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Just finished the game on Android.

The incomplete ver. or demo is a mess. Crashes so often, and that is the worst thing on a phone in my experience. The big problem from that is the loss of progress and having to repeat fights.

Played on computer and it worked fine.

I don't think the 9.96 ver. would be qualified as finished though. That version seems to still have some spelling errors. So maybe if the Part 2 shows up, this will get a Remaster. Some finishing touches or something. So besides that picky remark, I had fun playing the game.

I would like to see the Android version get fixed or patched so it doesn't crash. I have two different phones and neither prevented a crash, if that's even the right way to describe it, a game spontaneously blacking out then closing. The computer ver. worked fine so it may just need some adjusting.

The game's story is fun but feels like it's rushing me on to the end of the story and forcing me to make decisions that lead to, for me, to many close calls. The most recent memory that still gives a heart attack is the moment that I am told I need 500 by the end of the month, that made me focus on making money more which took from my fights and training. On Android this drove me crazy, because the crashes would occur more near the later parts. To much stress.

Personally I did not come into playing this game expecting it to give me so much choice, the only thing I don't agree with is the Antihero stuff, because that should most times be just called a Villain's choice. They give us the choice to NTR and force yourself on others in way that really doesn't match most Antiheros and they are generally not known to force themselves on anyone. Anti-hero stuff for me definitely revolves around killing when a hero would just live and let live, but seriously no hero not even an Anti would do what I was offered in a decision.

So aside from the Android having seriously bad crashes, the game is fun on computer. My only problem with this game was the NTR and general messed up or genuinely immoral stuff. Just so you know, I am fine with kinks, but that stuff enrages me.

I rate the game 4 out of 5 in it's entirety. But the Android Demo needs fixing badly. I'm actually scared to buy the 9.96 ver. on Android because of how bad it was.

So Rebootlove, great job with the game. You definitely know how to make a fun one. Just please try to work on the Android version a bit more please? It really needs it. Also sorry for this ridiculously long comment.

I had no complains about android so far, it's weird that you had that problem twice.

Genex Love is a great game. I just want to play it on Android when I am on trips.

The reason I even have two phones was in two parts, I needed to get a new one to keep up with the times, and I thought getting a phone with more memory and whatever else would make it easier to play these types of games. This is only recently been a problem, so I honestly don't know if the game and my phones specifically don't get along or if there is something off with the Android version.

"Last time I checked, it worked well on my Galaxy S9 (a 6-year-old phone; yeah, I take care of my phone, and getting a new one is expensive down here). Most players shouldn't have any problems playing the game. Many of them use 'Joiplay,' though I'm not familiar with how it performs. But yeah, most players won't have issues, so it's probably just your two unlucky phones."

Then pardon me when I say damn it all.

Still enjoy the game, hope things go well in your life and in development.