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Hello. This was alot different then I thought I was going to play. Thats a good thing here


Im going to be real here and say that this game had high highs and low lows. The game play was the most fun I have had in this game jam for sure because you have a game play loop in it. But as much as I can say that I liked what you did for the gameplay it doesnt say much about the rest of the game. The story was almost not there. I mean i get that there was a story but me and my friend were puzzling to see it. The dialogue for the end was the only reason I know what the game was about because it was hard if not inpossible to see the story before it. Is the story good even after knowing it? Not really. The whole theme of that bird was pretty wierd. The theme I didnt really see. Saying that the background music that plays on the ocean is the song of the sea is not really what I was aspecting. I did like the art style from the view art pieces that were in there.

Final thoughts are that you need to look at your story writting. As I have said your game was the most fun in gameplay for sure. You just have to work on world building. Hope to see you around my friend.


Hey thanks for giving it a go! It’s a huge change from what I normally do haha. My last game had a lot of writing, I love writing -probably too much - and I was worried I was relying on it too much. So as a personal challenge I really tried to not have any text in this one except where necessary. Sorry if it felt confusing or not engaging, it’s all a learning curve. I love using these jams to take big risks and try very new things. I love playing survival / resource collecting type games and so I gave it a go haha.  Always appreciate constructive feedback.