The idea behind this is great lol, I really liked playing it! I would have played it more if I wasn't afraid of breaking my laptop keyboard.
- Visuals: The hacking! The pop ups! It's perfect for what it is.
- Audio: Love it, I'm guessing early 2000s Y2K era influence?? It felt like it would fit right in with a dreamcast minigame, at least.
Engagement: I am going to be team pro "switch to mouse". It provides a frantic tension to the game that would be sorely missing if you took it out. It's great to always be on guard and be ready to switch on a moment's notice, in my opinion.
Spectator Appeal: This will be a great one to watch others play for sure, especially as they get it. I would recommend bringing some sort of disposable keyboard to the live event, because it's gonna get mashed.
Ease of learning: basically the same feedback as engagement. My one big thing: for the passwords with exclamation marks, it's especially easy to hit "Enter" instead of "Shift" to get the "!". When that happens, it seems like the player loses focus away from the input box, but that's not immediately obvious. I'd see if there was a way to either avoid that from happening altogether, or give some visual cue that the player needs to click on the input field again.