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This is great! Very fun way to frame the gameplay mechanics. The one vertical attack that stretches across the whole screen isn't tree-themed, though, and I couldn't tell what the apples were at first (I think making them a more bright shade of red would help). Those are pretty small nitpicks, though. Overall, I think you've done great work with this. I'm also impressed that you made a dialogue system.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! Here's a fun fact regarding the vertical attack: this was my first time doing art for a project since I had no artist helping. While most sprites turned out fairly well, the vertical attack was a big challenge for me. It was MEANT to be a giant tree trunk stomping on the player, but every iteration i made of the sprite made it look like literal poop 💀 And the tree's facial expression while using the attack DEFINITELY didn't help. I thought maybe I was overthinking it and I could get away with it, but the first thing my friend pointed out when i showed it to them was that it looked like the tree was pooping 💀 Ultimately i decided to stop wasting my time trying to make it look good and just abstracted it to a rectangle
(The apple's coloring was from me trying to stick to basic color palette of around 6 or so colors throughout the whole level, In hindsight yeah i should've bent the rules a bit for that sprite... 😅🍎)