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A member registered Sep 21, 2022

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oh yeah, exactly

guess I was the one who didn't get your point then, lol

yeah, i get that, but i probably didn't word my point as well as i should have, cause like, it's not exactly about the killing of rohan per-se. 

like yeah, hitting them but letting them live is cool and all, but the ability to remove them from the story by killing them is what i really appreciate. 

i guess what im saying is the praise im giving the story is more structural than plot based.

again, though, totally valid. i think that i said in my earlier comment that killing them is probably the wrong decision.

also sorry if this reply is weird, i like talking about this and felt like clarifying, but i get you might not have wanted or expected a response, so sorry bout that. 

i really love the ability to just straight up kill Rohan. like, i absolutely hate their entire character and don't give a shit about any of their justifications (not a criticism of the game, to be clear. they're well enough written) 

the fact they're a love interest would mean, in most cases of this type of game, that the MC would be expected to just forget what Rohan did and what happened, so i was pleasantly surprised when the option came up to murder them. 

i understand this is probably not the good choice, but it just feels way more real to me than any other option would be, like forgiving them or letting them live. 

i guess what i'm saying is i like the option to be an angry, vengeful person. it's a pleasant change from some other games like this, and is very satisfying as a gameplay experience. 

Oooh, okay, the problem was I didn't have my mouse plugged in. So thank you, but also just to let you know you can't actually set pronouns if you don't have a mouse, which probably doesn't happen much but you might want to check? Or maybe I'm just an idiot and there's some other way to scroll that I just don't know, in which case sorry to bother you.

Okay, I've read your pronoun fix thing, but the problem is that when i set them in the popup screen that comes up there is no button to go back to the page with the gender selector to click next, and if I just click of the screen or hit x it doesn't save and the error message shows up on the next page. Sorry for complaining, otherwise your game is great, i just didn't see anyone actually answer properly how to do this from the position I'm in, just that they need to set them.