Hi! I am dream
I love the art style it is so beautiful, and the story I am in love with it!!!!!
I might repeat a few times to get what I want, heh I got really excited I loved every part of it, I mean it especially since I might get a bit, a BIT obsessed with this stuff heh I really had a lot of fun and I would like some tips of digital art maybe I wanted to make my own VN but art is not good enough when I make it, heh sorry I got really excited sorry!!!
note: after I read what I texted I looked like a fanboy, not that is bad but a bit funny because I do not look like one lol but hey it is good that I reacted like that so really thank you, oh and I AM NOT AGAINST THE LGTB PEOPLE MY COMMENT DOWN THERE WAS ABOUT FEMALE CHOICE EXISTING !!!!!!!!!
I need to learn how to comment better so I am sorry that I am wired like I am a loner and all so IDK how to speak to people