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So no rebuttal, just your usual insults. Got it. You keep calling everyone kids who don't agree with you, yet you can't even act like an adult. You act more like a school yard bully. But what ever works for you my guy. 

(1 edit) (+1)

You get called "kid" because you act like one, sorry if that's insult to you.. grow up, start acting like an adult and people won't call you "kid".. 


At the end of the day, you can keep repeating the same stuff over and over again thinking that people will believe you or something, i don't really know, but the facts are that i proved you wrong in every aspect of this conversation and you don't know how to defend yourself, but at the same time, you don't have the balls to be an actual adult and admit you were in the wrong... I see that the whole conversation with you was completely pointless, because you don't even bother to read what i reply to you (while keep saying that you want an adult conversation) and you apparently aren't grown enough to realize your mistakes and fix them... I won't bother with you anymore, you proved that you are just another arrogant person that doesn't bring any value to this community... Just a pathetic guy following his leader in order to receive attention and approval just so he can feel better.