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i really love the ability to just straight up kill Rohan. like, i absolutely hate their entire character and don't give a shit about any of their justifications (not a criticism of the game, to be clear. they're well enough written) 

the fact they're a love interest would mean, in most cases of this type of game, that the MC would be expected to just forget what Rohan did and what happened, so i was pleasantly surprised when the option came up to murder them. 

i understand this is probably not the good choice, but it just feels way more real to me than any other option would be, like forgiving them or letting them live. 

i guess what i'm saying is i like the option to be an angry, vengeful person. it's a pleasant change from some other games like this, and is very satisfying as a gameplay experience. 


Personally, I very much enjoyed the ability to hate them, to hit them, etc., and then let them live, because like. Nobody would expect you to forgive someone who cut off your arm.

It's one of those things where I find the 'I hate your guts and in any other circumstance I wouldn't tolerate you' dynamic so interesting. But other things matter more to my MC in this case, and they don't want to just be the big scary murderer.


yeah, i get that, but i probably didn't word my point as well as i should have, cause like, it's not exactly about the killing of rohan per-se. 

like yeah, hitting them but letting them live is cool and all, but the ability to remove them from the story by killing them is what i really appreciate. 

i guess what im saying is the praise im giving the story is more structural than plot based.

again, though, totally valid. i think that i said in my earlier comment that killing them is probably the wrong decision.

also sorry if this reply is weird, i like talking about this and felt like clarifying, but i get you might not have wanted or expected a response, so sorry bout that. 


Oh, no, I got what you were saying entirely. It's the power of that choice - the fact that your character can be so hurt and not even be unjustified in it - and thus altering the trajectory of the story forever.


oh yeah, exactly

guess I was the one who didn't get your point then, lol