While the answer to this is "quality", this is not about the size of the files, but the number of files. There is an arbitrary limit to web games of 1000 files in the zip. The limit once was 500.
As far as I understood and remember it, the reasoning was stated as, if you do an export and your crap non-web-optimised engine will resort to export thousands of files, the user experience will be better, if you do not use a web export of an engine that does not optimise this and just lazily dumps all, but instead provide a downloadable file.
I honestly do not grasp the reasoning, since if the files are in the zip, only the size of the zip should matter. But I also saw that a thing like rpg maker just uses very large amounts of files - for download versions no less. But I also know a html game which has a download size of maybe 20mb and includes over 10k files, but I do not know how to play it as a zip. And yes, having multiple versions of the game on my hard disk did slow down my computer for certain file operations. (The game is not on Itch. But I think it is hosted somewhere as a web game. This 1000 file limit is an arbitrary Itch thing and has little to do with tech capability or how game engines work or are supposed to work ).