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ew AI


I'm working on a hand-drawn version by me but it will take a long time until it is finished and it won't be professional art. Keep an eye out if you are interested.


Why are people downvoting this comment, it's cool that you are working on a hand drawn version, makes me feel more ok supporting this game knowing that the AI stuff is placeholder and not the final product. The AI art is currently the biggest flaw  this game has. 

Also why are you getting downvoted for saying you are making a hand drawn version? Like what? 


I don't know, I guess haters gonna hate.


The Artstyle doesn't really matter.
The Game stands on its own legs. I found your game unfamiliar with the genre then switched to slay the spire and returned since the gameplay is more interesting here. The art is not the driving factor. at least not for me.