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(2 edits) (+1)

A little love letter to 'Distort'
I think it's safe to say that this game was one if not the best of yours yet. The atmosphere was so dense you could almost not breath. Lost in space/ trapped on a space ship with hostile alien is a setting rarely seen, sadly, because I believe it to be one of the most effective in all of of horror, given that it almost always gives you this 'isolated' feel. This game not only does convey this feeling perfectly but also manages to have a short, yet understandable story through environmental storytelling with easy yet satisfying mechanics like opening/ closing doors that make the level building feel more natural.
It reminded me a little of Alien Isolation, my favourite ever horror game! I also had a horror game in mind like that, with a few prototypes that never worked out as I wanted, but you nailed the atmosphere here.
All in all even though I would've wished for it to be longer and the alien to be more of a threat, still an outstanding game, I expected no less ;)

All the best


This comment warmed my heart, for real I felt super happy! Thank you Lolscrubs!
As a game developer and a huge fan of yours, I deeply appreciate the gesture of supporting me, being so generous with words and really understanding what I was trying to do with this one. I do always "defend" short games, because they are important for building up the future projects and will small experiments like this I am able to bring fun. Your comparison of "Aline Isolation" might be the best compliment I've got. Thank you, for real, thanks for being a great person. Best to you and I do hope to see more of your projects as well 🙌🙌🙌