tag exclusion is not in high demand
For the record: Even though I made a friggin client side button to use the existing tag exclusion, I practically never ever use it. It is not as helpfull, as one might think. The only use it has, would be to thin out the first page of browse from horror games. But this does not help, since the first page of popular browse does not change much either way over some days. And as soon as I do select a tag or three, what use has it to filter out games? I am perfectly capable of deciding if I would like a game or not by looking at the description or even glancing at the cover image and short text. If that tag I do not like is on top of the tags I did select, then maaaaabye the games featuring that tag are what I am actually looking for, even though I do not like that tag.
But this is just my take on it. I am sure many people would find a use for negative tag filtering.