

If you didn't see any splash screens, the game probably didn't load at all, as these display before the title sequence.

Did you see a black screen with a white egg timer in the bottom right corner of the screen?

This is the indication that Naninovel is loading all the game scripts. Again, if this didn't happen, it means it probably didn't load the game at all.

Was there any music playing?

This one is important because if the BGM did play, it means that the game did load, but didn't display the background as it should.

If no music played AND there was nothing displayed, it probably means the game didn't even initialise.

Were there any buttons on the screen? (start/options/quit)

I'm asking this for the same reason as the music question pretty much.

If it wasn't one of the Windows versions that you downloaded, there's less I can do to help because I don't own a Mac or Linux system >.< I just rely on Unity exporting the builds so they function, haha. It seems from what other players have said that most of my Mac and Linux builds work, though apparently, the Linux ones can be a bit odd with buttons and stuff.

So far for The Shuddering though, I think I've only had feedback from people who have played/finished the Windows version.

Hmm that’s really odd bc my computer never has any trouble running unity games apart from a bit of lag if I have multiple games downloaded; YanHev ran fine for me when I played.

But to answer ur questions

I downloaded the windows normal ver so I’ll prolly go try the non video ver.

I did get all 3 splash screens, the little egg timer and there was music playing, but there were no buttons. I was just stuck on a blank black screen with music and the littol egg spinning in the corner >-<

(3 edits) (+1)

Ooooh, boy... that's... yeah, that's definitely not good cos that sounds like something I would have no idea how to fix T_T

Whyyyyy do computers have to be so weird and temperamental?! >.< This is the sorta stuff that makes me want to throw things xD Why can't things just work for everyone, haha.

If it happened for everyone, it would be way easier to find the issue and fix it, but since it works for others, that means the problem is something specific about your system & the game files that doesn't gel, and finding out what that is could be hard, unfortunately.

If neither version of the Windows build works for you, the regular one with video backgrounds or the non-video one, I can't even begin to think wtf would cause it to do that :( 

Especially since you said you do get the splash + music cos that means that Nani has initialised. It must have started loading the title screen script cos one of the 1st commands in the code is to play the BGM, but then it has somehow stopped loading the script before loading the background, and worse than that, rather than skipping it, has basically aborted the script entirely if the title screen buttons don't load either >.<

Cos the stop command for the script to end is as soon as the buttons load so that players can click whatever button outta start/options/quit.

If I had to guess at all, there must be something your computer really hates about the background file cos it probably ran into an issue when it tried to load that for whatever reason, then aborted the process T_T

I could just about understand why if it only happens on the version with MP4s since I've been told encoding of videos can cause all sorts of problems across different PCs where some will be fine & others won't.

But if it happens on the non-video version that has 0 mp4 files and only uses pngs for backgrounds, then I am 110% baffled >.<

Literally the only way I could even begin to figure out what's going wrong would be to export the game as a dev build, have you launch it, and then have you send me the error logs that I could pass on to the Naninovel software devs for them to look into.

It sounds like one of those strange issues that I wouldn't be able to identify alone :( But if they look at the logs, they'd probably be able to figure out what's going on and possibly advise me on what I might be able to do!

This sorta thing seems to happen a lot cos when I browse the Naninovel support on Discord, I end up seeing devs saying that X part of their game works fine for 90% of players, but 10% have X issue and they don't know what the heck is causing it >.<

The even more frustrating thing though is that I can't export a dev build to get any error logs from you because I doubt the potato could handle exporting Unity builds T_T so I'd have to wait until I have a proper PC again >.<

Edit: Also, thanks for playing YH btw!! :3 It makes the issue even weirder if that ran fine >.< haha. Cos YH is the only game I've ever had someone describe that sorta issue with where the title screen buttons don't pop up and there's a blank background.

Cos even when DD used to have a video background that caused certain players problems, afaik, it still loaded the buttons at least, just not the backgrounds >.<

Idk wtf I did but i got the one w/ video to run smoothly finally😭🙏 I rlly love the game, though I was so confused on my first playthrough lmao! So far I've gotten endings 1, 2, and 5 w/ out bugs but my dumbass needs the walkthrough for the rest💀 I'm rlly enjoying the game tho!!! Someone needs to tell this bitch to stop eating my despair though🙄 LIKE THATS MINE IDGAF HOW TASTY IT IS GIVE IT TF BACK gawd╰(‵□′)╯


Omg you must've performed some sorta epic voodoo xD I'm glad you managed to get it working at least, but I wish I knew what kinda wizardry went down to make it happen, haha.

That makes it even weirder that it somehow works when it didn't before >.< I am so confused right now. Computers are weird x3

That's awesome that you've had fun with the game so far though :D 

3 endings without the walkthrough isn't bad at all! I'm a very lazy player, so I'd be checking a guide after getting 1 ending, haha. I made the guide for this cos I figured it's way easier to end up with ending 1 than any of the other ends, and it would get pretty boring going round in circles getting the same one over and over >.<

But… despair is so tasty T_T surely there's enough to have a lil munch x3