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Exclude tags feature

A topic by EnderGallade created Apr 06, 2023 Views: 1,794 Replies: 25
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Please add an "exclude tag feature" in the settings that filter out tags that you don't want to see. This can be useful for excluding sexy stuff, scary stuff, etc. in case someone doesn't want to see them. Especially the thumbnails.


It would be nice if it was a part of the profile settings and allowed for multiple tags to get excluded without having to change anything when searching.


What is the reason for them ignoring all these requests to get Tag Exclusion added? It's so frustrating. I literally can't use this platform to find new games because for very game I might be interested in, it's buried in between 100 horror or NSFW games. 

Hi, I have no idea how to contact you in general but here it goes. I have a problem with purchasing your fall sale bundle with 4 of your latest games. I am unable to pay through the website and have tried several times with different techniques to make sure I have done it correctly and so on. I don't have PayPal and chose the contactless card route and using the right currency etc. Is there a way I can pay you for this bundle in any other way, or do I just need to get PayPal and get on with it once and for all.

Nevermind I bought the bundle with a PayPal account.

You can comment on their game page. No need to necro such an old thread with off-topic comment :/

Okay thank you for the advice.

We shall see, if there is any improvments, when the new search features roll out. At least there were hints, that they are working on some things. The suggestions in the search box were the beginning.

Always funny, when people complain about the lewd stuff. Is there not a check box, they had to click to see that stuff in the first place? ;-) (It is funny, because there are several identical complain threads for the mature content - content people clicked they wanted to see and forgot they did so)

There is the old method of adding a single exclude to the search. Hence that thread about multiple exclusions. Single exclusions are possible, but not very user friendly.

For a more client side and manual approach, there might be something coming up, for Chrome users. I am nearly ready to release an unofficial extension, where you can filter out stuff. But it does not work on tags, but you can use it to have a similar effect.

Basically you would navigate to the tag you do not want to see and click through the first few pages on browse to collect the most popular games. A few hundred will be enough, so maybe 10 page scrolls. Rinse repeat for all you do not want. And then add the stuff you already have in your collections. For new popular games you can add them one at a time.

I believe a better approach would be to just add all the stuff you do not want to see one by one, if you did search for something you like. Especially the popular tags like horror and visual novels are often added for things that barely qualify. So blanket ignoring those tags might not what you actually want to do.

So. Uhm. I made the thing. The feature was of course coded by Leafo, but if there is a doodad to activate it besides typing or copy pasting it, I have missed it so far. 

It is an unpacked chrome extension and adds a button and a box to use the feature. You still have to type the tag, but it will stay there until you clear it.


This is a must have to drastically shrink down search lists, there is a lot of stuff I don't want showing up since I don't care for those things, yet they clutter up the search pages making it hard to find things


6 years ago leafo made a quick addition to exclude one tag through the search bar. 2024 and there still hasnt been any effort to integrate this into the site, or even just simply make it possible to exclude multiple tags.


I just wanna exclude horror and furry at the same time, please!

it didn't work for me or this feature completely disabled by site

You need to be logged in for the feature to work. It does work.

If you do not want to enter it in the url, I made two browser extensions. One is an unpacked chrome extension to enter the tag to exclude and have it persitently. The other is a tampermonkey script to exclude any of the genres by click of button.


6 years ago is the last time anyone even made an effort to add the most basic of features, tag filtering. A post from 2 years ago asked once again for them to add tag filtering, they just answered with a link to the old post. it's 2024 and they still refuse to do the most basic ass tag filtering this is just pathetic

(1 edit)

Care to name one game hoster that has such a feature, except Steam?

I tried to find one, and could not. Most sites do not even have tags to begin with.

Before these discussions here, I did not even know that Steam had such a feature.

It would be helpful, sure, but I disagree that this is the most basic of features. I do not think it is as high in demand as some people think it is.

Did you tell Itch with the feedback button that you would like to have such a feature? This is not about refusal, it is about other features being easier and cheaper to implement, and more in demand and Itch not having such a big budget, what with all the advertisement that is not happening and all the subscription fees that are not existant.

Before they put developers on a stable tag exclusion they better put them to work on a better malware detection and hacked account prevention and detection. I see a complain thread about tag exclusion every few weeks. I see hacked accounts several times a week, but practically no complain threads from the hacked accounts.


Ok so you both say tag exclusion is not in high demand yet you also say each week there is a post asking for it. How can both be true?

Also why do you exclude steam? we should not take into account Steam just because it is the biggest and most successful game hosting platform? For sure we can't take the example epic is doing since their only strategy is throwing free shit with their fortnite money and don't improve their storefront in any way.

Also I am saying basic because if you have a tag system yet you can not filter out tags what is the point? 6 years ago they did a fast fix to filter 1 tag, what is so hard to implement that in the site itself?

And you talk about malware protection and account hacking, are the hacked accounts being pulled from their servers or are users just putting poor passwords? Account hacking is not always a site problem and it is usually a user problem

How can both be true?

People do not make threads about being content and happy. But some do make threads about something they would very much like or dislike. So if you have 1000 people and only 10 want those features, you might see a couple threads about the topic, but this is not saying that the other 990 would also like the feature or see a use in it. So while those few people making the threads might like that feature very much, all the rest pretty much would not care either way.

It is similar to horror games. Often seen in conjunction with tag exclusion. You see complaints about the horror games. Yet those games are still the most popular genre on Itch. So the complain threads, while visible, are actually the minority. As is often so in real life with non-gaming topics.

And basing decisions on the minority's whims is not a good idea. But if of those 1000 people 100 would take the effort to hit that feedback button and ask for that feature, demand would be high and the feature would be higher in priority of things to do.

It is pure deduction and speculation of course. There might be other reasons. But since the basic feature was developed in a day and not removed, I strongly suspect it is an imbalance in demand and difficulty to implement: too few people really want it vs. how much time it would take to implement it in a robust non hacky way. Also, rule of improvised solutions. Those hold up for eternity (there already is the feature, and removing more than one tag might not be necessary for many occasions. Or to put another way, you already can exclude horror games).

Also why do you exclude steam?

Because they have a big budget and a vastly different frame work. In the system they have, implenting exlusion probably was an afterthought not taking effort at all. It might even be an emergent property of the system they use. It is so hidden, that I did not even knew it existed, till I found discussions on Itch about this tag exluding thingy.

Plus, people act, like this feature is sooo common. It is not. If it is, name game hosting sites that have it. I tried to find some, I could not.

what is so hard to implement that in the site itself

I suspect it really is hard in the framework itch operates. Browsing for tags is urls. It is not a closed filter system. It is not even a closed system, since tags are freestyle. It might be a system to only efficiently generate a cross section of sets. Show item if it is in set A and in set B. If you introduce filtering to remove items from result, if it is in set C, you would have to make an additional pass at the results, for each filter, as otherwise you would have to crosssect it with a set of ALL-C. Which might be possible, but also possible would double the catalogue size.

So my guess is, they would have to change bits of the framework or do some ugly after process hacking that might work for single exclusion, but would be even more ugly for multiple exclusions.

are the hacked accounts being pulled from their servers or are users just putting poor passwords? Account hacking is not always a site problem and it is usually a user problem

Credential theft. Look up cookie theft. Not even 2fa will protect against it. If malware has access to your client's files, the browser's files are not protected against this, because windows architecture is crap for decades.

So if you are logged into your accounts, be it discord, itch or other things, like social media, the malware simply steals your session. Itch's hacked account detection is demsontrably not up to the task, otherwise the malware posted on itch would not be posted on hacked accounts so often. Or maybe the malware is even able to upload from the hacked client, making it near impossible to detect the hacking. I do not know. I only see the results: malware on hacked accounts. People download the malware, and since Itch is a legit site with lot's of amateur devs, some warnings might be ignored - if the malware even gets detected. Then the circle begins anew. You can read here for a recent example. The user did not understand what happened. And worse, the hacked account, where the malware was hosted, was a real developer with some games on it. On the plus side it looks, like the user did not get hacked. But this happens every day, and if Itch has free capacity of developers I would rather have them work primarily on preventing this, and secondary on projects like filter improvements.

tag exclusion is not in high demand

For the record: Even though I made a friggin client side button to use the existing tag exclusion, I practically never ever use it. It is not as helpfull, as one might think.  The only use it has, would be to thin out the first page of browse from horror games. But this does not help, since the first page of popular browse does not change much either way over some days. And as soon as I do select a tag or three, what use has it to filter out games? I am perfectly capable of deciding if I would like a game or not by looking at the description or even glancing at the cover image and short text. If that tag I do not like is on top of the tags I did select, then maaaaabye the games featuring that tag are what I am actually looking for, even though I do not like that tag.

But this is just my take on it. I am sure many people would find a use for negative tag filtering.


I'm kind of baffled by the hostility towards suggesting this feature. If people can find games they can give Itch money. If they can't they won't. "Only the most successful storefront by far has this feature" is not an argument in the slightest.


That's a reaction to all the people claiming "everyone else has it" when that's clearly false. And possibly to all the people showing hostility towards the dev team, as if they weren't aware of this feature request for years and didn't want to improve the site.

Seriously, it blows my mind that after all this time no one's thought that since it hasn't been done yet, there must be a good reason.


Sadly devs have never communicated the "good reason" for years a simple post or message with an explanation like: with the current code it is impossible or something like that would do wonders


Yeah pages and pages of effort defending not doing it in vague leaning-hostile terms vs "Yeah it's a good idea but we can't", or "all our coders died and we're just letting the site run until the costs of hosting are higher than the revenue."

Actually I do not remember any official statement about this. But this is just policy. Itch does not make official statements about most things. This is public community. While leafo sometimes posts here and even sometimes makes announcements, a thing like stating reasons for anything, is rather rare. Maybe for something concrete, like size limitations. But for features or lack thereof, no.

So all this is community speculations and discussion. But try to deduce from these three facts:

Single tag exclusion was developed by leafo in less than a day some six years ago.

The feature was not removed since then.

But not expanded upon either.

My deductions are, that single exclusion was super easy, and multiple exclusion is too much of a hassle to implement compared to the demand. They have server statistics, they know how often single tag exclusion is used.

And more imporantly, they know how many people used the feedback button to suggest features. The very first topic of the feedback button drop down box is feature request.


And where is the feedback ? i seriously can not find it

(1 edit)

Hahaa. I fell for that too. Be sure to give this as a feedback too!

The button is on the left side in your settings and profile and some other pages (like communty - when replying to a post - as well). But you can't see it, because the CSS of the website is hiding it. It does not show the button, if your zoom is too high. Reduze the size of the site, so that there are more absolute pixels for width.

I also lose the feed and community button everytime there is a sale. They get pushed under the search box.

If they can't even do this properly, do you really expect them to introduce proper tag exclusion, as a gui element? Now that I think about it, maybe that is the real reason ;-) They do not want to redesign the page to accomodate for negative searching.

Not even Steam does this good. I had to search for the exclusion feature there. First I would have to enter search by searching blank and hitting enter to even see the filtering by tags and other stuff. Every tag of their limited list has a checkbox on the left and barely visible on the right a minus sign.

On Itch there is a dropdown tag box that is write in on top. Many people do not even know that you can freely write a tag in there. It took me months to realize that.